Saturday, October 17, 2009

October 2009 Meeting Minutes

by Dave Deweese, Chapter Secretary

The October meeting began with the pledge, Karsten Kessler presiding.

We started off with votes for chapter officers: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Dave Doherty, Bill Doherty, Don Doherty, and Dave Deweese respectively. As these are the only candidates, Karsten asked the membership to approve the entire slate. We voted unanimously to approve.

Our Christmas party will take place December fifth at six p.m. It will be catered by the new restaurant, “The Fly Girls Diner”. Menu will include roast beef and chickenwith sides and dessert. Drinks will be ‘BYOB,’ as in the past. We don’t yet have a price, but we’ll know ticket prices by newsletter time. (SEE THE NOTICE ELSEWHERE IN THE NOVEMBER NEWSLETTER ISSUE - ED.)

Gale has linedup Bob Cramer’s friend Libby, president of the 99’s who can speak to us on women in aviation. We’re looking for volunteers to decorate on the morning of the fifth. We will also do door prizes as in prior years.

Food Coupons: Ron has Dierbergs and Shop n Save available.

We recognized visitors. These included Jim Bower’s dad, wife, and dog. Jerry and Darlene from Rick May’s church, who made it to Oshkosh this year, also attended the meeting.

Dave McGougan announced Steve Mott that is helping with membership. Steve has found a woman who can make membership badges at $5 apiece. New badges are black on white. We considered a few questions. Should we tack this onto the membership fee or take out of funds? We also considered retrofitting existing members. We voted to make the expense part of membership expense. We can also discuss updating existing badges.

Dave Domeier is out this month but will go over treasurer information in November, particularly the audit. Gale mentioned that Dave’s waiting to do the audit as close as possible to turnover time.

Ron Burnett spoke about his project. He joined about ten years ago in hopes of building a plane and decided upon a Van’s design, the RV-6A, quick-build. He notes that chapter members have provided much help and education, including classes on fiberglass and electrics. Bob Nuckles’ electrical classes have also been helpful in wiring the project. He started with Control Vision’s X-bus originally, but ultimately decided upon a new system for the converted Subaru. Ron described designing the panel with a planner program but doesn ot recommend it, he ended up building a mock-up. His airline mentality suggested putting the radio stack in the center but he’s discovered that setting it off to the side several inches gives more space for the EFIS. Ron found that it can be hard to tell at the beginning how all the instruments will lay out. Most are working now and he’s turned his attention to the autopilot. He hopes to taxi by the end of the year.

Dave McGougan moved, Jim Hann seconded, to close the meeting.

Following the meeting Karsten gave a demonstration of the english wheel.

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