Sunday, November 18, 2012

November 2012 Meeting Minutes

November's meeting began with the Pledge, Dave Doherty presiding.

We approved last month's minutes.

Don gave the Treasurer's report, including checking and savings balances. 

Former chapter president Tim Dempsey, visited today. He's in a new chapter, 1402, in St. Clair. is their website.

Lee Cobb is thinking about building an RV and is looking for a C90 engine.

Jack Sargeant is new to the area and has just started on an RV. First he needs to get it here from Wichita.

Paul Hipps is working on an RV7 and has been gone for a while. He brought his friend Amanda along as well.

Joe Hecker just joined, he's a Luscombe enthusiast.

Old Business. Chapter by-laws are finalized as of last Wednesday and are ready to submit to HQ. Once they give their approval they'll be ready for the chapter to ratify. Some focus areas included getting rid of a problem member, added a clause for lifetime members, clarification of 501c3 status. Much came from recommendations from HQ.

Dave McGougan continues to work on the Veteran's project. A notebook is in the office area. There's a form in the newsletter to fill out if you are a veteran, and we're especially interested in getting some photographs.

The Open House took place last month. We made some money and learned some lessons. EAA publishes fly-in guidelines that we can review in light of our experiences. Please contact Dave if you have suggestions as we plan to have more of these events.

Our next event is the Christmas party. Let Don Doherty know by the first week of December if you plan to attend so we can accurately estimate expenses ahead of time. You can pay ahead or at the event. This year Rod Hightower will be our speaker. We usually arrange a gift for the speaker, Joe has worked on this. We made a motion to reimburse him with tickets to the event.

We're looking for suggestions on what to do with the Fly Baby we have in the ARC. We could either rebuild it, use it for workshops such as fabric covering, or put it up for sale. We also discussed looking for a chapter member to take the lead on rebuilding the plane.

We lost some shrubs to last summer's drought. They need to be replaced. Our compressor motor also needs replacement; Don is working on this. We dicussed making a compass rose for the airport, and painting "EAA32" on our roof.

Members continue converting the chapter's Sonerai into a teaching tool, including a cutaway VW engine.

Bill Jagust has been our Young Eagles coordinator for years. Due to changes at American Airlines he's giving up his leadership role, leaving an opening for a new coordinator. We'd like to get this squared away by the end of the year. Dave also suggested this could be handled by a committee. Bill plans to remain a chapter member.

Dave opened the floor for suggestions on what we'd like to see next year. Rick May favors continuing participation in community events and would like to see more members helping out. We'll likely to the B-17 again, since it was not only good community outreach, but earned around $4,000. There's interest in workshops: steel tube welding, fabric covering, sheet metal, etc. We could host another FAA Wings program. Bob suggested a discussion on insurance. We've tried to do a few fly-outs and will try another fly-in.

January's meeting will cover committees and members.

February's meeting will include a financial review.

Monday, October 22, 2012

October 2012 Meeting Minutes

October's meeting began with the Pledge, Dave Doherty presiding.

Don gave the treasurer's report, including savings and checking account balances.

Notification of an uncashed check from the B-17 event in 2006 arrived from Oshkosh HQ. This amounted to $1600. Don followed up and a new check is in the mail.

We had a couple of visitors this month. Pat Donovan has flown Young Eagles, but this is his first EAA32 meeting. He's also looked over our taxes in the past. Nathan Peck has a single seat Rutan Quickie at our airport and this is also his first meeting at the ARC.

By-Laws: we need a final meeting before running it by the legal department at HQ, after that it will be presented to the membership.

Dave McGougan continues to work on the chapter veterans' project. Several members have responded, Dave has 3 complete so far. He knows more that are veterans and will contact them himself. He's also looking for photographs, so if you respond please include pictures. Art suggested putting the stories on the web, he's saved them in Word format, so Laura has asked for copies and she'll get them published.

Young Eagles events are over for 2012. We're estimating that we flew around 300 Young Eagles this year.

