Sunday, July 1, 2012

June 16 2012 Minutes

Dave Doherty presided over June's meeting. We began with applause for Mr. Rob Burnett, returning from winning the over-60 class in a 10k run.

We followed this with the Pledge.

Bill Wehmeyer and Bob Dooley have finished the gravel for our driveway. Cost was around $278 plus time. Bill explained the process: "We brought in a truckload of gravel and dumped it." Thanks to both for their labor.

Don Doherty gave the treasurer's report, including checking and savings balances. We made a small profit on selling food last month following the CAF event.

Rick Foss visited today. He's interested in Zenith and Sonex birds.

Old Business: Our flagpole light has burned out, we briefly discussed replacing with an LED bulb.

The front side gutter is scraped and repainted, the gutter in back needs the same treatment. Thanks to Jeff Stephensen and others who helped paint the gutter.

The gates to the ramp need updating.

Converting the Sonerai to an educational display piece continues. The prop was in bad shape, but we have some leeway in refurbishing it, with the caveat that we mark it "non-flying" so nobody will actually try to use it.

Dave Doherty flew his first two Young Eagles at last week's event. Rod Hightower flew his T-6 in on the way to Reno for air race training. He flew the first Young Eagle of the day. Chapter 32 flew 32 that day. Our next event is July 14.

June 23 is our next movie night, we'll be showing "Red Tails".

Chapter 64 has an open house today at the Downtown airport until 5:00 pm.

George Dobner from EAA HQ called Dave to ask if we'd help with the B-17. It will arrive 7/2 at Parks where they'll do flights, walk-arounds, and participate in the opening of the fair. On the 6th, 7th, and 8th it will relocate to Spirit. This conflicts with our fundraising event at O'Fallon on the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th. The 2nd will be setup day, 5th will be teardown.

July 24 will be an informal meeting, since some will be preparing for Oshkosh.

In August we'd like to have a short meeting then a fly-out to Highland and the Silver Creek Glider Club.

Bob Kraemer spoke briefly regarding density altitude. He was flying his Stearman recently from KSET, with density altitude of 2800 feet. In a fully loaded airplane this is something to be aware of, especially now that summer has arrived and temperatures are climbing, and variable winds can complicate matters.

Bob Pratt, a long-time member, and a WWII pilot (A-20's and P-61's), just passed away this week. His son (also Bob) is going to complete an RV-6 his dad was working on. Dave will post funeral arrangements when they become available.

Rob Burnett has food coupons.

Dave McGougan was collecting information from chapter members who served in the military so that we can recognize them in some form: a plaque or display. Forms can also be returned to Dave Doherty, and Laura Million will post the form on the web site.

Ron Burnett spoke about resolving cooling issues with his new RV-6. He has gone from too hot to too cool, thanks to custom radiators and redesigned inlets. Jim Bower had oil temperature challenges with his RV and installed new louvers in his cowl, which has helped out.

Meeting closed, followed by discussion with event volunteers.