After an excellent meal featuring a chili cook-off by various members, the February 25 meeting of EAA Chapter 32 began at 2:00 with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Vice President Dave Deweese ran the meeting. We recognized new members and guests (there were several). One visitor requested permission to use the ARC for a group of multiple sclerosis patients. He is a pilot and homebuilder who has MS, works with a pharmaceutical company, and feels that contact with General Aviation and homebuilding would be good for those folks. This seems to be a very worthy cause as well as potentially providing good publicity for Chapter 32, the EAA, and Smartt Field. The group will require adequate parking and handicap-accessible facilities.
Subsequent to our meeting, there was some discussion on the Yahoo board. The crux of the matter is that we will run all this past the EAA to see if there is the possibility of legal problems for us. (Editor's note: The MS group decided our parking facilities weren't up to their needs, so they will go elsewhere.)
John Teipen spoke about some educational issues and requested volunteers for an event at Parks on May 5 featuring a “First Logbook” for kids. This ties into KidVenture, and he is looking for volunteers to staff a booth in Oshkosh. For more information, contact John.
Steve Morse was going to give a PowerPoint presentation on a TIG welder, but we didn’t have the projector. Instead, he talked about welders, and proposed purchasing one (with ancillary equipment) for the ARC. The idea is that interested members can learn to weld, with an eye toward having a small group qualified to use the welding equipment. More research will be done
on this.
Ron Burnett talked about store coupons again.
Jim Hann gave a treasurer’s report.
The meeting was adjourned at approximately 2:45. Bill Jagust gave an interesting demonstration on rib stitching (rib WEAVING, if you will).