There's still some ARC housekeeping to do before next week's open house. Next Friday we'll hold a work party starting as soon as you can get here. Dave will start around 0800.

We're providing food and have invited as many owners/aircraft as we can think of. Partially complete projects and parts thereof are also welcome. We're thinking about awards, recognition for pilots that come in. Dave McGougan is chairing a committee for the event. We need lots of volunteers starting at roughly 0900. Try to wear your EAA32 shirt and nametag if you have one. If you're bringing a plane make a small sign/poster explaining what it is. Dave also suggests an attended table in the ARC dedicated to rounding up new members.

We've been thinking of getting a freezer to store food for such events. Rick moved to purchase one for the chapter, Gale seconds. Laura and Jeff know of a potential source for a good used freezer, we authorized them to pursue this.

Rick May built a rolling, wooden container for our tent. Loaded it's about a four man lift. In honor of Halloween it looks something like a casket.

Bill Doherty had completed repairs to the door lock.

Gale spoke about a Fly-Baby that may be available to our chapter. It was flying at one time at one time and has been restored once, but now has no engine. We could use it for fabric covering projects. All we have to lose is a little more space in the ARC. Gale and Bill Jagust can retrieve it using Tim Finley's trailer. Dave McGougan moved and Bob Dooley seconded to retrieve it.

Bob Kraemer attended the Reno Air races. He reports changes to the course, and to security: not surprising due to last year's accident. There was a memorial for the people who died, and a ceremony to recognize the first responders, including a pilot who had a Huey on display and flew out victims.

Our next big event is the holiday dinner on December 15. If you'd like to go please RSVP, see the newsletter for a form.

Bill Patin finished his RV-10.

Tom Crosby soloed in his Grumman.

Dave Doherty will be attending an event at Parkway School district with an eye towards building an aircraft with a group of high school students.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

September 2012 Meeting Minutes

September's meeting began with the Pledge, Dave Doherty presiding.

Don gave the Treasurer's report, including checking and savings balances. The check for the B-17 is still outstanding, netting us over $5,000.

New member Ron Davis introduced himself. His dad was a test pilot and owned a J-3 cub. Ron took his first flight in 1948 and has had the bug ever since. His kids are grown and now he has more time for aviation.

We met visitors Vince Wiechert and Jim Doer, and guest Don Elwine who will speak after the meeting.

First draft of the revised by-laws still need review by EAA HQ and the state, after which the membership can review them.

Dave McGougan has restarted the veteran's program. He is doing interviews and will be collecting old and new photographs for presentations. Due to a laptop crash Dave's had to redo a couple of documents he already worked on.

In preparation for the October open house we need to get the building in order. The gutter needs scraping and repainting, the gate needs new hinges and concrete pads. Don reminded us that we've still got an old refrigerator to dispose of.

Our last YE event of the year was last weekend in conjunction with the Ozark Silver Swallows event. We flew 66 kids, and estimate 300 to 400 for the year.

October Open House and Fly-In is coming up on the 27th. The CAF will be having a car show and St. Charles Flying Service will hold their annual Pumpkin Drop. Art has created a flyer for the event. We need volunteers starting at 0900.

The Christmas Party will be December 15 this year at the All Occasions Banquet Center. Rod Hightower will be our speaker.

The Salute To Veterans event at Forest Park was touch and go due to weather. The Creve Couer chapter was there with some WWI replicas. Chapter 64 and 32 both had representatives there. Dave suggests we might do this instead of the O'Fallon event next year.

New Business.

Don is looking for someone with fabric covering experience to do a workshop. We know we have a few members with experience: Bill Jagust and Gale Derosier come to mind. Don's spoken to Superflite about donating materials.

Exterior lights on the building need looking at.

Replacement lock parts are due to ship at the end of this month.

Scott AFB is hosting the Thunderbirds today and tomorrow. EAA64 is participating.

