Wednesday, November 30, 2011

November 2011 Meeting Minutes

November Meeting Minutes

Dave Deweese

November 2011's meeting began with the Pledge, Dave Doherty presiding.

New members or visitors? None today.

Art Zemon - see if you need a nametag.

Food cards - Ron has Shop & Save and Dierberg's, reminded us of the Schnuck's card program.

Re: fundraiding, Bob Kraemer made a $1,000 donation to the chapter. Note that Dave Doherty will match donations up to $1,000.

B-17 and Trimotor applications: in to HQ, no status update.

Don gave the Treasurer's report, checking and savings balances, including outstanding bills. We're in good shape, here at the end of the year.

Holiday dinner, we're starting to take admission. Same place as last year. Jim Tecu is the guest speaker, author and Bill's flight instructor. Gives a presentation about the Wright Brothers. 50/50 raffle and gift exchange.

Elections last month, same officers as last time around. Speaking of which, Karsten is back in the States from Afghanistan, works at the same place as Dave.

Last year in January, MACTS event, we participated. Fee increasing this year for a table, roughly $150. Should we be there again? Ron Wright suggests using the money to send mailings to all EAA members in the area. Will format be the same as last year? Probably pretty much the same. Rick moved to participate, Laura seconded, motion carried. We'll need volunteers to staff. Might want to consider a professional convention-type graphic.

**(Advertising committee)**

Recent Completions - Jim Bower, Roger Mell (7), both RV's. (photo) Note: Roger's won't get warm enough, Jim's gets too warm. Mr. Bill met Richard VanGrusen, Jim has an autographed napkin framed.

Dave's Taylorcraft is flying with at new throttle cable.

Chapter hangar. Kim Nack is moving out. Grumman's moving in. (Ron confirms it will fit.) Tim Finley's at Creve Couer waiting for a spot at Washington. We don't know of any others waiting for a spot. It can be a problem to find three planes that will nest comfortably together.

Parkway school district has contacted Dave looking for ways to educate youth in trades. 11/30 (Wed) he'll be attending a meeting along with other corporate entities. Thinks an airplane project is a good idea. (Find out where/when - can I meet after work.) Gale suggested contacting HQ for such projects. Art also suggests including the Art (!) department of the school to design a color scheme.

What do we want to do next year? Fly-out to Silver Creek. Tour Creve Couer aviation museum. Fly a chapter member program. Tour FAA radar. Host more seminars. President@eaa32 for any other ideas. (list per handout)

Don, RE tour of radar facility. Facility at Missouri Research Park, on a Saturday. DecemberJanuary, sign-up sheet.

The airport has broken ground for the new hangars, concrete is poured. 5 facing east and 5 west.

Use tax on aircraft. DOR told people for years that they didn't have to pay for years, though now they are collecting and are asking for interest and penalties. Per Art, you can work with them to get the fees waived.

Meeting adjourned, short break to toast our project completions, then a presentation. Speaker: Alan Kirby RE Harold Hetzler, a B-24 Officer who flew on the first mission over Berlin.

** See if Daryl's interested, confirm and let Don know.

Monday, October 31, 2011

October 2011 Meeting Minutes

October Meeting Minutes
Dave Deweese

October's meeting began with the Pledge, Dave Doherty presiding.

First we approved September's meeting minutes, then briefly reviewed last month's meeting: a field trip to Zenith Aircraft in Mexico, Missouri.

Don gave the Treasurer's report, including checking and savings account balances. We are a little better off than a year ago, and much better off compared to two years' past. We've got no outstanding bills, and even have some emergency funds just in case.

Visitors included Howard Henderson, a founding member of our chapter, builder of a T-18, Skycoupe, Pietenpol, and others.

Mike Newman is a new member, and is a mechanic over at St. Charles Flying Service. He flies a 172.

Don Glennie also attended. He's built a Minimax, as documented on our chapter website, and has a Cavalier in his garage.

Jeff Stephenson, who recently received his Sport Pilot rating, has received a scholarship from AOPA, so he'll be moving on in his education.

Chapter 32 Young Eagles events are over for 2011. We flew almost 300 this year.

Chapter 64 recently hosted the Ford Trimotor. We've got applications in for the Trimotor and B-17 in 2012.

The water project is still on hold since the DNR stepped in. Tracy is working with them, though there are no current status updates.

Funding was approved for new hangars at KSET. Bob Kraemer has seen the surveyors at work, and our best guess is that the concrete pad should be in this year.

New business includes plans for our upcoming holiday party. We'll be in the same place we were last year and the cost will be $25 per person for members, $30 for non-members. The All Occasion Banquet Center has a cash bar, so plan on buying beverages there versus bringing. Our tentative speaker is Rich Ceglinski who will give a presentation on the Berlin Airlift and the start of the Cold War.

