September Meeting Minutes
by Dave Deweese, Chapter Secretary
September’s meeting began with the Pledge, KarstenKessler presiding.
Mr. Bill has finished painting the flying surfaces of hisVPII and moved the last few pieces to the hangar. Hehas used the process as a teaching example during thelast few YE events. Thanks to all for use of the ARC.
Dave McGougan debriefed us on the Trimotor event. It was very successful, with lots of volunteers from the chapter. Volunteers got rides if a seat was empty of paying passengers (some got several). There were 27 flights total, national EAA was happy with the number on Thursday and Friday, though we had a little less than expected on Saturday and Sunday. The Press Division of National sent information to local media outlets, and Bill Dohery gave an interview on channel 5. A newspaper from Centralia ran an article, netting us some riders from that direction. Tuesday’s Post had a quarter page ad. In hindsight it was noted that the best press may be an overflight of populated areas. Many flights, however, were over wooded areas and the river.
Food sales are estimated at $110 plus extra food leftover. Dan Frishman, a volunteer all the way from Washington, went to fetch hamburgers and buns, Doug Killibrew was the chief cook.
Robin did a fantastic job with the motel. Fred donated his car, therefore the chapter incurred no expense for that. Bob Dooley and Rich Emery did cargo transportduty, Don Doherty helped move signs several times.Dave also mentioned Gale as especially busy during theevent. Bill Doherty reported that one passenger, aparapalegic, arrived on a motorized scooter. With pilotSam Bass’s OK, Dave and Bill carried him onto the plane.
Dave next recognized new members and visitors. Jim Norris is a new member, he just came back from Michigan with a partially finished ultralight FBI SportLite 103. It needs engine, prop, etc. Todd (sorry for thelack of last name) visited the meeting. He is getting back into aviation, and is already an A & P. He’s worked on race cars for years.
It’s time again for a change of guard, the nominationsare as follows:
President - Dave Doherty,
VP - Bill Doherty,
Treasurer - Don Dohery,
Secretary - Dave Deweese,
Membership Chair - Dave McGougan.
The election will be held next meeting, a ballot will appear in the newsletter.
The newest generation of the Doherty dynasty introduced themselves, and have been kicking around some ideas. They’d like to see weekly, versus monthly chapter activities with more family involvement. This could include some non-aviation activities as well. Don reviewed some family history, having been around the chapter since the age of 6, watching his dad work on the SkyCoupe. He was even allowed to build some parts, though these were typically reworked soon after. He left, then came back to the chapter after school,l earning flying from Hal Christianson. He’s been involved in a subdivision association and helped deal with a former treasurer who helped herself to the funds,and will keep a careful eye on our finances. There’s lots of stuff going on with GA that need our voices heard. The Dohertys plan to work with other organizations such as CAF.
Gale mentioned that whenever a treasurer changes, a very basic, general audit is to be done by another member of the chapter.
Rick May covered YE business. We had to cancel Washington, moving the event to 11/7, this is a Boy Scout badge event as well. Turnout was small for the Silver Swallows event. We’re winding down for the year, having flown about 250 kids, down from last year. On a positive note, lots of new pilots have come on board as the year progressed. Rick would like to have an ‘Old Buzzard’ event next meeting, weather allowing.
Miscellaneous business included a warning. A witness reports seeing the CAF defuel the B-25 into the tanks down by their hangar, so be careful of buying fuel from there: it may be ‘used.’
Rob Burnett has Dierbergs and Shop/Save cards available.
Gale announced his new project, a Rans 6S with Rotax912 power.
Finally, we have some tables out and don’t know where they are. If you have borrowed any please remember to note this on the sign out sheet near the door.