The CAF's hangar dance is tonight, tickets are $20 at the door.

September 17, AOPA is having a seminar "Flying for a Lifetime" at Wings of Hope in Chesterfield.

September 29 is our next movie night and pot luck dinner. We'll show "Zero Hour", the film that inspired "Airplane".

Chapter 64 is having and open house October 6.

Olney Area Pilots Association is having a fly-in the following weekend, October 13, at the Olney Noble airport.

Ron Burnett has food coupons.

We closed the meeting and regrouped for our presentation by Sgt. Don Alwine, a radio and gunnery instructer during WWII. Dave met him during our B-17 event.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

August 2012 EAA32 Meeting Minutes

Our August meeting began with the Pledge, Dave Doherty presiding. (Rick May received news of the arrival of grandchild number 12 just as the meeting began.)

There were no new members or visitors this month, attendance was sparse with the return of fine weather.

Don Doherty was out, so no treasurers report. We owe him thanks when he returns, however: the sewage tank filled up just as our YE event started. Don took care of having it pumped, and cleaned the bathrooms to boot.

Oshkosh attendees spoke about this year's event, with reviews of air and fireworks shows, and reports of exotic new merchandise purchased.

The first pass on the chapter by-laws is complete. Next step is to it run by HQ for their approval, then the state for any applicable requirements. After this the document will be presented to the membership.

Dave McGougan has asked for information from veterans in the chapter, if you've sent this please resend, as Dave's hard drive crashed and he lost much of the information. Dave Doherty and Jim Bower will get a form in the next newsletter that you can fill out.

ARC: work has begun on cleanup. Gutters need cleaning and painting, the gates at the end of our new gravel path need work. Volunteers are needed as we have an Open House in October. Contact Dave Dohery if you can help.

We flew 82 Young Eagles at last week's event. Next event will be September 8, the Ozark Silver Swallows will be meeting that week. 64 is having a scouting event the same weekend, and will be flying around 300 scouts.

August 25's movie will be "Airplane", September's will be "Zero Hour". Sullivan will have an Open House that same weekend.

September 1, 2, and 3 we will participate in the Salute to Veterans Festival in Forest Park. Several hundred thousand are expected. We need volunteers to man a booth. Dave has asked Chapter 64 if they'd be interested in participating. Setup will be on Friday.

September 15 is our next meeting.

Our Open House is on October 27. EAA32's function is to serve food and explain our purpose, St. Charles Flying Service will have their annual pumpkin drop, and CAF will hold a car show. The airport may see around 1000 attendees. Dave McGougan has volunteered to chair the event. Art will produce a flyer.

Now's the time to start planning the Christmas event. We'll hold it at the same place as last year, the day will be December 15. Bob Kraemer has volunteered to get a speaker, but we still need a chairperson to take care of other planning issues: food, etc.

Next month we'll have a WWII veteran to speak with us, he was a gunnery trainer, and just this summer he rode up to Wisconsin in the B17 with a few EAA32 members.

Following the meeting some members are heading up to Silver Creek to the glider club.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

June 16 2012 Minutes

Dave Doherty presided over June's meeting. We began with applause for Mr. Rob Burnett, returning from winning the over-60 class in a 10k run.

We followed this with the Pledge.

Bill Wehmeyer and Bob Dooley have finished the gravel for our driveway. Cost was around $278 plus time. Bill explained the process: "We brought in a truckload of gravel and dumped it." Thanks to both for their labor.

Don Doherty gave the treasurer's report, including checking and savings balances. We made a small profit on selling food last month following the CAF event.

Rick Foss visited today. He's interested in Zenith and Sonex birds.

Old Business: Our flagpole light has burned out, we briefly discussed replacing with an LED bulb.

The front side gutter is scraped and repainted, the gutter in back needs the same treatment. Thanks to Jeff Stephensen and others who helped paint the gutter.

The gates to the ramp need updating.

