June's meeting began with the pledge, secretary Dave Deweese presiding. This month's meeting was sparsely attended as we were not sure if the rising waters of the Mississippi would allow access to the ARC. Fortunately Doug Killibrew was in attendance so we had a fine lunch of bratwursts and hot dogs. Robert Dooley made it, the water is at 31 feet near his home, the lower level is sitting in 5 feet. Laurie of Kilroy's is also innundated and commutes back and forth from work to home on a jet ski.
In Oshkosh news the chapter photo will moved from Saturday to Thursday at 11:00 a.m. Note that our own John Teipen has been heavily involved in KidVenture so be sure to stop by. Per Laura they can always use volunteers. Gale reminded us of the Memorial Wall ceremony for Jerry Geiger.
Dave Lucas and Al Lowe were mentioned as candidates for memorials. This is $350 per person, the deadline is March.
Laura will have a sign-up sheet for August's Young Eagles event. Be sure to sign up so you can get a parking pass. This event will span two days, will start at 8:30, and keep in mind this will be August and most likely rather hot.
Vince Meyer brought in an article from the Journal regarding the flood by reporter Steve Poken. Steve Miles was interviewed. Rich Emery and Steve, using a laser level and using the water in the ditch as a baseline, estimated that the flood would have to rise to 31.5 feet to reach the ARC.
As usual our July meeting will be held at Oshkosh. We voted to move the August meeting up a week to 8/17, the week before the airport open house.