The meeting began at approximately 2:00 pm with the Pledge of Allegiance, Vice President Steve Morse presiding. Our thanks to Doug Killebrew for some expertly grilled pork steaks, and to all of those who brought side dishes.
In old business, Rich Emery voiced a need for some kind of maintenance committee to organize regular work sessions for the upkeep of our building. There were a lot of people involved while the ARC was being built, but they are scarce now, and besides grounds upkeep, things need to be done. The bathrooms are dirty and there is general cleanliness issues that must be addressed. There will be more on this subject at later meetings.
Thanks go to the Dohertys for installing the new door lock. Contact a chapter officer to get the current code to enter the building. Gary Kasten will be arranging for individual six-digit codes to be assigned to each member in good standing. If you want to specify your own code (if it's still available), come to the next meeting. If you do not renew your membership in a given year, that specific number will be disabled and you will no longer have access to the ARC.
We tabled the water issue until the September meeting when President Karsten returns. To date, two bids have been entertained for two different systems of handling potable water in the ARC. As of this writing, the intention is to detail those methods in next month's newsletter so all interest parties can vote intelligently at next month's meeting. In addition, some new bids will be sought.
In new business, John Teipen gave his report from this year's KidVenture in Oshkosh. This is the second year he has presented his material, and said it went very well. (A future newsletter article may be forthcoming.) John presented an award to mr. bill for his outstanding dedication to teaching and service to the EAA. He also thanked all the volunteers from our Chapter.
Laura talked about the open house (August 23 & 24), detailing the schedule, parking, pilot briefings, and other general logistics. Since there will no longer be a Fair and Airshow held at Spirit, the St. Charles County bigwigs have designated Smartt Field as the new venue for such an event.
Dave McGougan gave a short talk on the upcoming 50th anniversary of Chapter 32. He asked for volunteers to speak about their experiences, share old photos, etc. The 50th anniversary celebration will take place on October 26th, immediately following a BRIEF chapter meeting.
The composite seminar that was postponed due to the flood will be held on Saturday, October 11, at 9:00 am. Plan for a good time, including a bbq lunch. Please contact Steve Morse for details. If you expect to participate in the workshop, you must sign up. A signup sheet will be at the September meeting.
The 2008 Chapter 32 Christmas party will be held on Saturday, December 6. We voted to get catering from Kilroy's as in previous years. Times will be announced at a later date, as will the guest speaker Ron Burnett announced that he had some food coupons.
Gary Kasten gave the treasurer's report, and announced that a couple of people had donated money to the chapter in Dave Lucas' name. As a final thought, Gary is looking to hand over the treasurer's duties to somebody else as of the first of the year. If you are interested, please contact him.
New members were recognized and given new member packets.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:20 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Jim Bower for Dave Deweese.