Vice President Bill Jagust called the November meeting to order at 2:00 with the Pledge of Allegiance and a welcome to all.
The Smartt Field runway extension was discussed. Bill said he attended the November 14th meeting of the St. Charles County Council. There were some 20-25 airport supporters in attendance, but were outnumbered by a horseshoe throwing club. He asked for our continued
support at the November 28 meeting.
It was announced that the annual Christmas party will be held on December 3, 2005. Due to the guest speaker providing his services for free, the ticket prices hit a new low of $12.00. Volunteers to help clean up and decorate the ARC on the 27th were solicited.
Donations to get Bill Blake's name on the Memorial Wall were within reach of the required $350.00, so the Chapter will make up any difference. The money needed to be sent in soon in order to get Bill's plaque on the wall by the 2006 AirVenture.
The Chapter sent a memorial for Roger Moore's son, who passed away in October.
Ernie Buzard earlier discovered that the bbq grill was in dire straits, so we asked for a vote on replacing it. The members approved a maximum expenditure amount of $700.00 (we are expecting a really good grill). Rick Galati volunteered to research grills and purchase a new one.The large storage box is halfway painted, thanks to the Saturday ARC elves.
Gary Kasten volunteered to assume the telephone hotline duties from Ted Boerding. Thanks for doing a great job all these years, Ted!
Treasurer-elect Jim Hann said we threw our name in the hat to host the Ford Tri-Motor tour next year. There are some pretty stiff requirements (a hangar with an 80-foot wide door, for one), but if we work together with the Alton chapter, we might pull it off.
The meeting adjourned at 3:05 pm so the members could participate in a weight-and-balance demo, using Dave McGougan's newly re-engined Ridge Runner. Good reports from that effort!