Saturday, November 16, 2013

November 2013 Meeting Minutes

November 2013's meeting began with the Pledge, Dave Doherty presiding.

Don gave the Treasurer's report, including checking and savings balances.

We had a visitor, Dennis Wiss, our new KSET airport manager. Dave asked about the possibility of a grass strip and offered volunteer labor. Dennis says there are no current plans but that he can run it by the engineers.

Old Business: Don reports that Al Jones made a donation last month of books and DVD's. By the end of the meeting the box was about a quarter full. If you borrowed anything please bring it back. We're missing Microsoft Flight Simulator software, RV-4 plans and manuals in plastic binders, plans for another plane, and some books on composites.

Al taught a TIG-welding class on the 10th. We had 5 attendees. This is about the limit for class size since we only have one welder and have to take turns. Get hold of Don Doherty if you're interested in coming in to get some practice.

Tom Crosby has left his spot in the hangar. We've already got a possible tenant.

We're working on an agreement for chapter hangar tenants to lay out some guidelines. Gale's working on this, and then we'll get it checked for legal business.

Life memberships are still available at $450. We're still considering what merchandise gift we'll include, probably a jacket. Method of payment is still in planning; installments are a possibility. Ron Wright, who's been pushing this, is ready to buy the first one, President Dave says he'll buy the next one.

This is election month. A show of hands reinstated the existing members, so all the faces are staying the same. Dave noted Don's work in particular, as our books were in disarray when the current regime stepped in.

The Blue Angels are coming to St. Louis in May 2014, we're planning to be a part of this. We'll put together a committee since it's not too early to start working on this event. We'll have some of our planes there for static display and will invite other local organizations to do the same. Bill reports that they stopped in recently to TAC Air and he fueled #4 and Fat Albert.

Our Christmas Banquet is coming up on December 14, tickets for sale in advance. We need at least 50 people to break even and only have 8 signed up so far. We'll do a gift exchange, 50/50 raffle, and a guest speaker: Libby Younger, a member of the 99's, who will speak on women in aviation. Rick May suggests that, since we'll have a laptop and projector there for the presentation we could make a slide show of 2013. Forward any good pics to Rick (rmay5154 AT

Tonight is Trivia Night at CBC High School, 5 are going from EAA32 and there's space for 3 more. Doors open at 6 and trivia starts at 7. Beverages are provided, bring your own snacks.

We replacing the EAA32 numbers and letters on the back of the ARC and will add a set to the front. The gutters need stripping and painting as well.

Welding classes started last Sunday. The schedule for further courses have not been set yet. Dave's also thinking about wood construction and fabric covering, starting in January. We'll start with building some structures, covering them later in February, and by March we'd be ready to set up a spray booth and do some painting. When the weather warms up we can think about a composites class.

Dennis Wiss addressed the chapter, starting with a bit of personal history: He's from St. Louis and went to Afton High. His introduction to aviation came in the Marines as a helicopter mechanic. He got his undergrad at Parks and his Masters from Embry Riddle. He worked at Lambert for 5 years then at other locations across the country. He was an airport director in a high-elevation airport in Arizona where he got snowed in several times. Dennis and his wife made their way back to St. Louis to be near family and friends, then the KSET opportunity came up. Currently there's a Terminal Rehabilitation project which will include a well upgrade, possibly next summer. He's noticed a lack of signage and feels that would be a good project. It would be a federal project and has to wait for allocation, probably beginning in 2015. He's working on learning St. Charles politics and making a new master plan for the airport.

2014 Dues: you can start paying any time.

Vince Morris: George Stephenson used to fly the eagle counting flights for about ten years but has stopped for health reasons. The Missouri Conservation Department is looking for a new volunteer.

Tom Sparr: new preferred broker for EAA insurance is Falcon (in Texas). Tom's renewal came up this year with an increase in premium and found out that AOPA membership dropped it down to where it was.

Don Doherty: refilled propane tank at around $800. They noted that the tank needs to be relevelled and we'll need a group for that.

Dave Doherty: Missouri Aviation Historical Society: Christmas dinner 12/8 @ $13. Contact Dave for more information.

Bill Doherty: Has food cards. (Ron Burnett is in Venezuela.)

Saturday, September 21, 2013

September 21, 2013 Minutes

September 2013's meeting began with the Pledge, Dave Dohery presiding.

