Saturday, October 30, 2010

October 2010 Minutes

October 2010’s meeting began with the Pledge, Dave Doherty presiding.

Don gave the treasure’s report, including checking and savings account balances.

Next we recognized visitors and new members. Aramis and Dory Penton, who hail from Florida, introduced themselves. Paul Hibbs just joined; October is his first meeting. He’s got an RV-7 under construction. Frank Mehler was present as well, a long time EAA member, new to Chapter 32.

We began our Old Business discussion with water. Dave talked to Tracy in the week prior to the meeting. Since we are getting into freezing weather territory we’ll aim to starting digging in Spring 2011.

Our flagpole is up, and there are only a few outstanding items to take care of, including holes for the rope cleats. Proper lighting will also need to be determined.

We discussed the 220v line for the air compressor. Bob Dooley suggested installing a plug for the compressor motor, that way it could share an outlet with the TIG welder.

Concurrent September events drew attendance away from the Open House. Boy Scout and Girl Scout programs by Bill and Laura went on as scheduled Saturday morning and we well attended. In addition we gained some new members, so overall the Open House was a success. Since some of these folks were in attendance at the meeting Ron took this opportunity to detail the food coupon program.

Don is conducting welding classes, though the welder’s motor is overheating. He replaced it, but the new one is behaving the same way, so next he’ll check the line voltage. For the first class they discussed safety issues and laid down some beads. Because we only have the single welder classes are currently limited to four participants.

Bill Doherty reported on our holiday party, scheduled for December 4. It will be held at the All Occasion Banquet Center in Cave Springs. EAA President Rod Hightower will be our speaker. We’ll be inviting members of nearby EAA chapters and expect around 100 in attendance. You may RSVP to Bill or to the Yahoo group.

Bill Jagust put Ernie’s plane on Craigslist. An interested party contacted the chapter, and a member also expressed an interest. We voted that the project should go to the first cash buyer.

Our old soda machine came up as a topic of new business: we’d like to get rid of it. We’re also going to dispose of our older lawnmower.

The ramps and scales are all back in the ARC, remember to sign them out if you borrow them. Tim Finley has a set to loan out as well.

The old Jet APU that was stored in the back of the hangar got moved in front of Gary Johnson’s Sonex. We were not sure if it still belonged to the chapter or if member Steve Morse had taken possession of it. Tim Finley thought of an acquaintance who might be interested if we decided to get rid of it.

Al, Jim, and Don have been sorting Ernie’s model airplanes. A chapter member has offered $500 for the lot, though we discussed giving the entire membership a chance to bid on items. To expedite the matter we decided that Movie Night would be a good time to display the items for bid.

While on the subject of Movie Night, Dave noted that Paul Poberezny feels social events are an important part of a successful chapter. October’s movie is The Rocketeer.

Since 2011 is fast approaching we discussed possible events for the coming year. Art Zemon feels that attracting adults is important and has given some rides. This reminded us of Young Eagles, so we briefly discussed ‘Old Buzzards’ and ‘Bald Eagles’. Bob Kraemer, a Stearman owner, also discussed airplane rides as an means of attracting members. Adult-oriented educational programs centering on building and getting a license are possibilities. We also discussed a fly-in. Doug Killibrew suggested a ‘fly-out’, perhaps to Lambert’s in Sikeston or the Zenith demo in Mexico. A non-aviation activity, such as a group trip to a minor league ball game, is a possibility. Note that we are on the list for a weekend B-17 visit in 2011.

Art Zemon and Tracy are looking into WiFi for KSET. Full details, and a survey, are at the website

Upcoming October events include a pumpkin drop at KSET and a ‘Porkchop Fly-In’ at Chapter 137.

Frank McGhee has just purchased plans for an AW 95 helicopter and brought in some informational materials. He’s also discovered a local source of leather flying caps: Biker Brother’s Leather, who offers them for $30. Frank also reminded the membership that he’s familiar with the lost wax process for reproducing metal parts, and showed a full-sized human skull that he created using this method. He’s willing to assist if you have aviation-related parts to create.

