The meeting began with the Pledge.
Karsten asked for visitors and new members to introduce themselves.
Steve Ellert (forgive me if the spelling is incorrect,) was visiting the ARC. Rented an Archer at KSET while in college, and now is trying to get involved in small planes again. He flies 757s and 767s for a living, so his definition of “small” may be fairly liberal. Bob Kramer, a brand-new member, joined the chapter at this meeting.
We discussed shelving, hopefully freeing up some workspace by upgrading to more modern shelving. We will keep an eye out, and accept suggestions, for sources of industrial shelving. Gale Derosier suggested Circuit City. Warehouse of Fixtures in St. Louis may also sell used shelving.
With Ernie’s estate in mind Bob Dooley brought in a ‘do-it-yourself’ NOLO living trust book. He offered to lend this to anyone who might be interested. Several members offered warnings about keeping your estate out of probate. Roger Mann also noted that wills need to be rewritten after divorce. The ultimate fate of Ernie’s property, Karsten says, will take at least half a year to
Rick May, heading up YE ground crew this year, is putting together informational flyers about our pilots to give to passengers. Each document will have a picture of the pilot, his plane, and a short story. Rick is designing a form for pilots to fill out; please contact him and he’ll email you a form.
Doug Killebrew brought up an issue related to our new meeting time, namely food. We are now in breakfast territory, and although some chapters do pancake breakfasts this requires organization. Doug proposes that we meet at Kilroy’s if here early and support our neighbor. We still may barbecue in warm weather, though it might make sense to do this after the meeting,
closer to lunch time. Doug’s willing to cook if someone’s willing to help out.
George brought up the status of the water supply. Gale is looking for better proposals than the 7K and 8K that he’s so far received to tap into the airport water supply by a certified plumber. We have two filters that can be integrated into our current system. These filters will not provide drinkable water but will improve quality, meaning no more stains in the toilets for starters. A
light after the filter needed would kill E Coli.
A motion was made and seconded to close the meeting.
Afterwards Jeff Edwards gave a presentation: “Avoiding the Storm: Flying With Datalink Weather”. Jeff is a former member who dropped out when he got busy with a building project. These days he is president of a Lancair builders organization.
by Dave Deweese, Chapter Secretary