Don gave the Treasurer's report, including savings and checking account balances.

Dave got a letter from Oshkosh regarding the commission for the recent B-17 stop. We made approximately $2,500. Chapter 64 got a similar check.

Al Jones joined today. He has a flying MiniMax and is working on a Long-Ez at about 70% complete.

Dave Doherty mentioned Paul Poberezny's recent passing. He attended a few of our Christmas parties. Dave got to meet him as a several times, once explaining a bit of trivia: he was born the same day EAA was founded. Paul asked, "How did you get so old?" Ron Burnett has a friend who was in the National Guard with Paul. They were working on a dented intake and took a DC-3 out to the boneyard to retrieve some intakes. Starter issues with the DC-3 led to an overnight stay, and Paul ended up hand-propping the DC-3. Ron knew Paul was tall but still can't figure out quite how he managed that trick.

The National Air Races were held last week. We met Steve Hinton last year. The Rare Bear, the plane Bob Kraemer's associated with, came in fourth.

Our December holiday party is coming up, December 14 6:00 to 10:00 at the same location as last year. Reservations start today, cost is $25.00 per person. Libby Yunger will speak on Women and Aviation. We'd like to do a back sale and silent auction in addition to our usual awards presentation and gift exchange.

Pending ARC projects include gutter painting and redoing the signs.

Seminar season is upon us. Dave would like to do a fabric covering workshop next month. Steve Morse will to a foam/composite presentation, and could give others provided sufficient interest.

Elections are coming up in October. If anyone would like to nominate themselves or others for a position please submit an article to the newsletter.

Rick May spoke about last month's Young Eagles event. We had 10 pilots but only 19 kids. We flew 183 kids over the year. Ron had 17, Joe had 15, Jeff had 30, Dave got 8, Don flew 19, Eve and Tom each flew 9 as did Gale, Jim flew 8, Pat took 5. We only had 5 events with two rained out and an extra in June. Mr. Bill and Paul Smith were present for all of them.

We have a separated form for Eagle Flights. The difference is that this is more than a 20-minute ride; actually more of a mentoring program. Eagle Flights is a stand-alone program managed by a separate person from YE in Oshkosh.

Registration for Air Academy is open for 2014. Rick has a couple of kids in mind to follow up with and asks for suggestions, if you know of anyone who'd be interested. We'd like to send two: one younger and one for the older, more advanced program.

Rob Burnett had Shop & Save and Dierberg's cards.

Upcoming events include an Ercoupe and Stinson Fly-In. The CAF Hangar Dance is tonight. Next week the Jefferson City chapter will have a fly-in and pancake breakfast. Also, on the 31st of this month we'll show Bat-21 at the ARC. Movie starts at 7:00 after at pot-luck at 6:00. Our next meeting is on October 19, followed by a workshop. We'll be selling food at the St. Charles Flying Service Pumpkin Drop on October 26. They'll be shuttling people back and forth. Note that, from our location, we have a prime viewing spot. They anticipate approximately 800 people. That night we'll show It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World at the ARC.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

August 2013 Meeting Minutes

August's meeting began with the Pledge, Dave Doherty presiding.

Don gave the Treasurer's report, including checking and savings balances.

We recognized new members in attendance: Todd, Hunter, and Jackie Malugen, also Tom Crocco. Visitors included Casey Boyer. Casey attended Oshkosh and bought plans for a Bearhawk. Greg Stengel met us at the VP fair and is interested in both flying and building. Jerry Hawkins, who is one of the original St. Louis police helicopter pilots, came to see Dr. Charles Miller's presentation after the meeting. His wife, Marlene, also attended.

Last month was Oshkosh, we got a show of hands of those who went. Laura and Jeff attended and usually volunteer at KidVenture. President Dave looked into Eagle Flights, hoping to get potential pilots who are past kid stage into flying. This will be more of a mentoring program versus a single flight. Art Zemon reported an interesting project on painting aircraft with latex paint. Don and Dave watched a presentation on building an RV-10.

Our EAA sign is deteriorating. Dave will be purchasing materials to build new signs for front and back. The east gutter needs to be stripped and painted. Project begins Wednesday if you're interesting in helping out.

