Sunday, November 26, 2006
November 26, 2006 Meeting Minutes
Visitors and guests were introduced and recognized.
Hopefully, we will gain more members from this meeting!
Librarian mr. bill broached the subject of some new bookshelves for our pilot lounge/tv room/
library. These shelves will cost the chapter about $200.00, and will hold all our back issues of
"Sport Aviation" and other literature. The expenditure was approved by the members.
Membership committee chairman Gale Derosier proposed the creation of a member's book. This
book will be given to all current members, as well as being a good start for brand new members.
Using another chapter's book as a model, Gale will gather information from various sources on
items like the contents of the library, available tools for loan, chapter bylaws, hangar information, and much more. Jim Bower will put the original copy of the book together, and get a price on having the book printed. As a start, the membership approved a $200.00 initial expenditure for this. Additional books will be printed as required.
In January, our chapter will once again take part in the Midwest Aviation Conference and Trade
Show (1/19 through 1/21). See Karsten for details.
The membership voted to lower annual dues from $60.00 to $36.00. Several members re-upped right then, before we changed our minds! In addition, a new youth rate of $18.00/year was approved. This will apply to the children of current EAA members until they reach their 18th birthday.
Everybody was reminded about the Christmas party (on December 2). The ARC had already
been cleaned and some decorations were hung.
Ron Burnett talked about the fund raising coupon program, particularly Schnuck's new method.
Everybody who signs up for it gets a card, and each time the card is presented at the checkout
counter, we get 1% of the final amount. Unfortunately, it's not 4% like previously, but the upside is that we never have to buy coupons...the card is good any time.
Steve Morse has a list of proposed tool purchases and is asking for interested members to
help him form a committee to decide which tools to buy for the chapter and set priorities, and how much money is available. See Steve for more information.
Some chapter offices have gone unfilled for some time, but now Troy Townsend has agreed to be
the Chairman of the Board of Directors, and Dave McGougan is our new Member-at-Large.
Treasurer Jim Hann wants to remind everyone that the treasurer's report is available online in the Members Only section of the website, as well as directly from Jim upon request.
The meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted, Jim Bower - Chapter 32
Sunday, October 22, 2006
October 22, 2006 Meeting Minutes
Karsten began the October meeting with the Pledge.
The Christmas party will take place on Saturday, December 2. We are looking for someone to chair the party. The Dohertys volunteered to put up the lights, and we’ll need others' help to prepare the ARC.
Karsten suggested that we sell the turbine on Ebay, and asked for other suggestions. Dave McGougan moved to sell. We also have a booth in the hangar for which we are trying to decide upon a fate. Sale is an option, or we could bring it to the ARC where we could work on it. The observation was made that an ice fisherman might make use of this booth. We decided to table this until January since we do not want it in the way during our party.
The Silver Swallows sent us a thank-you note for our Young Eagles activities during their annual event. Ernie noted that the Open House was mentioned in the Post-Dispatch.
Gale received a DVD from EAA of the recent Memorial Wall ceremony which now includes the name of our own Bill Blake.
Ideas were put forth for ARC purchases. Items mentioned included a magneto timing light, nicopress, cable tensionometer, dimpler, projector, TIG welder, stationary compressor, and a load link. Gale had, in his records, a previously composed list of items, so this topic has come up before. The suggestion was made to put a poll on the Yahoo board.
We are also looking for members to staff committees.
Troy Townsend will act as Chairman Of The Board,
Dave McGougan will be Member At Large. Bob
Gonzalez volunteered to lead up ARC Maintenance.
Check, Officer’s page for other open positions.
Marlen Gas sent a letter asking us to pay a tax on our gas tank. We moved, seconded, and voted to refill the tank. The expense should be around $500. We also voted on lowering the dues. The amount proposed was $36. Karsten also suggested eliminating prorating of dues. Motion was made and seconded. Look for the final proposal in the newsletter, we’ll vote on this on December 2.
John Taipen addressed the group regarding EAA’s KidVenture. Participation in this program is growing fast and the national organization is looking to into its further growth. John will be attending a meeting to discuss a concept known as “My First Logbook”. This will include 7 learning stations covering rules, weather, navigation, human factors, preflight, a Young Eagles
flight or time in a simulator, then post-flight. The simulator time will be the first entry in the participant’s official log. We’ll be hearing more about this soon. John’s wife, Nora, also attended the meeting. She’s an opera singer and a violin teacher: sounds like education is a common interest in that family. Speaking of family Jim Hann’s daughter also visited us in October. It’s
never too soon to start hanging out with the right crowd.