We moved, seconded, and closed this month’s meeting.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

EAA Chapter 32 Meeting Minutes, August 2010

August’s meeting began with the Pledge, Bill Doherty presiding in Dave’s absence.

We began with approval of last month’s posted minutes. We moved, seconded, and approved the minutes.

John Whittier visited this month. He’s a second generation EAA member, his father was #1235. He’s looking help with a small 4130 welding job.

Don gave the treasurer’s report, reporting checking and savings account balances. The figures did not include the check for our share of the B-17 event. Dave is still working on the final figure for the July 4 event.

Moving forward with the clean water project, we need a committee for digging a trench. We need volunteers, and hope to start before the cold weather moves in. We’ll rent a trencher for the project.

Per Dave McGougan’s specifications, Don Doherty ordered the necessary items for our flagpole project and they have arrived. We had originally thought about locating our new flag near the sign since lights are already installed. These are low voltage lights, so a spot closer to the building may allow us to use more powerful illumination. Borrowing or renting a powered post hole digger is our next step. Dave would like to get the flagpole raised before our open house on September 25.

Although not yet deposited, Dave Doherty has received the check from EAA HQ for the B-17 event. Bill believes we are on the schedule for the upcoming year. Next time, however, we’ll handle our own publicity. HQ considers our turnout good for a mid-week stop. We have recorded interviews with several veterans that we’ll submit to Timeless Voices.

Don got a quote of approximately $400 for a 220-volt line to power the compressor. He’s looking for a second quote, as well the possibility of relocating the compressor and running a line for the air itself.

The Open House will be held September 25 and 26. We need volunteers. Tracy has asked for a variety of aircraft for static display, and we’ll also be holding a Young Eagles’ event. The Doherty’s have requested a list of EAA members in our area and are sending out approximately 900 invitations. If you are free any Saturday between now and then please consider showing up at the ARC at around 9 a.m. to help with some preparatory housecleaning.

Don Doherty plans to offer ARC and TIG welding classes for ten weeks starting October 10, around 9 a.m. This initial course will be free, thanks in part to Don's scrounging ability, but the class will be limited to 4 people. There's room for one or two more if you're interested.

Our holiday party will be held December 4. Rod Hightower, our new national EAA president, will be the speaker. Consideration is being made for an alternative venue: probably the St. Charles Banquet center. A committee will be needed for party planning.

Other events include St. Charles Fying Service's grand opening at KSET, 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. That evening is movie night. This month's feature is 'The Aviator'.

The next Young Eagles event is September 11, coinciding with the Ozark Silver Swallows reunion.
Central Air Parts in Staunton, IL, will be holding a liquidation sale September 16 starting at 9 a.m. and continuing through the 19th.

Chapter 64 is sponsoring a Sport Air Workshop September 17 through 19. The title of the workshop is "Repairman (LSA) Inspection - Airplane".

September 18 is our next meeting, followed by housekeeping. That evening the CAF will hold their annual hangar dance, featuring '40's era dance, costume, and band. After dark they'll start up the B-25 to give everyone a good view of the flames belched forth.

September 25 and 26 is our open house and a Young Eagles event. That evening the movie will be 'The Red Baron'.

October 9 Wicks' is holding a forum from 10 to 4. RSVP to if you're interested in attending.

Congratulations are in order for the Heubbe twins, who won an outstanding workmanship award for their Sonex.

Further congratulations to Bob Talir for the first flight, July 17, of his Flightstar II. He described the first landing as "embarrassing", though eyewitness Gale says all those that followed were beautiful. Bob and wife Nancy employed an intersting strategy for documenting that first flight. Using advisory circular 90-89a as a guide they made two sets of test cards. Bob carried his set on a kneeboard, Nancy had her own set, which she filled in as Bob sent test results over the radio. Bill brought champagne and sparkling grape juice so that all in attendance could toast Bob's successful mission.