We held our chapter election this month. With no other nominees stepping up our current roster of officers remains in place, following a unanimous vote:
President - Dave Doherty
Vice President - Bill Doherty
Treasurer - Don Doherty
Secretary - Dave Deweese

The last movie of the month for 2011 takes place 10/29: Speed Angels, all about training for F-14 pilots. Also on the 29th is the St. Charles Flying Service Halloween Pumpkin Drop.

Dave Doherty now has over 100 landings in his Taylorcraft, and had purchased an interior.

A new addition to the ARC this month was a Sonerai IIL, donated by Bill Nelson. He's given it to the chapter on the condition that it not be used as a flying aircraft, though we've already got plans to use it as a learning tool for Young Eagles, so that won't be a problem. Bill, who also donated the pedal-powered Tomcat and was active in our chapter in the 80's and 90's, spoke regarding the history of his plane. One of his sons was in college and became so enamored of aviation that Bill was afraid he'd be tempted to drop out. To defuse the situation he bought a 172. When he finally sold the plane he felt naked without one and decided to construct a Sonerai. The build took four and a half years, and was complete in October of 1985. Bill went on to describe several approaches he took to adding brakes, and the carb heat box that won an achievement for innovation award at Oshkosh.

Motion was made, and seconded, to adjourn.

Friday, September 30, 2011

September 2011 Meeting Minutes

September Meeting Minutes
Dave Deweese

The minutes for September will be less structured than usual, since our meeting varied from the norm this month with a field trip to Zenith Aircraft Company's annual open house in Mexico, Missouri.

Temperatures were unseasonably cool for mid-September, and with light rain and drizzle in the forecast it was anybody's guess as to how many Chapter 32 members would manage to fly in. I opted to take the land route, fueled up "The Blue Flame", (my '89 Tercel,) and headed west. To get to (North) Mexico by road from the St. Louis area your best bet is 70 west. This is familiar territory, since my old alma mater, Mizzou, is in Columbia, and I made many trips that way in the late eightees. Many landmarks remain from those days, and gray skies recalled the drive back to school after Christmas break: a depressing trip during which post-holiday blahs mixed with thought of trudging across campus in snow and ice for months until spring returned.

Thankfully this was not January, and I was glad to turn off of 70 onto 54 northbound. For years I've been aware of Zenith, but never had a real excuse to trek out to their annual open house. The place is easy to find: you simply follow 54 as the highway shrinks from four lanes to two, then stops, turns eastward, and guides you past homes and small businesses until you see the airport sign on the right.

Despite gloomy weather a fair number of attendees were parked alongside of the road by 9:00 a.m. Cool drizzle (and after effects of morning coffee) inspired me and I jogged past the row of parked cars and up to the open hangar doors. EAA HQ had a table inside where Charlie Becker was actively recruiting new members, and our own Gale Derosier took a microphone and spoke about the Tech Counselor program.

I wandered about the facility, fascinated by all the shiny airplane parts, and one of the robots who fabricates them. He's sort of like a big printer with rotary tools instead of ink. First he picks up a drill and sinks a pattern of holes in a sheet of aluminum, then picks up a cutting bit and cuts a nice, perfect part while a vacuum neatly picks up all the shavings while he works. A formed example of the piece sat on a table nearby; other tables held subassemblies from yokes and rudder pedals up to an uncovered wing.

Outside I ran into Don Doherty and Tim Finley, who flew his shark-mouthed 601 through the drizzle. We watched a couple strolling among the airplanes with two young children who obviously approved of the Flying Tiger motif: the little boy stuck his nose up so close to the cowling that he appeared to be sniffing it. We were there for group picture time, and you can see how a fun paint job makes a bird stand out from a more conservatively painted flock.

The new 650 and 750 are fine-looking planes, no doubt, even lacking eyes and teeth. I wondered how the 750 would look as a tail-dragger, and imagined the view from that big, bubble canopy. A 750 took off a few times, its steep ascent reminding me of my wife's speculations on a piece of land out in the country, where such a machine would be at home leaping off of a grass strip. If I was in the market it'd be tough to pick between the two.

Art Zemon arrived later on with Troy and Jeff. He, too, had braved the weather. The local EAA chapter was serving up hot dogs and pork steaks, proceeds going to their own scholarship program. We all sat together and ate lunch. The food was hot, though the weather was chilly, and once my stomach was full it was time to adjourn and head back to home base in St. Charles. I'm glad I finally made it out to the house of Heintz, and if you have not, and feel any interest in shiny airplanes, then you should plan on trekking out to Mexico, Missouri, for the 2012 open house.

Onwards and upwards, (and westwards and eastwards,)

Dave Deweese

Saturday, August 20, 2011

August 2011 Meeting Minutes

August Meeting Minutes
Dave Deweese

August's meeting began with the Pledge, Dave Doherty presiding.