Gary Kasten gave a status report on the Food Coupon fundraiser. $2500 in sales last month netted $100 for EAA32. The Schnuck’s program will be changing in the near future. You’ll get an ID card, and when you pay in any form you’ll show your card and EAA32 will get the donation. If you have existing cards you can continue to use them: they’ll be good for one year. Also, check
the website, as new cards are available for various stores and restaurants in the area such as Home Depot, Blockbuster, Macy’s, Sears, Olive Garden, as well as others. (See elsewhere in this issue - ed.)
Steve Morse suggested that KSET’s entry on should include a link to EAA32. Troy will discuss this with Tracy. Speaking of the airport, duck season is starting so please be aware of our neighbors.
Sunday, September 24, 2006
September 24, 2006 Meeting Minutes
The meeting commenced with the Pledge of Allegiance. Ron Wright mentioned that Rita Donaldson's visitation would be held on September 28 at the Warrenton location of the Pitman Funeral Home. There was some uncertanty as to where this will actually be held, as our website mentions the Wright City location, and other people were told that it was to be held in Wentzville. Hopefully it will be straightened out.
Dave Lucas' Acro Sport won several awards, and was on the cover of "Sport Aerobatics" magazine. We acknowledged Dave's achievements, and he was later gifted with a coupon book.
The Chapter's participation in the St. Louis County Fair and Airshow was deemed a success. We made $210.00 profit from soda and water sales. Despite this, a lively discussion ensued as to whether we will participate in future airshows. It is possible next year's airshow will be the last, so this could be a moot point. We have until next spring to defer this issue.
The Chapter earned $1,600.00 for our participation in the B-17 visit. We probably would have done better (we usually do), but another organization's last-minute B-17 visit encroached on our customer base.
President Karsten asked everybody to start thinking about nominations for standing committees. Those will be taken at the October meeting. It might be a good idea to attend that
meeting if you are interested in being on a committee.
Karsten also asked for suggestions as to equipment purchases. Some suggestions are: A large, fixed air compressor, assortment of aircraft hardware, portable swamp cooler, some aviation oil for emergencies. Be thinking about items that would see a lot of usage by various people, but is too expensive to purchase on your own, and suggest them next month.
Visitors were recognized and applauded.
Young Eagles: 106 Young Eagles were flown during the recent Silver Swallows rally. Laura Million has agreed to be our next Young Eagle Coordinator! George Stephenson is highly excited about this event, and wishes her well. Jan McKee announced a YE rally in Alton on September 30. She said they expect a turnout of 4,000 people. Everybody is invited to come and fly, or work the ground crew.
The open house at Greenville Airport on October 6-7 was announced.
Treasurer Jim Hann stated that between our checking and savings accounts, we have more money than we need for normal expenses (actual amount is available upon request). Not only do we not have express purposes for this money, but we may be in violation of the spirit of the 501 (c) 3 rules under which we are a nonprofit organization. Therefore, we are proposing to cut dues in half (to $30.00/year). Ron Wright pointed out that we are required to announce this 2 months prior to voting on it. We only have two more meetings this year, so the vote will take place at the
November meeting. (Note that the November meeting may be held one week earlier (11/19/06) due to Thanksgiving weekend interfering with the normal meeting date.) A lively discussion ensued on this issue, with several dollar amounts being thrown about. Our fund raisers have served us well, and one school of thought says that if enough people buy grocery store coupons, we could reduce dues to $0.00/yr and still be in good shape. Another assumption is that we may
pick up enough "new" members to make up for the dues reduction. Many folks decided the value they recieved from Chapter membership wasn't worth $5.00/month, so they didn't renew. A reminder...this issue will be up for a vote in November.
Dave Doherty said that coupon books will be on sale again. The Chapter will buy 100 books this year. See Dave if you want to buy a book.
Another money saving strategy:
Newsletter printing and mailing costs constitute a significant chunk of our monthly expenses. On a normal month, we are spending $60.00 to $80.00, which amounts to $600.00 to $800.00 per year (remember that there are no newsletters in July and December). This amount can be greatly reduced if all Chapter members who have Internet access would agree to get their newsletter from our website. The bylaws state Chapter membership includes the right to a printed, mailed newsletter, but if someone VOLUNTARILY agrees to get his or her newsletter elsewhere, we can legally remove them from the mailing list. Please note that some people have been getting their newsletters in this manner for many years.