Converting the Sonerai to an educational display piece continues. The prop was in bad shape, but we have some leeway in refurbishing it, with the caveat that we mark it "non-flying" so nobody will actually try to use it.

Dave Doherty flew his first two Young Eagles at last week's event. Rod Hightower flew his T-6 in on the way to Reno for air race training. He flew the first Young Eagle of the day. Chapter 32 flew 32 that day. Our next event is July 14.

June 23 is our next movie night, we'll be showing "Red Tails".

Chapter 64 has an open house today at the Downtown airport until 5:00 pm.

George Dobner from EAA HQ called Dave to ask if we'd help with the B-17. It will arrive 7/2 at Parks where they'll do flights, walk-arounds, and participate in the opening of the fair. On the 6th, 7th, and 8th it will relocate to Spirit. This conflicts with our fundraising event at O'Fallon on the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th. The 2nd will be setup day, 5th will be teardown.

July 24 will be an informal meeting, since some will be preparing for Oshkosh.

In August we'd like to have a short meeting then a fly-out to Highland and the Silver Creek Glider Club.

Bob Kraemer spoke briefly regarding density altitude. He was flying his Stearman recently from KSET, with density altitude of 2800 feet. In a fully loaded airplane this is something to be aware of, especially now that summer has arrived and temperatures are climbing, and variable winds can complicate matters.

Bob Pratt, a long-time member, and a WWII pilot (A-20's and P-61's), just passed away this week. His son (also Bob) is going to complete an RV-6 his dad was working on. Dave will post funeral arrangements when they become available.

Rob Burnett has food coupons.

Dave McGougan was collecting information from chapter members who served in the military so that we can recognize them in some form: a plaque or display. Forms can also be returned to Dave Doherty, and Laura Million will post the form on the web site.

Ron Burnett spoke about resolving cooling issues with his new RV-6. He has gone from too hot to too cool, thanks to custom radiators and redesigned inlets. Jim Bower had oil temperature challenges with his RV and installed new louvers in his cowl, which has helped out.

Meeting closed, followed by discussion with event volunteers.

Monday, May 21, 2012

May 19, 2012 Meeting Minutes

May's meeting began with the Pledge, Dave Doherty presiding.

Don gave the Treasurer's report, including checking and savings balances.

No new members or visitors attended this month (outside of our guest speaker).

Old business: The building needs some cleanup, especially considering our upcoming open house.

Paper copies of the new chapter roster are available, they're also available online, or you can email

Our next YE event, including Ron Hightower, will be held on June 9. We need to spread the word.

Today we're selling food in conjunction with CAF's car show.

Last month's movie was the Blue Max, due to overlap with Memorial Day we won't have a movie this month. June 30 will be our next movie, the title not yet determined.

Women With Wings are holding an airplane wash at the Mount Vernon airport on June 2.

June 16 is our fly-in/open house. We'll start with a pancake breakfast and serve lunch later on. We'd also like to hold a flour drop. Chapter's also having an open house the same day.

We'll need volunteers for our July 4 fundraiser in O'Fallon.

For our August meeting we're trying to arrange a fly-out to Silver Creek.

Bob Dooley has been working on the gravel driveway. Bill Wehmeyer sprayed herbicide on the pathway, proven by the yellow patch to the north of the ARC. He has discovered an existing surface, though it's covered by a layer of dirt and vegetation. Because of this we won't need as much material previously thought. The plan now includes using a "soil sterilizer" that prevents grass from growing through for about three years.

With no new business, we moved and ajourned the meeting. Following was a presentation by Mr. Gene Adam regarding cockpit evolution, specifically in the military arena. After this we headed outside to serve lunch to car show participants.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

April 21, 2012 Meeting Minutes

April's meeting began with the Pledge, Dave Doherty presiding.

First item of business was to approve last month's minutes.

Dave recognized visitors and new Members. T.J. Smyka is a new pilot who learned at Creve Coeur. During the week he's an accountant.

Don gave the treasurer's report, including checking and savings account balances.

