The February 2008 meeting began with the Pledge, VP Steve Morse presiding in Karsten's absence. The weather was not quite as cooperative as in January so we ate hamburgers grilled indoors. Nobody flew in, and no new visitors to recognize, though we welcomed a returning member.
Deliberations began with a discussion of a new door locking system. Proposed solutions ranged from door closers and automatic locking, an activated deadbolt for example, to a badge key RFID door lock system with each member having a unique key card. The latter system would allow tracking, though it would be computer-based and require administration. After lengthy discussion we decided that more research and alternatives are needed to make a decision.
Leo updated us on the water system. Our choices are a purification system or tying into the airport's water. The latter will require us to lay a pipe and connect it to the ARC and the airport respectively. The chapter voted to connect to KSET's water. We have the expertise within the chapter to run a ditch digger for the pipe. George suggested we involve a professional plumber to make the actual connections, Leo will speak with Holmes and find out how much this will cost.
We then reviewed upcoming events, including the fact that we have not yet formally recognized the 50th anniversary of the Chapter 32. Steve asked that the membership consider possible dates and make suggestions at the March meeting. Our Young Eagle / Open House event on June 14 may be a good time for this. Bill Jagust noted that, with the recent demise of the St. Louis County Fair and Air Show, civic leaders from surrounding counties are on the lookout for future airshow sites and some may well be present at KSET in June.
Dave McGougan is heading up a committee for the June 29 parachute event. Please contact him if you'd like to be involved.
Chrissi of Cozy Girrrl's fame will provide specialized welding training for 3 or 4 people. To be included you must be willing to, in turn, teach others. Training will take place during the week to minimize distractions, and students will pay for materials used. We are going to need a metal bench to weld on.
Our next-door neighbor Herman, at Skylink Aviation, took issue with an article in the February newsletter. Bill Jagust wrote the piece and will speak with Herman.
Gary addressed money matters and reported our checking and savings balances. To address the current issue with the IRS, our volunteer accountant, Gary, has written them a personal check in order to halt any additional charges. He then filed an appeal in an attempt to reduce our amount owed. Pending the results we'll pay Gary.
In another dollars and cents matter we have sold the Mustang II project. An interested party put a $500 deposit down on the $4500 asking price.
Finally we voted to buy an English wheel from Harbor Freight. This will reside in the ARC with our expanding collection of tools and gadgets.
Motion was made, and the meeting adjourned.