A problem arose when our editor e-mailed the newsletters directly to the members. Often, e-mail addresses were invalid, resulting in the mailings bouncing back, complete with attached newsletter. This was a big issue when dial-upwas being used. We have since posted the newsletter on the Chapter website and notified members via the Yahoo bulletin board. This has been problematic for some people who are not members of Yahoo. Therefore, we will attempt to once again contact our members directly via e-mail, but only to notify them that the newsletter is available on the website and provide a link. We encourage everybody with Internet access to avail themselves of this chance to save money while recieving the newsletter in full color and highest resolution.
Sunday, August 27, 2006
August 27, 2006 Meeting Minutes
Tim Boos, a visiting EAA member from chapter 427 in Jefferson City, introduced himself to the group. He works as an ATC at Columbia Regional, and uses his convenient central location as a jumping off point for visiting chapters in St. Louis and Kansas City.
Several new members also introduced themselves. Mike Piccirilli is working on an RV-6A. Jose Narvaez is a familiar face, having flown Young Eagles for us in the past. Mike Gray, accompanied by his daughter Hannah, has also officially joined up.
With the County Fair and Air Show pending, Ernie put out the call for post-show trailer loaders.
Jerry Geiger joined us and brought a new tool for the collection: a tube beader. It is now available for checkout at the ARC.
Jim Hahn gave the Treasurer’s report. He is looking into a new bank for the chapter’s funds, possibly St. John’s, that will allow on-line bill paying.
George reminded us of the Young Eagles and Ozark Silver Swallows event in September. Regarding Young Eagles events, EAA chapter 864 in Bethalto will have an event on September 30th, with the airport providing gas to Young Eagles pilots. There will also be a car show and chili cook-off.
Ron and Gary reported the biggest order yet of food coupons and a profit of around $200 for the month.
Gale announced that we are still awaiting official word from HQ regarding B17 results, although we know it was a financial success, yielding approximately $1,300 before counting merchandise and extra rides sold.
Ron thanked the chapter for assistance he’s received on his RV-6A project and announced an open invitation for anyone who might like to come and help out in his hangar at Spirit.
Vince reported on the ceremony for Bill Blake at the memorial wall at Oshkosh. Gale added that he’ll be receiving a DVD of the event that he’ll pass on to Martha. Copies are available, and Bill Doherty made a motion to buy a copy for the chapter, seconded by Gale.
An announcement was made regarding Al Donaldson, whose wife is in a nursing home with terminal cancer. The prognosis is uncertain, so please keep them in your thoughts and prayers.
The meeting closed at 2:35, followed by Brent Robbins who made a presentation to the group on turbine powerplants. Thanks to all our intrepid members that lugged the chapter’s very own jet engine from the hangar to the ARC for our inspection.
Sunday, June 25, 2006
June 25, 2006 Meeting Minutes
Jim Bower thanked Dave McGoogan and Leo Lang for jointly volunteering to take on the job as grill chef.
Visitors and guests were recognized.
George Stephenson asked for help for a Young Eagles rally at Greenfield in July. If you can fly or work ground crew, call George for details.
B-17 ride raffle: Dave Deweese's daughter drew the winning ticket. Mr. Dave Turnbaugh is the lucky winner. He will be notified.
Ron Burnett said we had a down month for food coupons, probably due to absenses for vacations, etc. Ron is suggesting a mail order setup so folks don't have to go to the meetings in order to get food coupons. As a reminder, you can buy coupons for all major grocery stores and redeem them at face value. The chapter gets 4% of all sales, so this is a good fund raiser for us.
We thanked George Stephenson for donating the gas welding rig to the chapter.
The meeting was program was planned.
Sunday, May 28, 2006
May 28th, 2006 Meeting Minutes
After the usual bbq lunch, the meeting was called to order by President Karsten, who led us in the Pledge of Allegiance. Leo Lang reminded us about the Smartt Open House on June 10.
Jim Hann gave the treasurer's report.
Dave McGougan brought everybody up to date on the status of the B-17's visit.
Visitors and guests were recognized in our usual ebullient Chapter 32 manner.
A motion to make Gerry Geiger a lifetime member was made, seconded and passed. We love ya, Gerry, and hope you can join us soon.
Bill Blake is now on the memorial wall in Oshkosh. (The editor asks anybody who is going to OSH this year to please take a photo of Bill's plaque so it can be published in an upcoming issue of the newsletter.)
Sunday, April 23, 2006
April 23, 2006 Meeting Minutes
President Karsten led off with a vote on the proposed bylaw changes that were published in the March newsletter and discussed at that meeting. The changes were accepted.
Laura Million announced her web page workshop coming up in May. If anybody is interested in learning how to do a web page, contact her for details.