CAF was out flying the Avenger so we got a brief airshow before the meeting.

Rich Emery got the light installed on the flagpole.

Pictures of chapter members to replace EAA Chapter 32 Merchandise. Next month Dave will bring a camera and take pictures, but if you have a picture you like you may send it to

Chapter 32 Bylaw update has been in progress since January, the next meeting scheduled for Thursday May 17.

Spring cleanup time has arrived, we need volunteers. Gutters need scraping, walls and floors need cleaning. Dates and times will be posted on the website. Updates needed include new hinges on the gate, and a ramp from the building to the ramp. Bob Dooley's been working on methods and options. He estimates the cost at around $2,000 between the rock and backhoe. We don't want to do anything too permanent, considering that ownership of the building goes back to the county in six years and then we'll be renting. We discussed laying some pipe underneath to facilitate drainage. Ron Wright noted that the county has a Bobcat on the property that we might be available for this purpose, and that we should speak to Tracy about getting the gravel hauled as well.

The new roster is available. Copies are in the ARC or email if you'd like a copy.

Next step on the Sonerai is a good cleanup. The propeller needs a cosmetic repair and we'll add some transparent access panels. We'll do a monthly update.

Last Saturday's Young Eagles got rained out, though Bill Jagust did his regular Boy Scout merit badge presentation. Another event is scheduled for May, we'll have a BBQ as well. If you're a YE pilot there's a fuel discount as well.

April 28 we'll have our movie and pot luck dinner. Last month was Catch-22, this month we'll show the Blue Max. May's movie is TBD.

May 19 there will be a presentation on air to air photography, and from noon until two we'll be selling food for the CAF car show.

June 2, St. Louis Chapter of Women in Aviation will be holding an airplane wash at Mount Vernon.

June 8, 9: Wicks is holding a fabric workshop, $325 per person for EAA members.

June 9, Young Eagles at the ARC, word is that Ron Hightower plans on taking part.

June 16 is our Open House, an all-day event starting with a pancake breakfast, a fly-in, a flour-drop contest, BBQ lunch and dinner.

Don addressed our compressor issue: Ron Wright has donated a compressor and tank, Grainger has a 5hp motor that would power this. It'll cost $350 so it requires a vote. Motion was made and seconded. Vote was passed, contingent on Ron, who may have a motor in his basement.

After the meeting Don will be doing type ratings on the lawnmower for volunteers for the summer growing season.

We adjourned, followed immediately by Lavonne Deck and Eve Cascella for Women With Wings, Women In Aviation. Lavonne got her Sport Pilot rating at Spirit.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

March 17, 2012 Minutes

March 2012 Chapter 32 Monthly Meeting Minutes
by Jim Bower (for Dave Deweese)

President Dave Doherty, presiding...Happy St. Patrick's Day!

  • Pledge of Allegiance
  • February meeting minutes accepted
  • Treasurer's Report
  • Welcome new members, returning members, and visitors
Old Business

  • Flagpole light - status. Several options were discussed (solar powered; hard-wired). Hard wiring was deemed to be more practical from the standpoint of it will stay on all night.
  • Pictures of chapter members to be mounted on wall - Start taking pictures in spring (probably April).
  • No real progress on improving the ramp between our hangar door and the gate. Will probably buy crushed rock and have a working party to spread and level it. Also, the gate to the taxiway needs improvement.
  • March 5 - Career Fair at Parkway High School. Participants were Dave Doherty, Jeff Stephenson, Jim Hann, Bill Doherty, and a friend of Bill (corporate pilot).
  • Status of possible building of kit plane with High school district - Parks has offered to help sponsor project
  • Status on Update of Chapter By-Laws - The committee will meet again on Wednesday April 18.
New Business

