November Meeting Minutes
Dave Deweese
November 2011's meeting began with the Pledge, Dave Doherty presiding.
New members or visitors? None today.
Art Zemon - see if you need a nametag.
Food cards - Ron has Shop & Save and Dierberg's, reminded us of the Schnuck's card program.
Re: fundraiding, Bob Kraemer made a $1,000 donation to the chapter. Note that Dave Doherty will match donations up to $1,000.
B-17 and Trimotor applications: in to HQ, no status update.
Don gave the Treasurer's report, checking and savings balances, including outstanding bills. We're in good shape, here at the end of the year.
Holiday dinner, we're starting to take admission. Same place as last year. Jim Tecu is the guest speaker, author and Bill's flight instructor. Gives a presentation about the Wright Brothers. 50/50 raffle and gift exchange.
Elections last month, same officers as last time around. Speaking of which, Karsten is back in the States from Afghanistan, works at the same place as Dave.
Last year in January, MACTS event, we participated. Fee increasing this year for a table, roughly $150. Should we be there again? Ron Wright suggests using the money to send mailings to all EAA members in the area. Will format be the same as last year? Probably pretty much the same. Rick moved to participate, Laura seconded, motion carried. We'll need volunteers to staff. Might want to consider a professional convention-type graphic.
**(Advertising committee)**
Recent Completions - Jim Bower, Roger Mell (7), both RV's. (photo) Note: Roger's won't get warm enough, Jim's gets too warm. Mr. Bill met Richard VanGrusen, Jim has an autographed napkin framed.
Dave's Taylorcraft is flying with at new throttle cable.
Chapter hangar. Kim Nack is moving out. Grumman's moving in. (Ron confirms it will fit.) Tim Finley's at Creve Couer waiting for a spot at Washington. We don't know of any others waiting for a spot. It can be a problem to find three planes that will nest comfortably together.
Parkway school district has contacted Dave looking for ways to educate youth in trades. 11/30 (Wed) he'll be attending a meeting along with other corporate entities. Thinks an airplane project is a good idea. (Find out where/when - can I meet after work.) Gale suggested contacting HQ for such projects. Art also suggests including the Art (!) department of the school to design a color scheme.
What do we want to do next year? Fly-out to Silver Creek. Tour Creve Couer aviation museum. Fly a chapter member program. Tour FAA radar. Host more seminars. President@eaa32 for any other ideas. (list per handout)
Don, RE tour of radar facility. Facility at Missouri Research Park, on a Saturday. DecemberJanuary, sign-up sheet.
The airport has broken ground for the new hangars, concrete is poured. 5 facing east and 5 west.
Use tax on aircraft. DOR told people for years that they didn't have to pay for years, though now they are collecting and are asking for interest and penalties. Per Art, you can work with them to get the fees waived.
Meeting adjourned, short break to toast our project completions, then a presentation. Speaker: Alan Kirby RE Harold Hetzler, a B-24 Officer who flew on the first mission over Berlin.
** See if Daryl's interested, confirm and let Don know.
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