We'd like to get started on some seminars as the weather cools down. Fabric covering is one topic, and we have a volunteer who can teach. We've got numerous items here in the ARC that we could cover. We've targeted October to begin. We'd like to have the Cozy Girls do a fiberglass workshop. Jim Baker has a small P-51 replica that he brings to various shows, but the plywood wings have begun to delaminate. Dave would like to build a set of fiberglass wings. We'd like to have this done by March.

Elections are coming up. Vice President and Treasurer will be one year terms this time around, and in the future the officer terms will be staggered. Jim Bower, Bob Kramer, and Don Doherty volunteered for the nominating committee.

Last week was Young Eagles. Rick May reports that we flew 42 kids plus 5 that Ron Burnett brought in that he'd flown on his own. Weather was very good. Guy Matson brought a Cub and is planning to join. Eve, Tom, Dave, Mark, Jeff, and Don all flew for us. September 14 is our last YE event for the year. Mr. Bill did a merit badge presentation. We're pushing our Air Academy scholarship program, looking for kids to select. Rick made up a document they can fill out explaining why they should be considered, including some background. The actual application for Air Academy is 4 or 5 pages long. Since the academy will be next year, we'd like to award one or two at our Christmas party.

Dave read a card we received thanking our chapter for last weekend.

This month's movie is "The Best Years of Our Lives", a story about a group of WWII veterans returning to civilization after the war. Next month will be Bat 21, and the last will be "It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World". Movies play on the last Saturday of the month.

September 7 St. Charles Flying Service are holding a spot landing and pre-flight competition, also a poker run. Women With Wings are having a plane wash on the same day.

September 21 Mr. Dave McGougan is presenting on the first people to fly a powered aircraft. There's a debate on whether or not the Wright brothers should get the credit.

October 26 will be St. Charles Flying Services annual Pumpkin Drop. They've asked us to help out by cooking food, and are expecting 300 to 400. We'd like to do an Open House in conjunction with this. We'll cook here and Flying Service will run a shuttle. Note that our monthly movie will play the same evening.

The Reno Air Races are taking place later this year. Bob notes that this may be the last year due to insurance costs.

Ron Burnett has food cards for Shop & Save and Dierberg's. He suggests that $25 cards make good gifts, as everyone can use foods.

We're looking for a chairperson for the holiday banquet. We have a tentative date and speaker, so it's a matter of finding the venue. Dave believes the same place may be available. Jeff Stephenson volunteered.

Motion made and seconded to close the meeting.

Dr. Charles Miller, a WWII veteran and retired AME, gave a presentation on his experiences flying cargo planes in the Pacific theater.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

July 2013 Meeting Minutes

Our July meeting began with the Pledge, Dave Doherty presiding.

No movie night this month. Next month will be "Best Years Of Our Lives".

Don Doherty gave the Treasurer's report, including savings and checking account balances.

Ralph Ballard, a former member from the early sixties, visited today. He's owned various planes and built a Baby Great Lakes. He's working on a J1-B, a wood high-wing design from Europe. Ralph is retired and worked in aviation for years, including with Ozark.

Earlier this month we had the July 4 event downtown near the Arch. We shared a tent with Chapter 64, and three CAP members as well. Doug mentioned that the Sonerai was a big draw. Numbers are not back from Oshkosh yet on the B-17 flights. We made around $1,000 on the raffle and $4,500 on rides, which we'll split with 64. We didn't have the corporate flights this year, but made up with it in ticket sales.  Oshkosh has asked Dave to put together an article for their online edition.

Last weekend we held a Young Eagles event. We flew twenty-three kids including four who president Dave flew in his Taylorcraft. Our next YE event will be the August 10, followed by September 14.

May 2 and 3 of next year will be our next major event: a big airshow at Spirit including the Blue Angels. We've been invited to participate. The B-17, and maybe even the Tri-Motor, are interested in participating.

The newsletter was light this month. Dave reminds us that this is our magazine, and anyone can submit articles. Send submissions to Jim Bower.

It's time to start thinking about our Christmas event. We need an event coordinator. Dave Doherty has done this one year and Bill had done it for three so it's time for someone else to give it a shot. This includes getting the location reserved and arranging a guest speaker.

This being our pre-Oshkosh meeting we have no presentation planned. If you have any suggestions for presentations, workshops in particular, feel free to make a request.

ARC repairs are ongoing. The gutters and the letters need new paint.