  • Roster - was to have been available at the March meeting but was not yet ready. It will be available in the website's members only section in .pdf format for download. Limited copies will be provided in the ARC for pickup early next week. Send an e-mail to to get a copy e-mailed to you.
  • Don Doherty volunteered to spearhead the Sonerai II work crew. The airplane needs to be restored as a teaching tool. Some ideas were presented (plexiglas panels and interior lighting to facilitate viewing the working parts).
  • The Young Eagles planning meeting will be on Saturday March 24 - BBQ included. Mr. Bill will be making Chicago style hotdogs.
  • The first Movie at the ARC of 2012 will be Catch-22 - Saturday March 31. Potluck dinner starts at 6:00 pm (bring a side dish). President Dave promised steaks.
Future meetings and events:

  • April - Women with Wings - St. Louis Chapter of Women in Aviation - Airplane wash in April at Mt. Vernon airport. Stay tuned to the Yahoo and EAA32 websites.
  • May - Guest speaker: Air-to-Air Photography
  • June - Fly-in Open House - Set up Committee
  • July - 4th Fundraiser - Parade
  • Prep for AirVenture at the July meeting
  • August - Fly-out / meeting at Silver Creek Glider Club
  • ARC Cleanup - Begin now...we need to get it done by the first YE day (April 14)
  • Scrape gutters
  • Clean and wash inside areas
  • Flagpole light
  • Ramp to ARC -
  • Gate at fence - update

Sunday, February 19, 2012

February 18, 2012 Minutes

February's meeting began with the Pledge, Dave Doherty presiding.

Our meeting will be followed by a discussion of last year's financials and plans for 2012.

Last month's minutes were approved.

Don Doherty reported savings and checking account balances. We're still waiting for the county to cash our hangar checks and the payment for the ARC. We're also waiting for HQ to cash our charter payment.

We recognized new members, visitors, and members who haven't attended meetings in a while. Mike Saetel was here, he hasn't been around the chapter for several months, but was at the trade show in January with simulators. Joe Akeley attended a few years ago and is a pilot. Tom Jordan has a Long-EZ in a hangar at Spirit. His hangar mate, Howard Woodruff, has a Velocity project, about 30% complete. He may be selling this, however, some time in the next six months. Don Glennie, a long-time member, was also in attendance.

Old Business: Flagpole lighting. We've discussed solar-powered lights and hard-wiring an outlet to the building for a spotlight that would illuminate the flag. We'd like to have this done by the March meeting.

Jeff Stephenson will be our membership coordinator.

Last month we discussed pictures of all our chapter members posted on the wall. We'll probably start taking pictures in the spring and post them where we currently have the merchandise displayed.

We also discussed a ramp from hard surface to the apron. Bob Dooley has been figuring out how much material we need. He roughly estimates $1,500 to $2,500 for the compressed rock that we could spread, and will have more precise numbers by next month. Dave Doherty's also looked into steel mat, but that would come out to nearly $5,000.

There will be a Career fair, March 5, at Parkway High School. We'll have a table, Parks College is also interested. Mr. Bill will speak on airline professions and we're looking for other aviation professionals, engineers for example, who might be available. Mike Saettel volunteered to attend with two of his flight simulators.

Dave's also been speaking with the school district about building a kit airplane, though there's been no progress as of last month.

A committee's been working on updating our chapter by-laws. As they sit today there could be liablity issues. Next month or the following proposed changes will be ready to present to the membership.

New Business: Dave McGougan has an idea to propose. A large part of our chapter is dedicated to YE. Dave's an Air Force veteran; he'd like to get other veterans in the chapter together and start a memory book to keep in the office area. Some of our members have had experiences that would be good to remember. He'd like an ad in the newsletter and a blurb on the website to help identify all our veterans and call a meeting. Jim Bower also mentions posting to the Yahoo board. There's nothing related on the national level so this will be unique to our chapter.

Dave recommends a note in the newsletter to join the Yahoo group. Laura reminds us that there is a link on the chapter website that you can simply click to join this group.