Minutes from last month's meeting were approved.

Don Doherty gave the treasurer's report, including checkingand savings account balances.
Dave called for a show of Oshkosh attendees. Art Zemon saw a BD-4C at the Bede tent and has decided to build one. It has the same engine as his Piper Arrow but is 30 to 40 mph faster, and is also wider. Jim Bede Jr. just got his pilot's license and needs a certificated plane in which to build time, so Art is going to trade his Arrow for a partially built plane and a prop. He's on the lookoutfor avionics and an IO-360.

Dave Doherty found an interior for his Taylorcraft. Getting the plane itself took some work. The former owner flew from Los Angeles to Amarillo Texas, where he was grounded by winds. After waiting a few days for better weather Dave sent him home, then he and Don Jonas went to fly her back themselves. After 28 years since his last left-seat time Dave worked with Bob Kraemer to get current in the taildragger, and is now signed off to fly it.

Gale has passed the 40 hour test period in his Rans. The first passenger was his wife, and after that his son.

Chapter 64 is hosting the Tri-Motor on September 24, 25,and 26. They are expecting 500 to 600 people, and are looking for volunteers (see elsewhere in this issue). On Saturday the 24th there will be a hangar dance; we'll be bringing a tent, tables, and chairs. Flights will be $60 for EAA members and $75 for the general public.

Jeff Stephenson has soloed on July 22, the anniversary of Neil Armstong's moon landing, incidentally. After flying the pattern during some early morning lessons, Nick, his instructor, said "two more and I'm out of here". Nick was able to record the first flight with Jeff's camera. The first flight was from runway 18, and since then he's made about ten more takeoffs from 9 and 27. Jeff was clever enough to wear an old t-shirt to the meeting, as Bill was waiting to cut off the tail.

Dave Doherty suggests that we hold our September 17 meeting at Zenith in Mexico, Missouri, where they'll be holding their open house. We moved, seconded, and voted to proceed. We'll hold the meeting at KSET in case of bad weather. Dave's considering a future "field trip" meeting at the Silver Creek glider club.

In honor of the 100th anniversary of naval aviation, this month's movie will be Flight Command.
Next we recognized visitors. John Pilla, an ex-navy mechanic, is getting back into aviation. Sam Bell, Chuck Maggart's son-in-law, was also in attendance. He's a National Guard mechanic, mostly F-15s. Tony Krause found us on the internet, he's moving from St. Louis from Evansville. He flies a Cessna 150. Joe Wurtz is a CAF member and new EAA member. He recently brought his 12 and 14 year-old grandsons to one of our Young Eagles events.

Chapter elections are coming up. Nominations for President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer will be accepted through the September meeting.

We also need a Christmas party committee. We'll meet the All Occasions Banquet Center, the same location as last year, and still need to arrange a speaker.

Our old refrigerator is dead and needs disposal. We'll check Craig's List for people who haul away old appliances to sell for scrap.

The anniversary of 9/11 is coming up. Chapter 64 members are organizing a fly-over of Jefferson Barracks, and are looking for pilots interested in participating. Harvester Christian Church will also hold a tribute to firefighers and rescue workers at the Family Arena.

Since our presentation fell through, we closed the meeting and toasted Jeff.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

July 2011 Meeting Minutes

July 2011 Meeting Minutes

by Dave Deweese

July's meeting began with the Pledge, Bill Doherty presiding:

Dave is en route in the new/used Taylorcraft.

Don Jonas is helping to get the bird to its new home; last stop was Joplin.

We approved last month's minutes.

Don Doherty gave the Treasurer's report, including checking and savings balances. The chapter made over $1,800 during the Fourth of July event on O'Fallon. Sunday started off slow, then a storm blew in. Thanks to internet weather reports on mobile devices our volunteers were able to get under cover. July 4 was better, so much so that the food supplies ran out.

Jim Hann announced the annual photograph of chapter members who attend Oshkosh. He suggests noon on Thursday, July 12, at the Chapter House. Several people will camp at 12th and Sunset. Art Zemon plans to be atNorth 40.

Art has also completed the nametags and brought them to the ARC.

Following the business portion of the meeting Dr. Charles Miller gave a video presentation. He flew C-47s in the Pacific Theater of WWII and gave an account ofhis experiences. He belonged to a troop carrier squadron, and his missions began near Australia and ultimately brought him to Japan.

Rick Ray, the Public Information Officer of the local CAF also gave a presentation, including a video and an overview of the group. Afterwards several of us touredthe facilities.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

June 2011 Meeting Minutes

June Meeting Minutes

by Dave Deweese

Our June meeting began with the Pledge, Bill Doherty presiding. We approved last month's minutes, then Don gave the treasurer's report, including checking and savings accountbalances.
There were no new members or visitors to recognize thistime around.

