Sunday, June 19, 2011

June 2011 Meeting Minutes

June Meeting Minutes

by Dave Deweese

Our June meeting began with the Pledge, Bill Doherty presiding. We approved last month's minutes, then Don gave the treasurer's report, including checking and savings accountbalances.
There were no new members or visitors to recognize thistime around.

Old business started off with a report on the International Young Eagle's day event. We had a request to see insurance papers; Art Zemon took care of this. We flew 34 young eagles, including 16 attending the merit badge program. Several parents also flew. Our next event will take place on July 9, Mr. Bill will be in training. We'rehoping floodwaters will not be a factor.

Art Zemon brought some examples of our new, laminated nametags. These could either pin to a hat or hang from a lanyard.

We revisited flood preparation. Both rivers are up, the Mississippi is at 25 feet. At 31 feet it's in our facility. In the case of evacuation we'd attempt to call the entire membership in order to recruit enough volunteers to move the equipment out. As in the past meeting we discussed the PODS system as an alternative for temporary storage. Jim Hann moved to authorize up to $1,000 expenditureif necessary; Don will post pricing on the Yahoo board after researching. Bill requested emergency authorization for the officers to, if necessary, use their discretion in deciding how to proceed. The move was seconded and passed.

The clean water issue has taken a twist. The Missouri Department of Natural Resources is investigating wells in response to new clean water standards from Washington.Tracy received word that they have to approve all wells. Wells on airports such as KSET are getting extra scrutiny. Although they are looking for information on our on well we do not currently have documentation and are looking for members who were involved in this project.

June 25 is the EAA32 movie night, "30 Seconds Over Tokyo", preceded by a potluck at 6. This is preceded by a car show at the CAF.

This year's July 4 event at O'Fallon is scaled back a bit, menu-wise. We're planning to work in shifts on July 2, 3, and 4, and would like 5 to 7 people at any given time. A special meeting is coming up to discuss plans and supplies needed. We'll be using gas grills versus charcoal and will use the chapter's grill plus a few more borrowedunits. Other needs include tubs for cooling drinks, big fans, a tri-fold pamphlet to hand out, and a vehicle with a trailer for hauling. Bill presented an estimate of the outlay and asked for authorization to spend from $1,300 to $1,500. Art moved for $1,500 and Jim seconded, the membership voted and the motion passed.Bill Wehmeyer, our CAF contact, reports that the B-29, "Fifi", will be at the Spirit of St. Louis airport August 1 through August 3. They'll be selling rides; around $900 in the back compartment and $1,200 up front. The three planes based here at KSET will be there as well.
Oshkosh is next month. Attendees from Chapter 32 will meet there, we'll hold an unofficial meeting here on July 16. Our next official meeting at the ARC is on August 20.
The CAF hangar dance takes place September 17.

Chapter 64 will host the Tri-Motor September 23 through the 25th. They're looking for volunteers.

October 8 is the Gateway to Youth Aviation Day at Parks College.

After the meeting the Sonex-flying Huebbe family gave some hints and guidelines for filming your aircraft, and then putting your video together in a professional manner.

Following the Huebbes' presentation several members attended the open house at St. Charles Flying Service.

Monday, June 13, 2011

June 2011 Meeting Minutes

June Meeting Minutes

by Dave Deweese

Our June meeting began with the Pledge, Bill Doherty presiding. We approved last month's minutes, then Don gave the treasurer's report, including checking and savings accountbalances.
There were no new members or visitors to recognize thistime around.

Old business started off with a report on the International Young Eagle's day event. We had a request to see insurance papers; Art Zemon took care of this. We flew 34 young eagles, including 16 attending the merit badge program. Several parents also flew. Our next event will take place on July 9, Mr. Bill will be in training. We'rehoping floodwaters will not be a factor.

Art Zemon brought some examples of our new, laminated nametags. These could either pin to a hat or hang from a lanyard.

We revisited flood preparation. Both rivers are up, the Mississippi is at 25 feet. At 31 feet it's in our facility. In the case of evacuation we'd attempt to call the entire membership in order to recruit enough volunteers to move the equipment out. As in the past meeting we discussed the PODS system as an alternative for temporary storage. Jim Hann moved to authorize up to $1,000 expenditureif necessary; Don will post pricing on the Yahoo board after researching. Bill requested emergency authorization for the officers to, if necessary, use their discretion in deciding how to proceed. The move was seconded and passed.

The clean water issue has taken a twist. The Missouri Department of Natural Resources is investigating wells in response to new clean water standards from Washington.Tracy received word that they have to approve all wells. Wells on airports such as KSET are getting extra scrutiny. Although they are looking for information on our on well we do not currently have documentation and are looking for members who were involved in this project.

June 25 is the EAA32 movie night, "30 Seconds Over Tokyo", preceded by a potluck at 6. This is preceded by a car show at the CAF.

This year's July 4 event at O'Fallon is scaled back a bit, menu-wise. We're planning to work in shifts on July 2, 3, and 4, and would like 5 to 7 people at any given time. A special meeting is coming up to discuss plans and supplies needed. We'll be using gas grills versus charcoal and will use the chapter's grill plus a few more borrowedunits. Other needs include tubs for cooling drinks, big fans, a tri-fold pamphlet to hand out, and a vehicle with a trailer for hauling. Bill presented an estimate of the outlay and asked for authorization to spend from $1,300 to $1,500. Art moved for $1,500 and Jim seconded, the membership voted and the motion passed.Bill Wehmeyer, our CAF contact, reports that the B-29, "Fifi", will be at the Spirit of St. Louis airport August 1 through August 3. They'll be selling rides; around $900 in the back compartment and $1,200 up front. The three planes based here at KSET will be there as well.
Oshkosh is next month. Attendees from Chapter 32 will meet there, we'll hold an unofficial meeting here on July 16. Our next official meeting at the ARC is on August 20.
The CAF hangar dance takes place September 17.

Chapter 64 will host the Tri-Motor September 23 through the 25th. They're looking for volunteers.

October 8 is the Gateway to Youth Aviation Day at Parks College.

After the meeting the Sonex-flying Huebbe family gave some hints and guidelines for filming your aircraft, and then putting your video together in a professional manner.

Following the Huebbes' presentation several members attended the open house at St. Charles Flying Service.