Motion was made, and seconded, to adjourn.

Dave Deweese, Secretary

Saturday, June 19, 2010

EAA Chapter 32 Meeting Minutes, June 2010

The meeting began with the Pledge, Dave Doherty presiding.

Dave McGougan flew the Ridge Runner for the first time prior to our meeting. Steve and Joe were there as witnesses, Dave gave a run-down of the experience. That initial flight consisted of flying the pattern and landing, though he’s flown twice since. Resulting adjustments have included addressing throttle behavior and repositioning the horizontal stabilizer, the latter completed with advice from factory experts. Bill Doherty is beginning a new tradition, in which the chapter steps outside to share champagne (or sparkling grape juice) in honor of the first flight of a project.

After returning to our seats we approved the May minutes. We recognized new members and visitors, including our speaker, Dr. Mirianni, who also brought his daughter along. They arrived in a Lancair IV-P, inspection of which nearly delayed the start of our meeting. Al Jones was in attendance; he owns a Minimax and a Long EZ. Bill Wehmeyer, an ultralight flyer, was also with us. Dave noted that we’ve gone from 55 members at the beginning of the year to 73 as of the June meeting.

Don gave the treasurer’s report, including checking and savings balances.

This month’s movie is Memphis Belle, in honor of the upcoming B-17 tour stop.

Upcoming events include the July 4 event in O’Fallon. Bill found a big barbecue trailer that we’ll use to prepare hot dogs, hamburgers, and pork steaks. July 12 is the arrival of the B-17. The CAF is bringing the BT-13, B-25, and TBM Avenger for static display. Bob Kramer’s bringing his Stearman. The B-17 will depart for Kansas City on the 15th with six open seats. Dave will determine a fair way to pick riders, noting that they’ll have to arrange their own transportation back to St. Louis.

Our two June events, the Scouting Event in Forest Parkand International Young Eagles Day, were both successful. Forest Park consisted of wall-to-wall kids for eight hours straight. Mr. Bill gave educational presentations there and at the Young Eagles event, where he gave the Boy Scout Merit Badge presentation. Thanks to the International Plastic Modelers Association, who attended once again, introducing a new batch of kids to plastic modeling.

Outstanding business includes clean water testing:
Tracy’s looking into what this entails.
Dave McGougan’s working with the flagpole. He reports that it’s about 25 feet in length with a double truck on top, meaning it can fly two flags. It will require a two and a half to three foot hole, footing in concrete. Some hardware will be required to complete this, in addition to flags. We discussed a chapter flag in addition to the Stars and Stripes. Gale moved to allot $300 to proceed.Motion was seconded and passed.

Motion was made to close the meeting, after which Dr. Miriani gave a presentation on aeromedical issues.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

EAA Chapter 32 Meeting Minutes, May 2010

The May 2010 meeting began with the Pledge, Dave Doherty presiding.

Happy (rainy) International Learn-To-Fly Day. This year, in the St. Louis area, it's International Watch Underside of Clouds Day, though we're sure there's good flying weather somewhere.

Pending business from April: the Silver Swallows check mentioned was rewritten and taken care of. We moved, and approved the April minutes.

Don gave the Treasurer's report, starting off with checking and savings balances. Our bills are up to date, and we have enough money for this year, excepting projects. We're planning on pre-paying for gas this summer, we can do so through September, with a minimum purchase of 400 gallons. Last year we used 426 gallons in October and 372 more in November: it's possible someone left the heater on. If you use heat this fall/winter be sure to turn it off.

We recognized several new members and visitors. Vince Morris's son Jim, and EAA member, is visiting from Houston. Ben from St. Charles Flying Service was also in attendance. Bob, a former chapter member, has re-joined. He's working on a Flightstar and a Glastar. Helmut and son Kyle came to join. Mark Heubbe and sons Mark and John, with two Sonexes between the three of them, are also planning to join.