Old business started off with a report on the International Young Eagle's day event. We had a request to see insurance papers; Art Zemon took care of this. We flew 34 young eagles, including 16 attending the merit badge program. Several parents also flew. Our next event will take place on July 9, Mr. Bill will be in training. We'rehoping floodwaters will not be a factor.

Art Zemon brought some examples of our new, laminated nametags. These could either pin to a hat or hang from a lanyard.

We revisited flood preparation. Both rivers are up, the Mississippi is at 25 feet. At 31 feet it's in our facility. In the case of evacuation we'd attempt to call the entire membership in order to recruit enough volunteers to move the equipment out. As in the past meeting we discussed the PODS system as an alternative for temporary storage. Jim Hann moved to authorize up to $1,000 expenditureif necessary; Don will post pricing on the Yahoo board after researching. Bill requested emergency authorization for the officers to, if necessary, use their discretion in deciding how to proceed. The move was seconded and passed.

The clean water issue has taken a twist. The Missouri Department of Natural Resources is investigating wells in response to new clean water standards from Washington.Tracy received word that they have to approve all wells. Wells on airports such as KSET are getting extra scrutiny. Although they are looking for information on our on well we do not currently have documentation and are looking for members who were involved in this project.

June 25 is the EAA32 movie night, "30 Seconds Over Tokyo", preceded by a potluck at 6. This is preceded by a car show at the CAF.

This year's July 4 event at O'Fallon is scaled back a bit, menu-wise. We're planning to work in shifts on July 2, 3, and 4, and would like 5 to 7 people at any given time. A special meeting is coming up to discuss plans and supplies needed. We'll be using gas grills versus charcoal and will use the chapter's grill plus a few more borrowedunits. Other needs include tubs for cooling drinks, big fans, a tri-fold pamphlet to hand out, and a vehicle with a trailer for hauling. Bill presented an estimate of the outlay and asked for authorization to spend from $1,300 to $1,500. Art moved for $1,500 and Jim seconded, the membership voted and the motion passed.Bill Wehmeyer, our CAF contact, reports that the B-29, "Fifi", will be at the Spirit of St. Louis airport August 1 through August 3. They'll be selling rides; around $900 in the back compartment and $1,200 up front. The three planes based here at KSET will be there as well.
Oshkosh is next month. Attendees from Chapter 32 will meet there, we'll hold an unofficial meeting here on July 16. Our next official meeting at the ARC is on August 20.
The CAF hangar dance takes place September 17.

Chapter 64 will host the Tri-Motor September 23 through the 25th. They're looking for volunteers.

October 8 is the Gateway to Youth Aviation Day at Parks College.

After the meeting the Sonex-flying Huebbe family gave some hints and guidelines for filming your aircraft, and then putting your video together in a professional manner.

Following the Huebbes' presentation several members attended the open house at St. Charles Flying Service.

Monday, June 13, 2011

June 2011 Meeting Minutes

June Meeting Minutes

by Dave Deweese

Our June meeting began with the Pledge, Bill Doherty presiding. We approved last month's minutes, then Don gave the treasurer's report, including checking and savings accountbalances.
There were no new members or visitors to recognize thistime around.

Old business started off with a report on the International Young Eagle's day event. We had a request to see insurance papers; Art Zemon took care of this. We flew 34 young eagles, including 16 attending the merit badge program. Several parents also flew. Our next event will take place on July 9, Mr. Bill will be in training. We'rehoping floodwaters will not be a factor.

Art Zemon brought some examples of our new, laminated nametags. These could either pin to a hat or hang from a lanyard.

We revisited flood preparation. Both rivers are up, the Mississippi is at 25 feet. At 31 feet it's in our facility. In the case of evacuation we'd attempt to call the entire membership in order to recruit enough volunteers to move the equipment out. As in the past meeting we discussed the PODS system as an alternative for temporary storage. Jim Hann moved to authorize up to $1,000 expenditureif necessary; Don will post pricing on the Yahoo board after researching. Bill requested emergency authorization for the officers to, if necessary, use their discretion in deciding how to proceed. The move was seconded and passed.

The clean water issue has taken a twist. The Missouri Department of Natural Resources is investigating wells in response to new clean water standards from Washington.Tracy received word that they have to approve all wells. Wells on airports such as KSET are getting extra scrutiny. Although they are looking for information on our on well we do not currently have documentation and are looking for members who were involved in this project.

June 25 is the EAA32 movie night, "30 Seconds Over Tokyo", preceded by a potluck at 6. This is preceded by a car show at the CAF.

