Sunday, March 26, 2006

March 26th, 2006 Meeting Minutes

Numerous members took advantage of the fine weather and flew in to the meeting. Karsten and his kids supplied KFC and soda; various other individuals brought side dishes and desserts. A fine feast was had by all (for as long as the food held out).

The meeting began at 2:00 pm with the Pledge of Allegiance, then guests and visitors were introduced and recognized.

Old business:
President Karsten proposed a solution to our water quality problem. For approximately $200.00, we can install two filters that will remove all the impurities causing the stains in the bathroom fixtures. This solution will NOT make the water potable, however. A motion to accept
the proposal was made, voted on, and passed.

Gale Derosier is off the hook with regards to the legal harrasment caused by Hager Hinge. A motion to pay the final legal bill of $175.00 was made and passed. Unfortunately, we have no way of knowing when and if Hager Hinge or any other duck hunters will continue harassing the chapter by legal means, or otherwise.

New business:
Jim Hann presented the treasurer's report to the membership. He said in addition to a monthly verbal report, his binder (containing all account activity) will be available for scrutiny at each meeting he can attend. A motion was made to accept the report, and was passed.

Bob Jude demonstrated the new comm radio he built up from a standard panel-mount VHF radio. The elegant cabinet contains the radio, a battery, speaker, headphone jacks, a PTT switch, and antenna. In addition, a roof-mount antenna is available for longrange use. This radio will be useful during Young Eagle rallys.

George Stephenson and Dave Deweese presented the Young Eagle schedule. We have a rather
ambitious series of rallys this year, and George made a general appeal for pilots and ground crew to help out.

The B-17 is coming. Several Daves are running the show: Deweese, Domeier, McGoogan, and Dougherty. Volunteers are requested to help out with crowd control, souvenier sales, and other jobs. Please see one of the Daves for a sign-up sheet. The chapter voted to purchase one ride
ticket for $360.00. We plan to raffle off the ride for about $1.00 per ticket. This has proven to be a good money-maker in the past.

Rick Galati made a motion for the chapter to purchase a flaring tool. Everybody who builds an airplane needs such a tool for making 37 degree flares in fuel, brake, vent, and pitot/static lines. The tool in question would cost the chapter about $80.00. The main idea is although such a tool is vital, it's fairly expensive to own, given the relative sparse usage each builder will put it to. A shared tool will make much more sense, as long as everybody plays nice. This means it should be
signed out (so people know who has it) and returned as soon as possible so somebody else can use it. The proposal was enthusiastically seconded and approved.

The meeting was adjourned at 3:00 for a general discussion and observation of Jim Hann's RC models.