Movie night on the 29th is the Spirit of St. Louis with Jimmy Stewart. As usual there will be a pot luck before and popcorn during. We also have a DVD from HQ to play beforehand.

June 4 - 6 is the Boy Scout 100-year anniversary, approx-imately 15 thousand scouts will meet at Forest Park. We'll be there, Mr. Bill will do an aerodynamics presenta-tion. Other organizations in attendance will include the soaring club and the military. We'll make folks aware of International Young Eagles Day on the 12th, and this should lead to plenty of people for our event.

Mr. Bill's working with Dr. Mariani, anticipating an aero-medical seminar on 6/19. This coincides with the meet-ing. Please invite anyone who may be interested, we're looking forward to a big crowd. Dr. Mariani encourages participation, stating that "No question is off limits."

The weekend of July 4 we'll be selling food in O'Fallon. We anticipate over 100 thousand people attending the event over 3 days. The Fly Girls restaurant is helping us plan quantities and we'll buy through their supplier. If we run low we'll make a Costco run.

Outstanding business starts off with new name tags. New members will be getting them free, we started a list of existing members who would like new name tags. For the latter the cost will be $5.

Tracy is fine with our clean water plans, and will check on rules and any required testing.

The ramp is on hold until funds are available.

A committee is forming to set up the flagpole. Some attachments may be necessary.

We may have the CAF B-25 and TBM present as static displays at our upcoming B-17 event. The Doherty's are looking into publicizing the event

Bill Jagust is taking pictures of Ernie's plane for web-sites, including EBay, where we'll be advertising the project.

Since we had so many new members on hand Ron Burnett covered details of our food coupon program.

We moved and seconded to close the meeting.

Afterwards Mr. Bill gave a presentation covering issues regarding first flights in a new aircraft, giving particular attention to how ingrained habits in one plane may re-turn to bite you in a different machine. One particular example revolved around a tandem seat, taildragger RV. Through discussion with the group it became clear that one light taildragger design is likely to behave quite differently from another. Take advantage of Flight Advisers, or a bent prop may be the least of your worries.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

EAA Chapter 32 Meeting Minutes, April 2010

Our April meeting began with the Pledge, Dave Doherty presiding. Official meeting attendance was small, due to the fact that this meeting coincided with a Young Eagles event. In reality there were plenty of members and visitors in the ARC, though at the time of the meeting most were outside, working on the flight line or attending Mr. Bill's pre-flight presentation.

We approved last month's minutes.

Don is away this month on family business, so Dave went over financial news. It's tax time, Don went over our taxes with an accountant, and good news: we do not owe. We did find a prior check from the Silver Swallows event that needs to be rewritten.

It's also mowing season again. Don replaced the mower battery and sharpened the blade. Don also took part in the audit of our welding supplies, identifying what we need to get up and running.

Bill and Dave attended the meeting of the Missouri Aviation Historical Society, approximately ten people. The meeting was recorded and we're working on getting a copy for our library. Dave offered to share our website, and help them with the 501c3 process, as they get started up.

We’ve discussed a 50/50 at our meetings; we'll start this next month.

Upcoming events include our next movie, The Great Waldo Pepper. Our last movie included a potluck dinner that went well, so we plan to do this in the future. An interesting note: a JN-1 from the movie is being restored at Creve Coeur airport.

While going over our calendar we passed around sign-up sheets. There's lots going on this summer, so whether you enjoy showing off your project, giving/arranging airplane rides, or even cooking, you can find something to do that will be fun and help out your chapter.

There’s a Young Eagles event at Washington, Missouri, on May 1. On May 15 we'll be preparing the ARC for our open house on the 22nd. The open house will be an all-day event, starting at 10am. We're doing a mass mailing to the names HQ provided us: all members within a 25-mile radius of the Creve Coeur airport. The object of this event is to increase our membership; we’ll have plenty for new members to do over the upcoming months, though we’ll need volunteers for the open house itself. In particular, if you have a plane in progress, even just a set of plans, consider coming out and sharing this. We’d like to drum up as much interest as possible.

