Sunday, November 18, 2012

November 2012 Meeting Minutes

November's meeting began with the Pledge, Dave Doherty presiding.

We approved last month's minutes.

Don gave the Treasurer's report, including checking and savings balances. 

Former chapter president Tim Dempsey, visited today. He's in a new chapter, 1402, in St. Clair. is their website.

Lee Cobb is thinking about building an RV and is looking for a C90 engine.

Jack Sargeant is new to the area and has just started on an RV. First he needs to get it here from Wichita.

Paul Hipps is working on an RV7 and has been gone for a while. He brought his friend Amanda along as well.

Joe Hecker just joined, he's a Luscombe enthusiast.

Old Business. Chapter by-laws are finalized as of last Wednesday and are ready to submit to HQ. Once they give their approval they'll be ready for the chapter to ratify. Some focus areas included getting rid of a problem member, added a clause for lifetime members, clarification of 501c3 status. Much came from recommendations from HQ.

Dave McGougan continues to work on the Veteran's project. A notebook is in the office area. There's a form in the newsletter to fill out if you are a veteran, and we're especially interested in getting some photographs.

The Open House took place last month. We made some money and learned some lessons. EAA publishes fly-in guidelines that we can review in light of our experiences. Please contact Dave if you have suggestions as we plan to have more of these events.

Our next event is the Christmas party. Let Don Doherty know by the first week of December if you plan to attend so we can accurately estimate expenses ahead of time. You can pay ahead or at the event. This year Rod Hightower will be our speaker. We usually arrange a gift for the speaker, Joe has worked on this. We made a motion to reimburse him with tickets to the event.

We're looking for suggestions on what to do with the Fly Baby we have in the ARC. We could either rebuild it, use it for workshops such as fabric covering, or put it up for sale. We also discussed looking for a chapter member to take the lead on rebuilding the plane.

We lost some shrubs to last summer's drought. They need to be replaced. Our compressor motor also needs replacement; Don is working on this. We dicussed making a compass rose for the airport, and painting "EAA32" on our roof.

Members continue converting the chapter's Sonerai into a teaching tool, including a cutaway VW engine.

Bill Jagust has been our Young Eagles coordinator for years. Due to changes at American Airlines he's giving up his leadership role, leaving an opening for a new coordinator. We'd like to get this squared away by the end of the year. Dave also suggested this could be handled by a committee. Bill plans to remain a chapter member.

Dave opened the floor for suggestions on what we'd like to see next year. Rick May favors continuing participation in community events and would like to see more members helping out. We'll likely to the B-17 again, since it was not only good community outreach, but earned around $4,000. There's interest in workshops: steel tube welding, fabric covering, sheet metal, etc. We could host another FAA Wings program. Bob suggested a discussion on insurance. We've tried to do a few fly-outs and will try another fly-in.

January's meeting will cover committees and members.

February's meeting will include a financial review.