This year's July 4 event at O'Fallon is scaled back a bit, menu-wise. We're planning to work in shifts on July 2, 3, and 4, and would like 5 to 7 people at any given time. A special meeting is coming up to discuss plans and supplies needed. We'll be using gas grills versus charcoal and will use the chapter's grill plus a few more borrowedunits. Other needs include tubs for cooling drinks, big fans, a tri-fold pamphlet to hand out, and a vehicle with a trailer for hauling. Bill presented an estimate of the outlay and asked for authorization to spend from $1,300 to $1,500. Art moved for $1,500 and Jim seconded, the membership voted and the motion passed.Bill Wehmeyer, our CAF contact, reports that the B-29, "Fifi", will be at the Spirit of St. Louis airport August 1 through August 3. They'll be selling rides; around $900 in the back compartment and $1,200 up front. The three planes based here at KSET will be there as well.
Oshkosh is next month. Attendees from Chapter 32 will meet there, we'll hold an unofficial meeting here on July 16. Our next official meeting at the ARC is on August 20.
The CAF hangar dance takes place September 17.

Chapter 64 will host the Tri-Motor September 23 through the 25th. They're looking for volunteers.

October 8 is the Gateway to Youth Aviation Day at Parks College.

After the meeting the Sonex-flying Huebbe family gave some hints and guidelines for filming your aircraft, and then putting your video together in a professional manner.

Following the Huebbes' presentation several members attended the open house at St. Charles Flying Service.

Monday, May 30, 2011

May 2011 Minutes

May's meeting began with the Pledge, VP Bill Doherty presiding while Dave is in Kansas with his son.
After approving the April Minutes Jeff Stephenson presented a Young Eagles scholarship to Paola Dacosta-Rosario, a girl from his social studies class. Jeff had mentioned the YE program to his students, so Paola came out and flew with Ron Burnett in his Luscombe. She had spoken about wanting to be a pilot and was interested in the Air Academy, so Jeff spoke with Dave Doherty about sending a scholarship her way. Paola accepted the scholarship in front of the membership. Her father, mother, and younger sister were present as well. Note that we are working on an EAA32 scholarship to provide funds for a college-level aviation student. We're
looking out for donations and ideas for raising funds.

Don gave the treasurer's report, including the checking and savings balances.

We recognized visitors next; George Roeback, a friend of Vince and former pilot, was in attendance.

May's Young Eagles event was canceled due to weather, the next will take place on June 11. Chapter 64 is also holding an event that day. Our pilot roster is dwindling, and we're looking for ways to reverse this trend.

Don Doherty has procured a light for our entryway. We need another, specialized light to illuminate the flagpole. The current one is malfunctioning.

The threat of flood continues, and we still don't have a formal plan. Our main concern is getting equipment out. Given adequate notice, we could go the Pods route, renting a container to store our equipment for the duration.

Dave McGougan and Art Zemon were not present, but they are working on the new badge solution.

New Business:
St. Charles Flying Service canceled an open house due to weather and are rescheduling for June 11.

Al Donaldson's family has arranged for a memorial ceremony at Oshkosh.

Neuman Richard's wife passed away in May.

Our bylaws are in need of an update, and we need a committee to tackle this. Several volunteers stepped up, though timing is an issue for all. If you are interested in taking part please contact a chapter officer.

Laura Million is updating our chapter website and gave the chapter officers an online preview of her changes. She is trying to simplify the layout and make it easier to find important information.

Don Doherty is organizing maintenance for the ARC. The gutters and the EAA 32 sign, in particular, need some new paint.

We're planning to attend the July 4 Heritage Festival in O'Fallon once again. Alternatives to the rented charcoal grill are being considered. For example, Sam's has a $400 gas grill.

May's movie is "Battle of Britain". Pot luck begins at 6, the movie starts at 7.

EAA Chapter 1212 in Macon (northeast Missouri) has a fly-in on June 12.

Our neighbors, the CAF, are holding a car and aircraft show, "American Muscle", on June 25.

Jack Bowers of the regional radar aircraft control in Weldon Springs met with Bill Doherty to discuss a chapter tour of their facility.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

April 2011 Minutes

Our April meeting began with the Pledge, Dave Doherty presiding.

Due to our YE event in March there was no official meeting, and therefore no minutes to approve. We flew 101 kids at our event, and participating pilots included Ron Hightower who brought his Stearman. We haven't had this much activity in a while and have many more events coming up. Laura reminded us that this year's events take place on the second Saturday of each month, pilot and ground crew briefings start at 8:30 am. April's event flew 71 Young Eagles, so we've flown more in two months of 2011 than in all of 2010.

There were no visitors to recognize at this meeting.

