August Meeting Minutes
Dave Deweese
Dave Deweese
August's meeting began with the Pledge, Dave Doherty presiding.
Minutes from last month's meeting were approved.
Don Doherty gave the treasurer's report, including checkingand savings account balances.
Dave called for a show of Oshkosh attendees. Art Zemon saw a BD-4C at the Bede tent and has decided to build one. It has the same engine as his Piper Arrow but is 30 to 40 mph faster, and is also wider. Jim Bede Jr. just got his pilot's license and needs a certificated plane in which to build time, so Art is going to trade his Arrow for a partially built plane and a prop. He's on the lookoutfor avionics and an IO-360.
Dave Doherty found an interior for his Taylorcraft. Getting the plane itself took some work. The former owner flew from Los Angeles to Amarillo Texas, where he was grounded by winds. After waiting a few days for better weather Dave sent him home, then he and Don Jonas went to fly her back themselves. After 28 years since his last left-seat time Dave worked with Bob Kraemer to get current in the taildragger, and is now signed off to fly it.
Gale has passed the 40 hour test period in his Rans. The first passenger was his wife, and after that his son.
Chapter 64 is hosting the Tri-Motor on September 24, 25,and 26. They are expecting 500 to 600 people, and are looking for volunteers (see elsewhere in this issue). On Saturday the 24th there will be a hangar dance; we'll be bringing a tent, tables, and chairs. Flights will be $60 for EAA members and $75 for the general public.
Jeff Stephenson has soloed on July 22, the anniversary of Neil Armstong's moon landing, incidentally. After flying the pattern during some early morning lessons, Nick, his instructor, said "two more and I'm out of here". Nick was able to record the first flight with Jeff's camera. The first flight was from runway 18, and since then he's made about ten more takeoffs from 9 and 27. Jeff was clever enough to wear an old t-shirt to the meeting, as Bill was waiting to cut off the tail.
Dave Doherty suggests that we hold our September 17 meeting at Zenith in Mexico, Missouri, where they'll be holding their open house. We moved, seconded, and voted to proceed. We'll hold the meeting at KSET in case of bad weather. Dave's considering a future "field trip" meeting at the Silver Creek glider club.
In honor of the 100th anniversary of naval aviation, this month's movie will be Flight Command.
Next we recognized visitors. John Pilla, an ex-navy mechanic, is getting back into aviation. Sam Bell, Chuck Maggart's son-in-law, was also in attendance. He's a National Guard mechanic, mostly F-15s. Tony Krause found us on the internet, he's moving from St. Louis from Evansville. He flies a Cessna 150. Joe Wurtz is a CAF member and new EAA member. He recently brought his 12 and 14 year-old grandsons to one of our Young Eagles events.
Chapter elections are coming up. Nominations for President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer will be accepted through the September meeting.
We also need a Christmas party committee. We'll meet the All Occasions Banquet Center, the same location as last year, and still need to arrange a speaker.
Our old refrigerator is dead and needs disposal. We'll check Craig's List for people who haul away old appliances to sell for scrap.
The anniversary of 9/11 is coming up. Chapter 64 members are organizing a fly-over of Jefferson Barracks, and are looking for pilots interested in participating. Harvester Christian Church will also hold a tribute to firefighers and rescue workers at the Family Arena.
Since our presentation fell through, we closed the meeting and toasted Jeff.