Saturday, January 16, 2016

January 2016 Meeting Minutes

We held January's meeting in the airport administration building, the ARC being full of airplane refugees from the recent flood.

Dave Doherty presided. We forgot to bring the flag over so we faced the flag on the CAF building for the Pledge.

All the hangars were inundated by the flood. With the hangar doors open they let in most of the corn cobs and stalks in northern St. Charles County. The airport will take care of power washing them. Jim Hann covered the tentative schedule from Dennis. When the hangars are dry from the power washing they'll come back again for disinfecting. If your plane is in the hangar at this time they'll disinfect  around it. We've got some stuff up on tables in the chapter hangar, if someone could come out and move it prior to the power washing that'd be helpful: Dave will be in Florida.

We're shooting for the end of March to finish the RV. Charlie Becker was interested to hear about the project and the flying club, and would like to see it at Oshkosh. Bill's involved with this year's air show at Spirit. (May 14 and 15) The Snowbirds will perform. We'd like to have a presence, possibly working with the STEM group. Dave has met with these people before, and they've expressed an interest in aviation projects for young people.

The Fly Baby project has stalled, Jim Hann has offered to buy it for $600 and the Cavalier project in trade. We discussed and decided to go ahead with the deal.

We had a chapter "compound" at Oshkosh last year and would like to do that again in 2016.

We plan on doing movies again, March through October. We'll try to have a fly-in.

Our meeting was postponed today as Dave was attending Howard Henderson's funeral. He was a founding member of the chapter and built a number of planes. Dave, Bill, and Don, among several others in attendance, all knew Howard.

Ron Burnett has food coupons. He advised everyone to come right after the meeting and see him, as he'll be heading home to watch his new favorite football team, the Chiefs.