Don gave the Treasurer's report, including savings and checking account balances. We've recently filled the propane tank and emptied the sceptic tank, taking a chunk out of our funds. Since the closing of the Fly Girls' restaurant we've been selling food at our Young Eagles events and this helps defray expenses. We also sold food at our recent Wings presentation. We're signed up, once again, for the July Fourth event in O'Fallon. Taking lessons from last year we'll buy less and sell for a bit more. We'll also sell food at this year's airport open house. Tracy has not yet set a date.

Old Business: water. Tracy reports that the airport intends to supply clean water to all airport users. Although this will take about a year, it negates our own clean water project.

Art Zemon is helping out with our new nametags. These will be printed and laminated, so they can theoretically include whatever you like: a logo or graphic of your aircraft. A sheet was passed around at the meeting asking for specifics.

We have raised $85 of our projected $500 scholarship fund and will be contacting universities soon.

Design for flagpole lighting is in progress. It will have to be weatherproof and hopefully will light the walkway as well.

One of our refrigerators is dead. Since some local utilities will haul away old appliances we'll be checking to see if Ameren will take ours.

With the recent increase in activity at KSET there has also been an increase in reports to the FAA. Some incidents involve the intersection of the two runways, and others are the result of flying odd patterns. The FAA is not looking at imposing new rules as it might cause more confusion. Remember to stay on the radio and make your intentions known.

New Business: We've been invited to tour the CAF after an upcoming meeting and get a look at what our neighbors are up to. Bill mentioned the CAF 'Heritage' program: rides in the B-25 will go for $325. They are looking at including more planes in the program.

The ARC needs paint. Anyone who's up for some scraping and brushing is welcome to volunteer.

Mike Saettel is looking for old charts to donate for educational purposes. Ron Burnett notes that FBO's cut the corners off charts to identify them as expired, and agrees that VFR charts in particular are good to give away.

Ron reminded the group that he had extra food coupons, and Dave reminded new members that the chapters gets 4% from purchases made. Dave is also looking for corporate sponsorship for the chapter, if you're aware of such sources please let him know.

The Ford Trimotor will visit Cahokia this year. There's no news on the B-17 and Dave will contact EAA HQ once more.

A few Chapter 32 members were at Sun-n-Fun this year, though none were at our April meeting. We're waiting for an eyewitness account.

April's movie, on April 30, is 'Pearl'.

Dave Doherty has signed up with Dave Pressy to pursue his sport pilot certificate. He's now looking for a Taylorcraft.

If you find any out of date information in the roster please contact Jim Bower.

As of the April meeting the river is technically in flood stage, but is still about 10 feet from threatening KSET. The magic number is 31 feet of flood stage at Grafton, which puts the water about 6 inches from the floor level of the ARC.

Our by-laws were written in the nineteen sixties and need a review. Our executive committee will review and present changes to the membership. If you'd like to get involved please contact Dave Doherty.

Following the meeting Bill Doherty recognized Ron Burnett for the first flight of his RV-6A. Beginning in 2009, the quick-build kit took 11 years to complete. Ron thanked the chapter at large for assistance, and specifically recognized Jeff McKee, noting that they started Marine flight training together. Jeff was always ahead, even in the construction of his airplane. Ron has several suggestions, including building at home, and waiting to move to the airport only when your project is nearly complete. He also warns against the 'shotgun' approach: moving to a different subproject when you encounter a challenge. It's better to ask questions, get your issue resolved, finish the part you're working on and then move on. Ron's plane has a Subaru engine that burns 5 to 6 gallons per hour, a money saver over time. In retrospect, however, he noted that a Lycoming and a standard prop would have ended up costing about the same and taken less time to install and set up. Ron's thinking about selling his Luscombe, but don't consider making an offer if you plan to paint her.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

February 2011 Meeting Minutes

February's meeting began with The Pledge, Dave Doherty presiding. First we recognized new members and visitors. Pat Rebert is thinking about learning to fly and building an aircraft. Jon Thayer is considering joining our chapter.

Don Doherty gave the Treasurer's report. Our official chapter paperwork is in to Oshkosh along with associated fees. He reported our current checking and savings account fees; we are still solvent. Our propane tank is at about 40% so we'll have to refill that before long. Since we did not hold our Christmas party at the ARC we are better off than in previous years. Don noticed that the office furnace needs a look as well. He also mentioned the 7.2% hangar rental fee, it's
going from $80 to $85.

Old Business. Now that Spring is approacing we can start thinking about clean water again. Mike Saettel may have a friend with a trenching machine that the chapter can borrow. The old soda machine and copier are out of the ARC. Last month's 50/50 drawing added $56 to our scholarship fund, we're holding another drawing after the meeting.

Dave Doherty's looking at a name tag machine in the $300 range that we could keep at the ARC. This would be a laminating type, so the new badges will look different than the older ones.

Additional old business includes lighting for the flag pole and the kiosk and kiddie ride in the chapter hangar.

