January's meeting began with the pledge, Dave Doherty presiding: the first meeting of the new Doherty Dynasty. Dave ordered a new flag, which on 12/7/2009 was flown over the capitol in Washington per the honorable Senator Kit Bond.
Past president Karsten has joined the ex-Presidents' protection program. Through DRS he's heading for Afghani-stan via Germany and Fort Benning, after which he'll work with the Marines on a new water distribution system. It eliminates about 30% of personnel in convoys through reducing the bulk of water containers. Please keep him in your thoughts.
Dave introduced new officers: President Dave Doherty, Vice President Bill Doherty, Treasurer Don Doherty, and Dave Deweese (myself) Secretary. Committee chairs include Doug Killibrew - ARC Operations, Bill Jagust - Community Laison and Education, Food Coupons - Ron Burnett, and Flight Advisors Bill Jagust, Gale, Jerry Er-ickson, and Rick Galati. Robin Staub is our Safety chair; we'd like to have 5 to 10 minutes per meeting devoted to safety.
We need a volunteer for Scholarship chair: we'd like to step up a notch and, as a chapter, provide a college scholarship. Volunteers are also needed for Membership Coordinator and a Fund Raising Committee Chair.
Karsten is, by default, a "Member at Large," though he will be out of country until December, so we could use a stand-in.
Don Doherty took over for the treasurer's report. He pre-sented (via PowerPoint slides,) the checking account summary as of December 2009. Don's working on re-solving outstanding issues.
Some hangar rental checks were not deposited on time (last year). Due to electronic expiration dates, by the time they were deposited, they were no longer valid. Some checks seem to have disappeared. Without correc-tions we would have lost money on this, where it should bring in a bit for the Chapter. If you have discrepancies please work with Don.
As of the meeting we haven't received an invoice from St. Charles County for last month, other hangar renters re-port the same issue. If you use electronic checking the payment is sent to the Collector of Revenue regardless of who you specify as recipient of the check. It eventually gets to the right place but may take two or three weeks, and in the interim you may receive a nasty note.
Dave recognized visitors and new members. Dave Pressy from Muni was here to speak about the Missouri Aviation Conference and Trade Show. Next we had "Questions to the Membership." We introduced ourselves and addressed the following questions: Name and a brief bio, what brings you to EAA32, what are your aviation interests, what is your dream plane, what would you like to see this chapter be.
While covering miscellaneous business we noted some new equpiment: a popcorn popper and movie screen (blame Bill). Bill and Dave are headed to the Oshkosk Leadership workshop next weekend. Facilitating the new arrangement of ARC equipment we moved and second-ed rollers for tables. We briefly discussed our operating budget. All anticipated projects will take around $14K, we need to raise this. This includes getting the flag pole up and lit properly, as well as dealing with Ernie's stuff. Also note: dues are due!
Finally Dave Pressy gave his presentation regarding next weekend's show. On Sunday, 1/24/01, 11am - 3pm, there will be a public learn to fly event. If anyone's interested come on out, and consider showing a piece, or pictures, of your project.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
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