Our May movie, on the 29th, will be Spirit of St. Louis.

In June (4 through 6) we'll be at the Boy Scout Jamboree in Forest Park. We need volunteers for this as well.
In honor of the upcoming B-17 visit our June movie will be B-17 related. We are trying to choose between Memphis Belle and 12 O'clock High. If you can’t get enough of WWII bombers, the Missouri Aviation Historical Society will be showing actual B-17 footage at their June meeting.

July 3rd through the 5th we'll be in O’Fallon at the July 4th event. We'll be selling food, our new friends at the restaurant have given advice on the how's and where's of procuring supplies. This is a big event, with around 100,000 typically in attendance. Please help out if you can, this has the potential for making lots of money for our chapter. We’re considering entering a float as well, though we have not yet submitted the official form, which is due by May 26. Please feel free to contribute if you have ideas for our float.

July 12th through the 15th we'll be hosting the B-17 at Spirit of St. Louis airport. The ramp space has been arranged. Here is yet another volunteering opportunity. I've helped out at one of these in the past, and it's worth braving the heat to take part.

Bill Doherty is working on our upcoming Aeromedical program. Dr. Mariani will likely speak in late June, though his schedule is dynamic so we'll play this by ear. The other two parts of this program will take place in the fall, after the busy summer/Oshkosh season is behind us. One piece will feature a speaker from EAA HQ in Oshkosh; the other will be a representative of the AOPA. We'll invite the public, and will prepare to arrange a larger venue, as these may be large events.

Business: We have a new name tag supplier, if you have (or had) a name tag and would like a new one the cost is 5 dollars. Last month we voted on the EAA Logo, old versus new. The majority voted in favor of the older, winged logo.

We mentioned water, and Ron Wright recalls a prior trenching issue. Evidently a prior attempt at running a trench was abandoned due to underground obstacles. Dave’s going to speak with Tracy and find out if a previous building existed on the land between the ARC and the restaurant. If so there may be remnants of a foundation hiding there.

Estimate for asphalt between the ARC and the ramp is from four to six thousand dollars. We'll need to finance this, though our 4th of July event has the potential to take care of it.

We need to set up our flagpole, and need a crew to help out. Ron Wright explained the procedure: we'd dig a pit, and put a pipe in that. The assembled flagpole goes in there, surrounded by sand, and locked in place with wedges. This way it's removable. The actual location will depend on where our current power lines run.

We moved to close the meeting, after which our Young Eagles event continued.

Dave Deweese

Saturday, March 20, 2010

EAA Chapter 32 Meeting Minutes, March 2010

Our March meeting began with the pledge, Dave Doherty presiding. We approved minutes from last
month, then Don gave the Treasure's report. He reported savings and checking amounts, also some
outstanding amounts for coupons: get your money in. We just paid a big gas expense covering most of the winter usage. Don explained a deal with the gas company by which we can get a discount by buying in advance. Over the summer when usage is low we can commit to buying at a lower rate. Taxes: Don spoke with Pat Donovan, who has been to H&R block school and is familiar with 990 form. Don's headed to Troy to go over the forms and previous years' concerns. HQ had suggested CPA's (who start out at $500 and go up $125/hour) and attorneys who are even more expensive. Don hopes to have the taxes wrapped up soon.

Next we recognized visitors and new members. David Case from Alton and is a new member. He's checked out other local chapters, including 64, and decided on 32. His current project is a Cozy. Greg Lyle from Hague water was also present to discuss water treatment. A non-human visitor, Joe's RV, was also in attendance.

In May we've got a Spring Celebration, an all-day event starting with breakfast and going through until the movie. Bill has asked and received from HQ a list of nearby EAA national members so we can do a mass mailing.

Fundraising. We've got about enough to run for a year. We're working with O'Fallon to arrange a spot at the July 4th Event, possibly even a float for the parade. We're still doing food coupons, and may start a 50/50 raffle.