Dave McGoogan updated the B-17 information. He had a supply of posters and flyers for people to post in businesses and their workplaces.
The Young Eagle rally on Saturday April 22 was a great success, with about 80 kids flown. George thanked all who participated. A huge Young Eagle rally is coming up in Washington (Missouri) on May 13. The folks out there have been publicizing it heavily, so please participate if you possibly can.
This month's visitors were recognized.
Jim Hann gave the treasurer's report.
Ron Burnett had some extra food coupons for sale, and he announced that Gary Kasten is helping him with food coupon sales. The food coupon fundraiser is a great deal, because everybody has to buy food. The chapter gets 4% of sales from the coupons, so you can help the chapter without any expense to yourselves.
The meeting was adjourned for a welding presentation and demonstration by representatives from Lincoln Electric.
Sunday, March 26, 2006
March 26th, 2006 Meeting Minutes
Numerous members took advantage of the fine weather and flew in to the meeting. Karsten and his kids supplied KFC and soda; various other individuals brought side dishes and desserts. A fine feast was had by all (for as long as the food held out).
The meeting began at 2:00 pm with the Pledge of Allegiance, then guests and visitors were introduced and recognized.
Old business:
President Karsten proposed a solution to our water quality problem. For approximately $200.00, we can install two filters that will remove all the impurities causing the stains in the bathroom fixtures. This solution will NOT make the water potable, however. A motion to accept
the proposal was made, voted on, and passed.
Gale Derosier is off the hook with regards to the legal harrasment caused by Hager Hinge. A motion to pay the final legal bill of $175.00 was made and passed. Unfortunately, we have no way of knowing when and if Hager Hinge or any other duck hunters will continue harassing the chapter by legal means, or otherwise.
New business:
Jim Hann presented the treasurer's report to the membership. He said in addition to a monthly verbal report, his binder (containing all account activity) will be available for scrutiny at each meeting he can attend. A motion was made to accept the report, and was passed.
Bob Jude demonstrated the new comm radio he built up from a standard panel-mount VHF radio. The elegant cabinet contains the radio, a battery, speaker, headphone jacks, a PTT switch, and antenna. In addition, a roof-mount antenna is available for longrange use. This radio will be useful during Young Eagle rallys.
George Stephenson and Dave Deweese presented the Young Eagle schedule. We have a rather
ambitious series of rallys this year, and George made a general appeal for pilots and ground crew to help out.
The B-17 is coming. Several Daves are running the show: Deweese, Domeier, McGoogan, and Dougherty. Volunteers are requested to help out with crowd control, souvenier sales, and other jobs. Please see one of the Daves for a sign-up sheet. The chapter voted to purchase one ride
ticket for $360.00. We plan to raffle off the ride for about $1.00 per ticket. This has proven to be a good money-maker in the past.
Rick Galati made a motion for the chapter to purchase a flaring tool. Everybody who builds an airplane needs such a tool for making 37 degree flares in fuel, brake, vent, and pitot/static lines. The tool in question would cost the chapter about $80.00. The main idea is although such a tool is vital, it's fairly expensive to own, given the relative sparse usage each builder will put it to. A shared tool will make much more sense, as long as everybody plays nice. This means it should be
signed out (so people know who has it) and returned as soon as possible so somebody else can use it. The proposal was enthusiastically seconded and approved.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:00 for a general discussion and observation of Jim Hann's RC models.
Sunday, February 26, 2006
February 26th, 2006 Meeting Minutes
President Karsten gave a short report on the state of our bad water issue. He said that we won't be able to get anything for less than $1,000.00.
The Hager Hinge/duck hunter legal issue has not gone away. We are continuing to fight this intrusion, and we voted an additional $600.00 for legal fees.
Upcoming events:
On May 6 Downtown airport will be having an open house; and chapter 32 will participate. There will be Young Eagle flights. June 10th marks the Smartt Field open house in concurrence with International Young Eagle Day. Leo Lang is spearheading this event. He said that several organizations are going to participate, including Missour Pilots. He has yet to get any committment from the Commemorative Air Force as to whether they will be involved. At issue is fuel availability. If the CAF is involved, we can't close that end of the taxiway to enable easier fueling. More to come.
Fund raisers:
Some Entertainment books are still available at a slightly reduced rate.
Jim Bower's wife Donna works for an office supply company that is once again extending an offer to Chapter 32. The chapter will get 1% of annual sales that result from any leads generated by a Chapter 32 member. See elsewhere in the newsletter for more details on this program.
