February's meeting began with the Pledge, Dave Doherty presiding.
Our meeting will be followed by a discussion of last year's financials and plans for 2012.
Last month's minutes were approved.
Don Doherty reported savings and checking account balances. We're still waiting for the county to cash our hangar checks and the payment for the ARC. We're also waiting for HQ to cash our charter payment.
We recognized new members, visitors, and members who haven't attended meetings in a while. Mike Saetel was here, he hasn't been around the chapter for several months, but was at the trade show in January with simulators. Joe Akeley attended a few years ago and is a pilot. Tom Jordan has a Long-EZ in a hangar at Spirit. His hangar mate, Howard Woodruff, has a Velocity project, about 30% complete. He may be selling this, however, some time in the next six months. Don Glennie, a long-time member, was also in attendance.
Old Business: Flagpole lighting. We've discussed solar-powered lights and hard-wiring an outlet to the building for a spotlight that would illuminate the flag. We'd like to have this done by the March meeting.
Jeff Stephenson will be our membership coordinator.
Last month we discussed pictures of all our chapter members posted on the wall. We'll probably start taking pictures in the spring and post them where we currently have the merchandise displayed.
We also discussed a ramp from hard surface to the apron. Bob Dooley has been figuring out how much material we need. He roughly estimates $1,500 to $2,500 for the compressed rock that we could spread, and will have more precise numbers by next month. Dave Doherty's also looked into steel mat, but that would come out to nearly $5,000.
There will be a Career fair, March 5, at Parkway High School. We'll have a table, Parks College is also interested. Mr. Bill will speak on airline professions and we're looking for other aviation professionals, engineers for example, who might be available. Mike Saettel volunteered to attend with two of his flight simulators.
Dave's also been speaking with the school district about building a kit airplane, though there's been no progress as of last month.
A committee's been working on updating our chapter by-laws. As they sit today there could be liablity issues. Next month or the following proposed changes will be ready to present to the membership.
New Business: Dave McGougan has an idea to propose. A large part of our chapter is dedicated to YE. Dave's an Air Force veteran; he'd like to get other veterans in the chapter together and start a memory book to keep in the office area. Some of our members have had experiences that would be good to remember. He'd like an ad in the newsletter and a blurb on the website to help identify all our veterans and call a meeting. Jim Bower also mentions posting to the Yahoo board. There's nothing related on the national level so this will be unique to our chapter.
Dave recommends a note in the newsletter to join the Yahoo group. Laura reminds us that there is a link on the chapter website that you can simply click to join this group.
Regarding our Chapter's Stits Skycoupe project from the 1960's, Vince Morris brought a picture of the plane in flight. The wings are in Dave's basement, the fuselage is at the airport.
Don Doherty made a presentation of our 2011 financial report.
Next Dave Doherty went over his estimates for 2012 numbers, and plans for this year.
Art Zemon signed up as a dealer with Aircraft Spruce and gets a discount. He'd like to figure out a way for people to buy through his "store", and he'd donate his profits to the chapter. EAA32 could not do this directly as we're a non-profit. Art would need help in administering: paperwork, collecting money, shipping, etc.
Sunday, February 19, 2012
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