New Business: first flights! Recently Gale Derosier flew his Rans Super 6S Coyote and Tim Finley flew his Zodiac 601 XLB. Gale reports that his project took around 30 months, versus five and a half years for his prior plane. He highly recommends Rans kits, noting the level of completion compared to his Mustang II. Because of his custom striping the paint job was more difficult. In terms of hours Gale says he spent 1,035, compared to the 700 suggested by Rans.

Because of the weather Gale had to wait for his first flight. After our big snowstorm Dave Domeier plowed the runway, and then made a track directly to Gale's hangar. The initial flight lasted about an hour, took place at three to four thousand feet, and consisted mostly of low speed maneuvers. The second flight took place the day before this meeting. The Coyote was off the ground in 300 feet with one notch of flaps. Gale's bird is powered by a Rotax 912UL, and he noted that during his previous flight it appeared to run cold. The next flight, at higher airspeed and RPM, produced normal temperatures. The only issue Gale noted had to do with fuel delivery: the airplane has two tanks, and one appears to empty at a higher rate than the other.

Tim Finley began his Zodiac on June 19, 2000, with the rudder workshop at the Zenith factory in Mexico, Missouri. He completed it on October 31, 2009, but by then the FAA required an upgrade before issuing an airworthiness certificate. This involved dissassembly of the wings and center fuselage, and the project lasted from December of 2009 to March of 2010. Tim notes that the modification adds 10 to 15 pounds to the airframe. His paper work was all done on February 5 of this year and he flew six days later.

The plane lives at Parks Downtown airport. The long runway, with open ground to the east, was plowed. This was Tim's runway choice for his first flight, the open space being part of his contingency plan. On the initial flight he tested low speed performance, including stall speed, and noticed that one wing felt heavy. This can be caused by different washout between two wings. After landing he made appropriate changes then flew again last Sunday. Tim flew his plane in for today's meeting and it now has about 1.4 hours in the air. He reports that it is a nice flying plane, sensitive in pitch. It's powered by a Jabiru 3300.

Other new business includes our need for a flood contingency plan. Flooding is predicted for this year and we need to assure that our equipment does not get destroyed. Initial ideas include a phone list that will result in a call to every chapter member, ideally resulting in enough available hands to move our tools to higher ground.

Jeff Skiles, of United Flight 1549 fame, will be flying a Cessna 162 to Sun-n-Fun, and will be stopping here. We are hosting him with a Young Eagles event and hope to fly around 125 kids. We plan to get media outlets and other local aviation groups involved. Jeff will give a talk around 8 a.m., and will then fly kids. We need pilots, and already have a few Troy members who plan to show up. We'll also have a BBQ.

Don Doherty reports that we have a safety event coming up on April 2 tied in with other groups such as the county airport and St. Charles Flying Service. Dave Pressy will speak regarding sport pilot. Al Gorthy from the FAA will talk about runway safety. This event, in part, results from increased activity here at KSET. Folks involved with the last, similar event report attendance at around 100 people. We'll provide a lunch of brats and burgers and will need help with setup. The event will last from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Fred Immen addressed the group next. Per Rod Hightower the FAA is considering new regulations on amateur-build aircraft. A 2009 report by AOPA and the NTSB documented the chance of injury and death in various classes of aircraft, Fred's offering his guidance in crafting regulations that will not destroy our hobby.

Ron Burnett still has Dierbergs and Shop & Save cards.

With a new bulb for our projector movie night will begin again in March with "Pearl."

Frank McGhee donated a 4-hour aviation history DVD to the chapter. He also brought in a book, "The Procedural Handbook of Welding," published by Lincoln Electric. He describes it as the bible of welding, and notes that, while Amazon charges $45 for a copy, you can get it from the Lincoln site for $25.

The business portion of the meeting adjourned. After a break we returned and toasted Gale and Tim.

Bob and Donna Crandall of the Missouri Pilots Association then gave a presentation.

They noted several upcoming events: March 16 is their next meeting, at the Maryland Heights center, at which the speaker will be Joe Pesca, The Missouri Department of Transportation Aviation Director. March 29 is State Aviation Day, and the group will be in Jefferson City to meet with legislators. A state-wide event will take place in June at Lake of the Ozarks.

Both Bob and Donna stressed the importance of group memberships, as this gives the aviation community a bigger voice when it comes to influencing laws and regulations. Donna noted that Dennis Bampton met with the MPA and will be offering various discounts to individuals who belong to, and hold a membership card for such organizations as MPA, EAA, CAF, 99's, and others.

Monday, January 24, 2011

January 2011 Meeting Minutes

January 22, 2011 Minutes

First meeting of 2011 began with the Pledge, Dave Doherty presiding.

