The January 28, 2007 meeting of EAA Chapter 32 began promptly at 2:00 with the Pledge of Allegiance. President Karsten had a prior commitment, so VP Dave Deweese ran the meeting.
Several new members and visitors were on hand, despite some extreme cold both inside and outside the ARC (where's global warming when you need it? - ed.).
VP Dave showed us a newspaper article highlighting our own George Stephenson, who occupies himself flying around counting real eagles (when he can't fly Young Eagles). George flies at 500' AGL and about 90 MPH so he can tabulate numbers of our nation's symbol. An interesting aside was that the eagles are fairly dormant during very cold weather, and he stops flying when the eagles start. Good plan.
There will be an ELSA repairman's seminar in the ARC on February 18.
Bob Nuckolls is holding an Aeroelectric Connection seminar at Wick's on March 10 and 11. As of the meeting date, they are looking for 10 more people to attend, or else they will cancel the seminar. We had such a seminar in the ARC a couple of years ago, and it is a very good value to anybody who plans to wire their aircraft. The cost is $175.00/person. Free coffee and doughnuts will be provided, and a catered lunch ($6.00/person) will be available.
Jim Hann presented the treasurer's report.Ron Burnett and Gary Kasten introduced themselves and talked about food coupons and other gift card we have available (such as Lowe's). An order form may be downloaded from our website (
Doug Killebrew proposed researching a more effective heating system for the ARC. We all agreed wholeheartedly, due to the fact that nobody removed their coats and hats during the entire meeting. Obviously, when the weather heats up, we will forget how uncomfortable the facility can be during the cold months, so Doug wants to move swiftly on this.
Chapter secretary Jim Bower thanked everybody who agreed to read the newsletter via the internet instead of getting a paper copy.
NEXT MEETING: Chili Cookoff. Bring your best recipe and let's see who can best feed the troops.
Respectfully submitted,
Jim Bower
EAA Chapter 32 secretary