April 17 YE Event. Bill spoke. The US Naval Sea Cadets, approximately 30, will attend. Bill's doing the aviation merit badge, and will take them outside to walk around an airplane during the meeting. This will give the chapter as a whole a look at the YE program.

April 3rd through 9-ish we will hold a riveting workshop. Jim Bower reports we can accomodate as many as would like to come, up to as many as 20. Gale and Bill Collett will assist.

Doug Killibrew will have pavement info for next exec meeting.

Some miscellaneous objects need to be dealt with. The flagpole needs to go up, kiosk and kiddie ride in the hangar could go to EBay. Ernie's stuff: Don found a Cavalier website and is looking into an interested party before it starts to rot. Other possibilities include Barnstormers and EBay. Al Rivera will help Don go through the model stuff, put it in lots, and hold a silent auction. Al's connected to the R/C group, which may have an interest.

B-17 July 12 through 15. We're going to publicize alot more than the last event, and we'll need volunteers. There will be 6 open seats to KC! Our first thought is that they should go to folks who spend the most time volunteering. Seats are free to the chapter, passengers are responsible for getting back home.

We'll be at the June Boyscout Jamboree in Forest Park. We've been asked to arrange 15-20 minute activities, they'll cycle groups through.

Upcoming Aeromedical program: Bill is envisioning 3 separate sessions: Aviation Medical Examiner for talk and q/a, someone from EAA HQ to give us an overview of member resources for medical/certification issues, and someone from AOPA in a similar capacity. He's talked with Gary Crump, the top certification person there, who's willing to come out and speak. AOPA will promote this as well.

Paul Poberzny emailed about the EAA logo, regarding the interest level in changing it back. We held an impromptu poll of the members in attendance, voting in favor of the old logo with wings. Bill Doherty was on the tour of the founder's wing, browsed through a file cabinet, found stickers of the old logo that Paul had saved, and commented that he liked them better than the current logo.

Greg Lyle from Hague Water spoke next. Their system is not a water softener, a triple-chambered, four-element system, on-demand, designed to take everything in the water...out. A current issue is pharmaceuticals in the water. Atrazine, an agricultural herbicide/pesticide, is there as well: relevant for us out here in the hinterlands. His system costs $4600 total.

Joe Sargent then gave a presentation. His RV was the first to be assembled in this facility (in winter, before our heating system was installed, to give you an idea of his level of determination).

Dave Deweese

Thursday, February 25, 2010

February 2010 Meeting Minutes

Vice President Bill Doherty presided over our February meeting.

First order of business was recognizing visitors and guests. Robert Vasquez is a former member who has come back to the chapter. Don Alwine, with a professional background in B-17 turrets back in the forties stopped in. He was, in part, lured out to KSET by Bob Dooley's mention of our resident Gooney Bird. Howard and Jennifer Woodard, members and Velocity builders, are attending meetings after an absence, thanks to the new Saturday date. To add to the Chapter 32's contingent of Daves, Dave, son of President Dave, is visiting from Wichita, Kansas.

Old Business: Rick May reports that the Midwest Aviation Conference and Trade Show went well. It was especially busy Saturday with lots of instructors getting recertified. Several good speakers were there as well. The facility in Maryland Heights has a big stage, plenty of seating room for an audience, plus space left over for seats and booths. Attendance was down Sunday, Rick feels that more advertising to the general public may be in order. Overall it was a success, and we should consider attending again next year.

Our first movie night went well, the few hitches were minor, and to be expected in such a new venture. It turns out that the restaurant is closed during this time slot, so we're thinking about food (besides popcorn.) The folding chairs become a bit uncomfortable after a long film and you are advised to bring comfortable lawn chairs to the next show that will, incidentally, be 'Those Magnificent Men In Their Flying Machines.' Bud asked if it's still possible to get the original, much longer, version of the Howard Hughes production of 'Hell's Angels,' noting that the unedited version was a real airplane movie versus a love story.

