Saturday, December 9, 2017

November 2017 Meeting Minutes

November's meeting began with the Pledge, Dave Doherty presiding.

Minutes approved as published in the newsletter.

Pierre Moeser (German and Swiss) is visiting today. He's an EAA member and also a member of the Missouri Pilots' Association. He flies a 172.

Rick May followed up on his 2017 recap in the newsletter. He believes this is the most Young Eagles, 292, that we've flown in a single year. Don Jonas tops the list with 71 over 35 flights. A few pilots, including Jeff Stephenson, are just a few short of the "25 in 25" goal and are aiming to

Does anyone have a line on a small sheet metal bending brake?

The turnout for the Pumpkin Drop was low due to the weather, but we did end up clearing about $1,200 in food sales.

Michelle and Jeff host an annual geocaching event and the group ended up donating $205. Bill and Dave were also able to cook up some of the uneaten food from the October event.

Our holiday Christmas event is on 12/9. Dave will be mailing out an invitation to try and get an accurate headcount. Entrees will be chicken or beef, catered by Valenti's. Tickets are $20 in advance (or reserved) in advance, or $25 at the door without a reservation. Alan Hoffman will be our speaker, he's an author who wrote a book about the history of Lambert Field. This year the event will be held at the Creve Coeur airport.

The chapter re-charter is due in December. This is a big expense, around $1,700 to $1,800, including a charter fee and insurance on the ARC and two hangars. Chapter dues are due by the end of the year: $40.

Fundraisers include food coupons and Ron Burnett has the coupons and reminded everyone that they make great holiday gifts. See him after the meeting to get yours.

Vice President and Treasurer are up for election this year.  We passed out ballots and counted them, Bill and Don were unanimously re-elected.

Chris is bringing his 750 project on December 18, the first tasks being to replace some rivets, run wiring, and fix some hangar rash. He welcomes any volunteers and we'll be working in the mornings.

Ron Burnett mentioned that he spent $6,400 for a Grand Rapids unit including GPS in 2006. The one he recently bought at Oshkosh was $1,500 and takes up a lot less space behind the panel. Lesson: wait until later in your project to buy the avionics. He also recommends the Grand Rapids brand.

Dave Doherty mentioned that Dynon's about to get an STC for SkyViews in 172's.

Chris recommends doing an Eagles event (versus Young Eagles) next year. He's also spoken with a local school about matching a donation for an Air Academy Scholarship.

We then held our 50/50 drawing. John Knight won half the $67 and donated it to the chapter. (This may pay for the window that broke earlier, partly caused by a stiff north wind and broken door-closer.)

Kim Nack's headed to Winterhaven airport in Florida for the winter. If he stays long enough he may end up with a chapter member or two sleeping over during Sun-n-Fun.

Dave sent in applications for the B-17 and Tri-Motor in 2018. We may have a better shot with the July 4 event on the riverfront. We're going to try and have a presence there.

Bill mentions they're trying to do another Spirit air show in Chesterfield, probably later in the year.

Motion made and seconded to adjourn.