We haven't sent anyone up to the Air Academy at Oshkosh. YE flights pay for most of it. Rick has a candidate in mind from last weekend's event. In future events we'll post a flyer regarding Air Academy requesting a written essay. We can evaluate these and select someone for next year.

August 11 is our next Board of Directors meeting: officers and member-at-large. Meeting will be held here at the ARC at noon.

Bud Cole is looking for construction space in the Maryland Heights to build an aircraft. He's ready to start another aircraft but has no place at his current residence to build.

Monday, July 8, 2013

June 2013 Meeting Minutes

June's meeting began with the Pledge, Dave Doherty presiding. (Using a presidential new gavel to bring the membership to order.)

Former president Karsten Kessler was back today from his tour in the ex-chapter-officer's protection program. He's spent some time in Afghanistan applying his engineering skills.

Sherman Chancellor was also visiting to escape from in-laws. He's also a pilot who's interested in building, maybe an RV.

Motion made and seconded to approve the minutes for last-month's meeting.

Don Doherty was out, so Dave gave the treasurer's report, including checking and savings account balances.

The big project going on these days is building maintenance. We have a new mailbox, a new dvd player. Our projector has a loose connector in back, Art Zemon offered to take a look. The EAA sign is showing its age, Dave will work on replacing it and making a new one for the front of the building.

Last weeks Young Eagles event was cancelled and postponed until next weekend. This is our second, recent cancellation. There'll be another YE event July 13. There should be a big turnout, as it'll hit the weekend after the fair where we'll be promoting the event.

New business deals mostly with the B-17 tour. We're working together with Chapter 64 on this visit, and we're also getting help from the Fair and Air Show staff. Aluminum Overcast arrives July 1 for some press exposure. Tuesday, 7/2 p.m. Chapter 64 is hosting a dinner, including military pilots from WWII up to the present, our membership is invited. 7/3 we'll be setting up a tent at Lenore Kay Sullivan Blvd. with some aircraft. Note that there will be a practice air show around the time we're setting up. (For which we need volunteers.) Attendance at the Fair is projected at around 100,000 on the 4th, 5th, and 6th. We've invited several other local aviation groups to provide presence as well. The B-17 will open the air show on the 4th. We'll need volunteers for the tour stop to work the merchandise trailer, crowd control, and a person at the entrance and exit of the plane. We tear down our tent at the fair on the 6th, probably as the fireworks start.

Movie of the month is 633 Squadron, evening of 6/29.

The July meeting will be informal, primarily planning for Oshkosh. We also need to start thinking about new officers as we've got elections coming up.

A follow-up issue to our recent flood concerns planes we moved into the ARC. The executive committee is working on some rules for who gets priority, for example, members would get priority.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

May 2013 Meeting Minutes

May 18, 2013

We held our May Meeting at Creve Coeur, Dave Doherty presiding. Most of us drove in, though Dave McGougan flew the Ridge Dodger over. Meeting began after visiting Aeroworks to see progress on the new interior of Dave's Taylorcraft.

Bud attended Sun 'N Fun, around 5000 planes.

Don gave the Treasurer's report, including checking and savings account balances.

Next Young Eagles event is on June 15, our last event was cancelled due to flooding.

We voted on a new DVD player, possibly Blu-Ray, and some speakers. Dave McGougan made the motion which was seconded. After brief discussion we voted and passed.

Don has a list of volunteers to work on the Sonerai, but will finish up the compressor first.

Don and Dave will put up the new mailbox today.

Paul Vorhees of chapter 64 is a Fly Baby enthusiast, Dave would like to get him over to the ARC to take a look at ours.

EAA32 signage needs work: the letters and numbers facing the taxiway are getting old and we need a similar sign for the west wall.

The B-17 is coming. Since it will start out at CPS we plan to coordinate with the EAA chapter over there and split the profits.

We'll have an information booth at the downtown airshow July 4, 5, and 6.

Our next movie, next weekend, is Apollo 13.

Our next meeting was going to be a fly-in but we've put that off until August.

The river has receded and threat appears to have passed.

July's meeting will be short, mainly Oshkosh planning.

Monday, May 6, 2013

April 2013 Meeting Minutes

April's meeting began with the Pledge, Dave Doherty presiding.

We approved the minutes from March.

Don gave the Treasurer's report, including checking and savings balances.

By-Laws have all signatures and are ready to go out to IRS, HQ, and the state.

