Monday, March 18, 2013

March 2013 Meeting Minutes

March 2013 Meeting Minutes

(Editor's note: Our esteemed secretary had another obligation this month so these minutes are a conglomeration of President Dave's agenda and your friendly editor's failing memory.)

The meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance, Dave Doherty presiding.

Meeting minutes from February were accepted.
Don Doherty gave the Treasurer's Report.
We welcomed Visitors. No new members this month.

New Business:
Signed copies of By-Laws need to be sent to HQ, IRS, state of Missouri.
It's not too late to pay Dues for 2013. $36.00 payable now. Please let us know of any updates to project,
address, e-mail, etc.

Lifetime Membership: $450.00 onetime payment. Can be made with 3 easy payments of $150.00. This includes Chapter 32 membership for life (nontransferrable) and a chapter accessory. Current thinking is a fleece jacket with the EAA32 logo sewn on the back with a monogrammed name on the front.

St. Louis Science Center – IMAX Movie – AIR RACERS – March 8. Chapter 32 participated for Aviation Day at the Science Center. We brought the exhibition booth and the Sonerei, and staffed a table with info about EAA and General Aviation. Mike Saettele's Porta Sim flight simulators were a big hit.

We voted to lease the Flight simulator from Mike Saettele for $200/month. Next step is to make up papers
and finalize the lease.

Young Eagles
We received notification of 905 Young Eagle Credits The April 6 Young Eagle rally at CPS (St. Louis
Downtown airport) was discussed. They say about 300 Young Eagles are signed up. Chapter 64 needs help. Sign-up sheet – see Rick May.
We also discussed our April 13 Young Eagle rally at SET.

Let's get started on our projects:
  • IT cabinet
  • Sound System, Microphone, etc.
  • Sonerei – rework areas to provide accessibility?
  • Fly-Baby project – Jon Thayer
  • New refrigerator – Status? (Jim Bower volunteered to shop for a new refrigerator.)
  • EAA32 sign on ARC – repairs and new sign on ARC Front – Templates – We need volunteer to make letters/numbers
Movie of the Month at the ARC: - March 30.
Pot Luck dinner, social time – 6:00 – sunset.
Episodes of SKY KING followed by feature movie:
Next month – Blue Angels – history of this aerobatic group by Joe Gurney

The meeting was adjourned.

Monday, March 4, 2013

February 2013 Meeting Minutes

February's meeting began with the pledge, Dave Doherty presiding.

Don Doherty gave the treasurer's report, including checking and savings balances. Our recharter check to HQ has been received, but is yet to be cashed.

Joe Gurney is visiting, he'll be giving a presentation in April concerning the Blue Angels.

Bill Roland is visiting from Chapter 64. He notes his chapter has about 5 Fly Baby projects flying.

We're thinking about a flying club around our Fly Baby.

New member Charles Beysslance is here for his second meeting. He's about ten hours into his flight instruction.

As previously mentioned our chapter recharter has been sent to HQ and received.

This is the last month to pay dues and be included in the chapter roster. This year is our first for the new, lifetime membership of $450, with the option of 3 $150 payments. This will include a fleece jacket with the EAA32 logo sewn on the back.

Bob Kraemer had an article in the newsletter about runway markings and operations. Dave would like to see a presentation regarding operations at towered airports. Bob spoke regarding a letter he wrote to the FAA. As a result of the pilots' bill of rights you will receive a letter stating that you are subject to an investigation if you are getting a new license, rating or medical. Bob feels this is a large effort in manpower and expense in paper and postage, especially in this paperless age. He hopes that the wording will be along the lines of "can be investigated" rather than "will be investigated". Bob read his letter and the reply he received. One important point is that a medical is an investigation, so nothing is new there, but this extra letter might be alarming if you're not aware.

We've got a number of I.D. tags floating around. Dave's going to start taking pictures to post on a board to help us match names with faces.

Dave McGougan spoke about the veteran's project. He passed out questionnaires to all veterans present, and told the group they could return the forms personally or put them in the folder in the office.

Ron has Dierbergs and Shop n Save coupons, plus Schnuck's cards.

Oshkosh called Dave and want to bring the B-17 to St. Louis over the July 4 holiday and asked if we'd be interested. Like last year they'll start downtown and end up at Spirit. We'll be working together with Chapter 64. He mentioned that the Blue Angels will be in town in 2014 and reminded them that it would be yet another good opportunity to have the B-17 in town.

Don Doherty has the compressor working, Mr. Bill fired it up so we could all hear the proof. It still needs to be piped up and needs a belt guard. Our auxiliary tank is ready.

The refinished propeller is back on the Sonerai.

March 9 the St. Louis Science Center is going to show an IMAX movie, "Air Racers". Mike Saettele will be bringing flight simulators and we'll bring the Sonerai. Dave will post on the Yahoo group for volunteers.

This is our meeting to discuss our revised chapter by-laws. Jim Bower wondered if we needed to mention publishing a newsletter in the by-laws. He also noted that he, as newsletter editor, maintains the member database because it facilitates the mailing list, while the by-laws include this as part of the secretary's duties.

Some differences include staggering chapter officer elections, and legal provisions for removal of chapter members, the latter suggested by National. Don noted that our treasurer will be bonded, for the security of both the chapter and the treasurer. Motion was made to approve the by-laws as written and seconded. We voted, and a majority approved the new by-laws.

Note that Laura has the new by-laws available on the main page of the chapter website,

Lee Arnold: the AOPA has been working to get private landing strips made available for public use while waiving liability. Currently insurance is required if you give permission to others to land on your strip. Other states have such rules in place and AOPA is trying to get this set up for Missouri.

Rick May is compiling a list of YE pilots and sent out some letters. He has one correction: Troy's YE events will be on the first Saturday of the month. Dave suggested that Rick write a newspaper article regarding our program.