Rick May is progressing on the ARC reorganization. Tables are up, and he's installing wheels on equipment where possible.

We are resurrecting the Clean Water Project. Doug Killibrew is reconnecting with Leo Lang to get the information he collected. Doug is also doing some research on our new ramp. He advises that our most economical solution would be to have members do the prep work, and then call a concrete or asphalt contractor comes when all is ready.

Don gave the treasurer's report, showing all the relevant numbers via overhead and laptop. The checking account is down a bit due to a big food coupon purchase. Please buy lots. Upcoming expenses include filling the propane tank. We have enough to cover chapter expenses over the year, though we'll need to raise more for extra projects. Tracy mentioned an upcoming raise in hangar rent, approximately $10, though he did not specify when.

Bill returned to the podium and spoke about the door lock and passcodes. He's decided not to change all the combinations at this point, but will go through the member list and send passcodes to everyone who has paid dues. These codes are assigned to you specifically, so please do not share with anyone. If you have, and need your code changed you can call Bill and he'll get you a new passcode.

Activities: The March welding workshop is postponed for now. Instead, on March 6, we'll go through the equipment, make sure it's safe, and see if we need anything. Don spoke with St. Charles Community College regarding gas welding classes, they do not offer these any longer as everything is going to TIG. To get into MIG/TIG class you have to first take a ten week arc welding class. The classes are around $300 per course, therefore you are looking at approximately $600 and 20 weeks. We discussed the possibility of paying an instructor: even at 50 to 100 dollars per student this would be a deal for us and the instructor, who would stand to make a tidy sum for a weekend's teaching. Gale made a motion that we allow $400 prior to the welding equipment check. Otherwise, if we find expenses, we'd have to wait until next meeting to vote, further postponing the possibility of welding training. Rick seconded, and we voted in favor.

Bill Jagust is working on getting a doctor in for a medical program, though this might not happen until May or June. Bill proposes an AME to come in for Q&A earlier than that,EAA HQ or AOPA might have resources to offer in this arena. (Note that Bill Doherty recommends dual membership in both organizations.) Our medical information programs will likely be stand-alone rather than after-meeting sessions.

Dave and Bill both attended the Oshkosh leadership academy and recommend this to all chapter leaders. They were fortunate to meet Paul and Audrey Poberezny and enjoy dinner and a nice personal conversation, during which they described how EAA has impacted the Doherty family. The attendees organized to sing "Happy Birthday" to Audrey, who had celebrated another year just two days prior to the academy weekend. They learned that Paul is a self-professed millionaire: a man with "a million friends." The HQ staff was very approachable and communicated their desire to help chapters like ours.

Our new president and vice-president returned with plenty of good ideas, inspired by topics covered at the leadership academy. They went over Chapter Guidelines and related issues, bringing up the idea that we should review our own by-laws. We may form a by-laws committee for this. They also covered recruiting and membership. Many organizations besides EAA see an aging of membership and need to attract new members. One such angle is the new Young Eagles Next Step program, which they discussed. To cover fundraising the attendees broke up into teams and did some brainstorming. One chapter has a 'Monopoly Night' which is very successful. This led into public relations, including dealing with situations like the recent tragedy in Texas. Remember that we're all ambassadors of aviation and the face of GA in America. EAA suggested establishing relationships with local media outlets. An additional benefit of this is publicity when events like our recent tri-motor visit come around. On top of all this they found time to cover changes to the EAA Website: there's a ton of stuff under the chapters tab, and you can find online copies of EAA magazines nearly back to the dawn of time. Good and bad points of the new Sport Aviation magazine format were also discussed: some suggested bigger fonts.

The HQ staff is impressed with how we present Chapter 32, and has asked for our assistance in an upcoming event. There's a major (approximately 10,000 in attendance) Boy Scout jamboree in Forest Park in June, they'd like our help with the aviation merit badge. We estimate that 300 to 500 interested scouts might attend our clinics. Dave's son, an Eagle Scout, agrees that this is realistic. Dave (Sr.) has contacted Bill Jagust regarding the event. Laura notes that the following weekend is International YE day.

