April 2009 Meeting Minutes
By Dave Deweese
Our meeting began with the Pledge, Karsten Kessler presiding.
We recognized visitors, many of whom were members of Chapter 64 in Belleville. We also had some new members. Al Rivera is a long time EAA member, about thirty years, and also flies R/C planes. He works for Flight Safety International and is interested in the Sonex.
Steve (sorry I didn't get your last name,) came here from Texas and sold his RV-6 when he moved. He's now thinking about an RV-12.
Dave McGougan relayed some news from Mike Ziegler, who says our badge making equipment is shot. We'll find a new supplier.
Rick May spoke regarding our next YE event, and was unsure at meeting time of how many pilots we'd have.
We now have water coolers in ARC and Office Area, hopefully our guests will make good use of these.
There's some new information on reimbursing pilots, details will follow as we learn them. Steve Morse also suggests pushing, at National level, covering pilot insurance. This would also help encourage pilot participation.
Karsten announced that the sandblasting cabinet is operational, we will need to hook a vacuum cleaner up to side to use.
New 2009 rosters are available.
Bud loaned us a band saw, all it needs is a blade, and will be better than our existing rig for cutting tubing.
Steve Morse mentioned Bob Jude's passing. One of our first regular YE pilots, Bob also deserves credit for building our radio. Steve and several other members attended the funeral, that included full military honors.
Kilroy's is closing end of May. This rental property came up for bid, and reportedly a catering firm made a bet-ter bid.
In the next couple of weeks the Doherty's frame will be back in the ARC to begin the rebuilding process.
We discussed getting rid of soda machine. A chapter in Kentucky is looking for one. They are located, incidentally, at Lee Bottom field, home to lots of antique planes and a fly-in.
Karsten reports that the ramp is looking nice in front of the hangars (outside of a stray saw cut). We discussed the area outside the main entry to the ARC, which at least needs to be regraveled. Steve Morse, Dave McGougan, and Gary Johnson all commented on difficultied they have had moving aircraft in and out of the building. Roger Mann notes that, because the need is occasional, new gravel might be the most economical option. Since the contractors are here, working around the hangars, motion was made to look into a ramp, expenses not to exceed $5,000.
With no further business motion was made, and seconded, to close the meeting.
Steve Morse then gave a presentation on working with metal, including cutting, forming, and welding.