We had a short discussion on whether to publish the treasurer's report in the newsletter, as is written in the bylaws. The contention is that given the aforementioned legal situation, we are not willing to make our financial picture available to the general public. It was suggested that we publish this information in the members-only section of the website. This way, it will be available only to! members in good standing. Obviously, Web Designer Laura will have to monitor who is privy to the password necessary to view this area. We will propose a wording change to the bylaws allowing this to take place.
A member raised the question of whether we can save money by publishing the newsletter online rather than spending money to print and mail hard copies. Newsletter Editor Jim stated that the newsletter is being carried online, and some of our members are taking advantage of that fact. Everybody is entitled to a newsletter, and if they do not wish to view them online
and/or print them at home, they have a right to recieve them via snail-mail. We encouraged everyone to take advantage of the electronic format in order to save money. The February newsletter cost the chapter about $67.00 in combined printing and postage. See elsewhere
in the newsletter for more on this subject.
Visitors were introduced and recognized.
The meeting was adjourned for a fabric covering demonstration.
Respectfully submitted,
Jim Bower, Secretary/Newsletter Editor
Sunday, January 22, 2006
January 22, 2006 Meeting Minutes
The meeting began at 2:00 with the Pledge of Allegiance. Karsten then briefed the group on the letter sent to Bryan Cave in response to their accusations towards Gale. An attorney is on retainer, and the motion was made to cover the fee. The motion passed.
Gale then spoke to the group regarding acquiring a bending brake. Several are available that used to belong to TWA, but now are in the posession of the city of St. Louis who is auctioning them off via silent bids. We agreed to bid on an eight foot brake, a potentially useful item that is a bit too big and heavy for the typical home workshop. In fact, from Gale’s description, it sounds like it’ll take a trailer and a sizable crew to get such a monster into the ARC if and when it
becomes ours.
Karsten then asked the group for nominations for standing committees. The Membership Committee is taken care of: Gale and Dave are already conspiring to expand the ranks. Bill Jagust was nominated to head up the Education Committee, although he has previously compiled a good bit of documentation so that any one of us should be able to act as presenter. George will
again be on the Young Eagles committee but suggested that it might be time for someone new to help out and provide some fresh ideas. Gary Unruh volunteered to work with George in this role. Fund Raising Committee stays in the same hands as well. Ron Burnett and Dave Doherty were both on hand with Dierbergs and Schnuck’s coupons, as well as extra Entertainment coupon books. Dave has some of these left at $25 apiece. There were no nominations for Executive,
Communications Liaison, Safety, or Scholarship committees. If you have an interest in heading up any of these groups please let me or Karsten know.
Young Eagles Pilots are reminded to update their information.
Leo Lang has stepped up as our point of contact with the AOPA. They can be a more effective resource if a member is able to act as a representative of a particular airport.
At this particular moment a buzzer sounded and a yellow light flashed. This was the signal that the sceptic tank was full. As the membership was conveniently present the motion was made to approve the necessary expenditure to have it pumped out. Motion was seconded and approved.
Gale Derosier then introduced new members. Tom McFadden’s been in the area about a year, working as a contractor. When this turned into a permanent position Tom bought a lot at the Troy Air Park and soon his family (currently in Virginia,) will join him. He has a Zenith 601XL homebuilt. Terry Lahey is a Boeing mechanic. He currently flies a 150 but is planning to construct a homebuilt. Neil Wall moved to the area a few months ago and is taking flight lessons. He has a good bit of experience with ultralights and plans to apply his skills to a Sport Pilot category vehicle, something with folding wings. Dave’s Ridge Runner was nearby to provide futher inspiration.
Karsten asked if there was further business, and George asked if we could revisit the water purification issue we discussed in 2005. We went over some of the ideas and concerns covered at that time and agreed to bring this up again at our February meeting.
Roger Moore brought up an RV-4 issue. He was looking at his firewall and found cracks near the attachments. When he called to report this to Van’s they suggested this was the result of flying from a rough, grass strip, (despite the fact that the plane has always flown from asphalt,) and also denied knowledge of similar problems, (even though Roger knew of several similar
instances). This is apparently an issue with early RV-4’s since the firewall was been redesigned.
Jim Hahn arrived in full pilot regalia, having landed scarcely a half an hour before. He fulfilled his role as the new treasurer by reminding us that dues are, well, due. He’ll have a treasurer’s report for us at the next meeting.
Gale asked if someone could build a box for a 2-way radio we have available at the ARC. It needs a battery and a speaker, and would be handy to have at Young Eagles events for communicating with pilots in flight. Bob Jude will take on this project.
This was the last bit of business, after which the meeting adjourned.
Thanks to VP Dave for taking great minutes - ed.