The first meeting of 2014 began with the Pledge, Dave Doherty presiding.
Don Doherty gave the treasurer's report, including checking and savings balances. We're currently pretty solvent, thanks to recent fundraisers and our food coupon program. Ron Burnett was not around but made sure cards were available at the meeting.
Brian Johnston, a new member, attended today. He was at the November meeting and has always been fascinated by aircraft. After learning that aircraft ownership was not as expensive as he thought he's decided to pursue flight training and build a kit.
Chapter 32's recharter needs to be completed this month. Our insurance forms are now online and that will be done in the next few days. HQ also requests a list of members, Jim Bower and Don Doherty are taking care of this.
Our Christmas party was last month. Libby Yunger gave an interesting presentation on Pancho Barnes. Everyone had a good time, though Dave would like to see more participation in the future, maybe a change of venue would help.
Projects for 2014 include converting the Sonerai into an educational exhibit. We've had our Fly Baby for about a year and hope to get it flying. Don fixed up our big compressor in 2013, and we've got a few more changes to make this year.
We're paying rent on our flight simulator. Rick May feels a 6 month lease might work better since we use it for our Young Eagles events. Jeff pointed out that we use it at other events. He also feels that someone who could attend every YE event, show people how to use the simulator correctly, and set some time limits, would be a good addition. We discussed asking Mike out to train some members to perform this role. We also need a new operating manual. Gale points out that we have a certified flight simulator as well, though it doesn't have the impressive, multi-screen display of the one Mike built. Renegotiating the rent to a rent-to-own arrangement was another idea. Jim Hann feels that, though our yearly investment is not trivial, spending the money to attract younger members who gravitate towards simulators is worth it. Jackie Melugin suggested that a grant might be available, considering the fact that we're an educational organization. Motion made and voted on to pursue renegotiation of our flight simulator lease.
New business. We're collecting dues for 2014, get your dues in before a week from today to be on the roster we're sending to Oshkosh. A lifetime membership is now available. Dave's located a source for a nice fleece-lined jacked with our logo embroidered as part of the deal.
We held our elections last month. Most of the officers remained the same, though we've doubled all the salaries. Flight advisor changed from Bill Jagust to Tim Finley. We have an opening for a Member At Large to attend our quarterly board of directors meetings. Tom Crocco volunteered. Our next board meeting is Saturday, 2/1/2014 at high noon.
Our 2/15 meeting will include results of the Board of Directors' meeting plus a financial presentation from Don. We'll continue to have the movie of the month starting with the last Saturday in March, running through October. Dave asked for suggestions. Membership mentioned Planes, 7 Days / 6 Nights, original Flight of the Phoenix, World's Fastest Indian, Avro Aero story, Cloud Dancer.
Paul Poberezny passed last year, and Dave noted how he made social events an important part of EAA. We'd like to go and see a Rascals game. Jim Hann suggested after Memorial Day when most kids are out of school. Jeff S. reminded us that the St. Charles Chill hockey team plays at the Family Arena and the tickets are only around five dollars.
Jim Hann brought in some examples of fabric covering. Dave Doherty would like to see us do some workshops in the coming year. There will be more post-meeting presentations, and we'll try to host another FAA presentation at the ARC.
We're participating in the Missouri Aviation Converence and Trade Show on 1/25 and 1/26 in Maryland Heights. Last year we got a lot of interest and gained a few members. We need volunteers to answer questions and for set-up and take-down. Set-up will start Friday evening, loading up a truck to drive down.
Dave will miss next month's meeting, but of course, has two brothers to act as substitutes.
Jim Hann spoke briefly about his recent building adventures. He's left Alaska and went to KY, also leaving 747's for Airbus 300's. He spent around two month living in a hotel in Louisville. First he finished his online CFI course, then got on to fabric work for his Pacer. Turns out every bit of stitched fabric on the plane needed to be recovered. He's using the Stuart's water-based system, and highly recommends the $20, 10 dvd set that describes the procedure.
May is the Spirit of St. Louis Air Show. We'll be attending and doing some programs and presentations. There's interest in a history of aviation presentation of some kind, likely involving older aircraft. Dave's talking with Oshkosh about what might be available, the Spirit of St. Louis being one idea.
Tom Crocco mentioned a document he received from HQ entitled "Guidelines for Deducting Out-of-Pocket Expenses Incurred in Connection with Volunteering at EAA Headquarters". It's on line at
Ron Wright put up a poster for Sun 'n' Fun, a "laid-back version of Oshkosh". He recommends sunscreen.
Motion to conclude the meeting was made and seconded.
Friday, January 24, 2014
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