Saturday, August 15, 2009

August 2009 Meeting Minutes

August Meeting Minutes
by Dave Deweese, Chapter Secretary

August's meeting of Chapter 32 began with the pledge, Karsten Kessler presiding.

We recognized new members and visitors. Jim Norris introduced himself; he's interested in ultralights. Gary Anderson has just purchased a Lancair 360 kit. He flew to the meeting in a four place Diamond Star. Art Zemon, new member and Young Eagles pilot, was also in attendance.

Dave McGougan and Gale Derosier reported progress on the Ford Trimotor. Dave was looking for a few more people, Saturday and Sunday in particular. Note that Saturday (Sept. 12) is also a Young Eagles event at KSET. The Trimotor will arrive Thursday and sleep for free in the Busch hangar for six nights, thank to the Busch clan for their hospitality. Thursday will be a press flight, Fred has arranged for a Model T and several Model As from the Model A club to be present. He's also arranging a somewhat more modern rental vehicle for transportaion. Robin, who arranged a hotel room discount for the flight crew, is also a professional photographer and will take pictures on Thursday. Steve reminded us that we have a chapter camcorder if anyone wants to use that to record parts of the proceedings. If you're volunteering please be sure to wear your chapter t-shirt for extra publicity.

Chapter 32's profit from this event kicks in after we've passed a $3,000 limit. Expenses, such as the hotel rooms, apply towards this amount. Member Bob Kraemer made a very sizeable donation toward this milestone. Thanks, Bob! Rides cost $50 for EAA members, $60 for non-members, and for $100 you can ride in the right seat. We will receive $5 per ride. In addition we'll be selling food at the event: hot dogs, a drink, and chips, as a $3 package.

Incidentally, the Trimotor is the plane used in the Johnny Depp movie, Public Enemy. We may also have some static airplane displays. Note that the airport manager will provide a dumpster and port-a-potties.

We are preparing for the election of next year's chapter officers. If you are interested in an office, or serving on the nomination committee, drop a line on the Yahoo board.

The 29th and 30th is the KSET Open House, as last year there will be booths and vendors. We'll fly YE both days, pilots and crew are needed as always. Rick May is still putting together Meet Your Pilot sheets and says that the entire process can be taken care of by email.

Motion was made and seconded to close the meeting.