As a surprise bit of good news we learned that we'll be hosting the B-17 again: a midweek stop in 2010 (7/12 - 7/15) and a weekend in 2011. Doug Killibrew notes that we get a cut of the proceeds, not to mention the chance to recruit some new members, plus it's lots of fun for volunteers. As Bill related it's not uncommon to meet veterans who actually flew B-17's in combat at these events. I spoke with a few at our last visit and believe me, it makes dealing with the July heat worth it.

As the meeting closed we viewed some photographs from the leadership academy on the laptop overhead.

The meeting was followed by a Tech Counsellor presentation by Gale Derosier.

Dave Deweese

Saturday, January 16, 2010

January 2010 Meeting Minutes

January's meeting began with the pledge, Dave Doherty presiding: the first meeting of the new Doherty Dynasty. Dave ordered a new flag, which on 12/7/2009 was flown over the capitol in Washington per the honorable Senator Kit Bond.

Past president Karsten has joined the ex-Presidents' protection program. Through DRS he's heading for Afghani-stan via Germany and Fort Benning, after which he'll work with the Marines on a new water distribution system. It eliminates about 30% of personnel in convoys through reducing the bulk of water containers. Please keep him in your thoughts.

Dave introduced new officers: President Dave Doherty, Vice President Bill Doherty, Treasurer Don Doherty, and Dave Deweese (myself) Secretary. Committee chairs include Doug Killibrew - ARC Operations, Bill Jagust - Community Laison and Education, Food Coupons - Ron Burnett, and Flight Advisors Bill Jagust, Gale, Jerry Er-ickson, and Rick Galati. Robin Staub is our Safety chair; we'd like to have 5 to 10 minutes per meeting devoted to safety.

We need a volunteer for Scholarship chair: we'd like to step up a notch and, as a chapter, provide a college scholarship. Volunteers are also needed for Membership Coordinator and a Fund Raising Committee Chair.

Karsten is, by default, a "Member at Large," though he will be out of country until December, so we could use a stand-in.

Don Doherty took over for the treasurer's report. He pre-sented (via PowerPoint slides,) the checking account summary as of December 2009. Don's working on re-solving outstanding issues.

Some hangar rental checks were not deposited on time (last year). Due to electronic expiration dates, by the time they were deposited, they were no longer valid. Some checks seem to have disappeared. Without correc-tions we would have lost money on this, where it should bring in a bit for the Chapter. If you have discrepancies please work with Don.

As of the meeting we haven't received an invoice from St. Charles County for last month, other hangar renters re-port the same issue. If you use electronic checking the payment is sent to the Collector of Revenue regardless of who you specify as recipient of the check. It eventually gets to the right place but may take two or three weeks, and in the interim you may receive a nasty note.

Dave recognized visitors and new members. Dave Pressy from Muni was here to speak about the Missouri Aviation Conference and Trade Show. Next we had "Questions to the Membership." We introduced ourselves and addressed the following questions: Name and a brief bio, what brings you to EAA32, what are your aviation interests, what is your dream plane, what would you like to see this chapter be.

While covering miscellaneous business we noted some new equpiment: a popcorn popper and movie screen (blame Bill). Bill and Dave are headed to the Oshkosk Leadership workshop next weekend. Facilitating the new arrangement of ARC equipment we moved and second-ed rollers for tables. We briefly discussed our operating budget. All anticipated projects will take around $14K, we need to raise this. This includes getting the flag pole up and lit properly, as well as dealing with Ernie's stuff. Also note: dues are due!

Finally Dave Pressy gave his presentation regarding next weekend's show. On Sunday, 1/24/01, 11am - 3pm, there will be a public learn to fly event. If anyone's interested come on out, and consider showing a piece, or pictures, of your project.