First business of the new year was to list officers. This group includes Bill Jagust and Dave Doherty who will act as community liaisons and educational coordinators. Fundraising will be headed up by Dave Doherty; Ron Burnett will continue to handle food coupons. Fred Immen will be chair the Safety Committee. Karsten Kessler is our member at large, and is currently at large in Afghanistan. Jim Bower will continue as editor of our newsletter, Laura Million continues to edit our web site. Bill Jagust remains as flight advisor. Tech counsellors include Rick Galati, Jerry Erickson, Gale Derosier, and Fred Immen.

Next we recognized new visitors and members. Mike Saettel joined our chapter after the meeting. He builds flight simulators and brought one to the meeting, he also brought his son Richard to assist in setup. Tom Jordan attended. He has a Long EZ at Spirit that has flown, though he continues to improve it.

Dave asked for reviews of the Christmas party, and the response was positive. We are considering something similar for 2011, maybe including music and a dance floor.

The Young Eagles organizational meeting took place earlier this month. 118 Young Eagles flew at our events in 2010. This year we are planning at least six events, on the second Saturday of each month starting in April. Registration will be open from 9 to 12 and we'll continue flying until we run out of kids or exhaust our pilots. We are actively recruiting new pilots for the upcoming season.

We are planning to hold more safety-related seminars in 2011. We always hold briefings for both ground crew and pilots before each Young Eagles event.

We're going to have new business cards printed, including the ARC phone number, 636-250-4257. We use this resource to record message regarding upcoming events. Note that the Yahoo group is also a good source of correspondence and communications.

Other outstanding business includes nametags: Dave Doherty is going to procure a machine to produce these. Also, dues are due, if you wish to be included in the 2011 roster.

Our next subject is a big one: events for the coming year. We'd like to do a road trip or fly-out, Zenith in Mexico, Missouri, is one possible destination. We'd also like to hold a fly-in. There are a number of organizations in St. Louis searching for ways to advertise aviation products and services. A fly-in, with booths for these groups, would be a good opportunity for exposure to the local flying community.

We're working on a weekend visit of the B-17, and have applied for a Tri-Motor visit. Another repeat for 2011 will be the July 4 event.

Bill and Dave Doherty plan to schedule workshops to be held on the first weekend of the month.

We'll continue our involvement with Boy Scouts of America with merit badges and attendance at another large event. Dave notes that HQ is also working with the Scouts.

Dave would like us to provide a $500 scholarship for attendance at an aviation-related college program. This will be funded with 50/50 drawings at each meeting, Dave will make up the difference if we come up short. Rod Hightower noted that EAA HQ has scholarship funds available and not enough takers.

We are reaching out to other local aviation groups. We'll have a meeting at the CAF and learn what they do. Last year we worked together during the B-17 visit. Dennis Bampton of St. Charles Flying Service is offering discounts on fuel, rental, and maintenance to members of other organizations, including EAA32. Dennis spoke at the MACTS event the weekend prior to our meeting. EAA32 had a table along with other groups such as the 99's and Parks College. Bob Kraemer attended the flight instructor seminar and briefly reviewed the event for us.

When the weather warms up we'll again address the clean water project, specifically running a line from the main administration building. We'll also try and find out how the administration building is heated; if they use natural gas versus heating oil we might consider a line for that as well if it proves cheaper than our current system.

We're keeping the idea of a ramp in mind, though at this point we don't have sufficient funds for such a project.

Don Doherty gave the treasurer's report, including checking and savings balances. We made just over $600 auctioning Ernie's models, this does not include the $500 we made selling the Cavalier. The Christmas party was a wash. Don discussed getting rid of some excess items, Frank McGhee agreed to take our non-functioning copier. Troy took photographs of the soda machine and will advertise that on Craigslist. We'd also like to get rid of the old lawnmower.

Bud Cole spoke, describing tours that light aircraft manufacturers ran in the years after the Lindbergh flight. They were able to build on the enthusiasm following that historic event, travelling from city to city and displaying their planes. Bud would be willing to host an event at his home to discuss how our organization might "spark plug" a new version of this program.

Frank McGhee updated us on his AW95 helicopter project, for which he is now acquiring materials. He also brought a letter he received regarding the Moller skycar. Interest in the powerplant, which is similar to a Wankel rotary engine, is such that Freedom Motors, who manufactures it, is going public.

Doug Killibrew asked about movie night. Due to the cold movies will resume in March.

Bill Doherty suggested a family night event. He'd be willing to arrange a trip to T.R. Hughes in O'Fallon to see a Rascals ball game.

At 10:55 a.m. motion was made, and seconded, to close the meeting, which was followed by a demonstration of lost wax casting by Frank McGhee, and a demonstration by Mike Saettel of his flight simulator.

Dave Deweese, Chapter 32 Secretary