Karsten began the October meeting with the Pledge.
The Christmas party will take place on Saturday, December 2. We are looking for someone to chair the party. The Dohertys volunteered to put up the lights, and we’ll need others' help to prepare the ARC.
Karsten suggested that we sell the turbine on Ebay, and asked for other suggestions. Dave McGougan moved to sell. We also have a booth in the hangar for which we are trying to decide upon a fate. Sale is an option, or we could bring it to the ARC where we could work on it. The observation was made that an ice fisherman might make use of this booth. We decided to table this until January since we do not want it in the way during our party.
The Silver Swallows sent us a thank-you note for our Young Eagles activities during their annual event. Ernie noted that the Open House was mentioned in the Post-Dispatch.
Gale received a DVD from EAA of the recent Memorial Wall ceremony which now includes the name of our own Bill Blake.
Ideas were put forth for ARC purchases. Items mentioned included a magneto timing light, nicopress, cable tensionometer, dimpler, projector, TIG welder, stationary compressor, and a load link. Gale had, in his records, a previously composed list of items, so this topic has come up before. The suggestion was made to put a poll on the Yahoo board.
We are also looking for members to staff committees.
Troy Townsend will act as Chairman Of The Board,
Dave McGougan will be Member At Large. Bob
Gonzalez volunteered to lead up ARC Maintenance.
Check EAA32.org, Officer’s page for other open positions.
Marlen Gas sent a letter asking us to pay a tax on our gas tank. We moved, seconded, and voted to refill the tank. The expense should be around $500. We also voted on lowering the dues. The amount proposed was $36. Karsten also suggested eliminating prorating of dues. Motion was made and seconded. Look for the final proposal in the newsletter, we’ll vote on this on December 2.
John Taipen addressed the group regarding EAA’s KidVenture. Participation in this program is growing fast and the national organization is looking to into its further growth. John will be attending a meeting to discuss a concept known as “My First Logbook”. This will include 7 learning stations covering rules, weather, navigation, human factors, preflight, a Young Eagles
flight or time in a simulator, then post-flight. The simulator time will be the first entry in the participant’s official log. We’ll be hearing more about this soon. John’s wife, Nora, also attended the meeting. She’s an opera singer and a violin teacher: sounds like education is a common interest in that family. Speaking of family Jim Hann’s daughter also visited us in October. It’s
never too soon to start hanging out with the right crowd.
Gary Kasten gave a status report on the Food Coupon fundraiser. $2500 in sales last month netted $100 for EAA32. The Schnuck’s program will be changing in the near future. You’ll get an ID card, and when you pay in any form you’ll show your card and EAA32 will get the donation. If you have existing cards you can continue to use them: they’ll be good for one year. Also, check
the website, as new cards are available for various stores and restaurants in the area such as Home Depot, Blockbuster, Macy’s, Sears, Olive Garden, as well as others. (See elsewhere in this issue - ed.)
Steve Morse suggested that KSET’s entry on Airnav.com should include a link to EAA32. Troy will discuss this with Tracy. Speaking of the airport, duck season is starting so please be aware of our neighbors.