Regarding our Chapter's Stits Skycoupe project from the 1960's, Vince Morris brought a picture of the plane in flight. The wings are in Dave's basement, the fuselage is at the airport.

Don Doherty made a presentation of our 2011 financial report.

Next Dave Doherty went over his estimates for 2012 numbers, and plans for this year.

Art Zemon signed up as a dealer with Aircraft Spruce and gets a discount. He'd like to figure out a way for people to buy through his "store", and he'd donate his profits to the chapter. EAA32 could not do this directly as we're a non-profit. Art would need help in administering: paperwork, collecting money, shipping, etc.

Monday, January 30, 2012

January 2012 Meeting Minutes

January Meeting Minutes
Dave Deweese

January 2012's first meeting began with the Pledge, Dave Doherty presided.

There was no formal meeting for December, therefore no minutes to approve.

Comments on the Christmas party were positive, though the chapter "took a bath" due to low attendance.

Our treasurer was at the eye doctor, so no report from Don. Dave reported checking and savings balances. Don will be working on tax forms and will report on 2011 at the February meeting. Our chapter recharter, approximately $1400 (including insurance), has been completed.

Next we recognized visitors. Pat Rebert is a new member with a Onex kit on the way. New member, Mike Hanlen, who's finding it "expensive to retire", is also planning to build a plane. (Yeah, THAT’s cheap! - ed.)

Old business: Chapter Service Awards arrived two days after the party, so we're presenting them today and will mail the rest to absentees.

Talks are progressing regarding building an airplane kit at the Parkway School District. They also have a career fair coming up 3/16 where we'll have a table. Parks Air College, Women With Wings, and several others will also come.

Regarding education, we're planning to award a $500 scholarship. We're at $127 so far.

New business:
The ARC. Our contract with the airport lasts 20 years from 1998, after which our facility reverts
to the county and we've got an option to pay for using the building. We'll start working on this in the next year or so.

Our chapter by-laws, originally from the 60's/70's, need to be updated. A group met Wednesday and will continue to meet. Speak with Dave if you'd like to be involved.

Next meeting is 2/16 (Thursday) 7:00 pm at the ARC.

We're also discussing web conferencing as a way to facilitate this process.

Dave would like to post photos of chapter members on the wall, so as to better match names with faces.

The MACTS trade show and conference took place the weekend before our meeting. We were there with our new trade show booth, special thanks to Laura for the printed photographs.

Dave announced officers and committee chairpersons for 2012.

Ron Burnett has food cards available.

We discussed an upcoming Young Eagles planning meeting: we flew in the neighborhood of 200 kids in 2011.

2012 events will start in April and run through September, 2nd Saturday of each months, signups will be accepted from 9am to 12pm.

No news as of yet regarding the "Mature Eagles" program.

We're working with Dennis Bampton at the flight school and can contact Herman as well.

We discussed upcoming events including May 19: CAF is having a car show and has asked if we'd like to do food, we'll do this after the meeting, starting at noon.

June 16 is our planned date for a Chapter Fly-In and Open House. MO Pilots, CAF, and several other chapters may participate. Bob has spoken with Tracy who's fine with it. We'll also let the FBO's know. (This is the same date as meeting, this will be in lieu thereof.)

July 4 is mid-week this year. We'd like to sell food again and maybe participate in the parade.

We could use the Sonerai we received from Bill Nelson. Bud may have a light-weight trailer available that we could use to tow the plane in a parade.

Sign-ups start in the March/April time frame. Since the Sonerai is for education, not flying, one
of our first projects will be to re-cover the bird and add transparent panels to demonstrate how control surfaces are actuated.

Our meeting in July will be moved up to allow for Oshkosh.

We'll be posting an activities calendar on the door. We'd like to establish ourselves as a force for aviation in the St. Louis area.

Don Doherty's working to arrange tours of the Lambert tower. The limit will be around 24 participants, as the actual tours are limited to 6 people, and the rest have to wait.

This month we had a tour of the TRACON facility, around 30 attended.