Rick reported on last weekend's YE event. We flew 68 kids, about a third each of Sea Cadets, Scouts, and others. Anybody involved with YE, Rick has mailing lists for ground crew and for pilots. If you have not seen these emails and are volunteering contact Rick. Our next event is May 11, and Chapter 1402 is having an event on April 27, if you would like to volunteer.

We've re-purposed one of our YE storage cabinets as an IT cabinet for our electronics.

Don Doherty has begun disassembling the Sonerai engine, converting it into a presentation piece.

Jon Thayer is working OT at his regular job and will get to work on the Fly Baby soon.

We've replaced our faulty refrigerator that was freezing and blowing up our canned soda. Thanks to Jim Bower and Don Doherty.

Dave is starting a project to add an EAA32 sign to the front of the ARC and repair the one on the back.

B-17 is coming during the week of July 4. The CAF B-29 and B-24 will be in town as well. Dave will attend a meeting of the St. Louis Fair and Air Show on April 29. We're planning to have, at least, an information booth at the Arch fairgrounds. Dave would like us to consider extra activities: selling raffle tickets for B-17 rides, seminars on learning to fly, building an aircraft, etc. When we attended the fair in Chesterfield we gave seminars and had planes on display. Volunteers needed to man the booth.

Richard Conners from Honor Flights visited and described the program. Their primary goal is to get all WWII veterans out to Washington D.C. to see the memorial. They are always in need of volunteers and escorts to help in this mission. It's a one-day trip from St. Louis to Baltimore, and returns out of Reagan airport. After arrival they go directly to the memorial and spend 2 to 3 hours, followed by lunch. After that they his several attractions in the National Mall, drive by the Pentagon, the air museum, Arlington, the Marine Corps Memorial. Then there's a quick tour of D.C. before returning to the airport. It starts at around 4:00 a.m. and returns after 8:00 p.m., so it's a long but full day. Richard left some forms for volunteers and escorts and sign-ups for veterans.

Art Zemon needs a few inches of 8x2.5x2.5 T-6061 aluminum angle.

Flooding is predicted on the Mississippi, cresting on Tuesday. The hangars on the north end of SET will get wet. If the crest gets above 31 feet we'll need to move stuff in the ARC, so keep your eyes on the Yahoo board.

Next weekend at the ARC we'll show the movie, 6 Days and 7 Nights.

Meeting adjourned while Joe Gurney prepared his presentation on the Blue Angels.

Monday, March 18, 2013

March 2013 Meeting Minutes

March 2013 Meeting Minutes

(Editor's note: Our esteemed secretary had another obligation this month so these minutes are a conglomeration of President Dave's agenda and your friendly editor's failing memory.)

The meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance, Dave Doherty presiding.

Meeting minutes from February were accepted.
Don Doherty gave the Treasurer's Report.
We welcomed Visitors. No new members this month.

New Business:
Signed copies of By-Laws need to be sent to HQ, IRS, state of Missouri.
It's not too late to pay Dues for 2013. $36.00 payable now. Please let us know of any updates to project,
address, e-mail, etc.

Lifetime Membership: $450.00 onetime payment. Can be made with 3 easy payments of $150.00. This includes Chapter 32 membership for life (nontransferrable) and a chapter accessory. Current thinking is a fleece jacket with the EAA32 logo sewn on the back with a monogrammed name on the front.

St. Louis Science Center – IMAX Movie – AIR RACERS – March 8. Chapter 32 participated for Aviation Day at the Science Center. We brought the exhibition booth and the Sonerei, and staffed a table with info about EAA and General Aviation. Mike Saettele's Porta Sim flight simulators were a big hit.

We voted to lease the Flight simulator from Mike Saettele for $200/month. Next step is to make up papers
and finalize the lease.

Young Eagles
We received notification of 905 Young Eagle Credits The April 6 Young Eagle rally at CPS (St. Louis
Downtown airport) was discussed. They say about 300 Young Eagles are signed up. Chapter 64 needs help. Sign-up sheet – see Rick May.
We also discussed our April 13 Young Eagle rally at SET.

Let's get started on our projects:
  • IT cabinet
  • Sound System, Microphone, etc.
  • Sonerei – rework areas to provide accessibility?
  • Fly-Baby project – Jon Thayer
  • New refrigerator – Status? (Jim Bower volunteered to shop for a new refrigerator.)
  • EAA32 sign on ARC – repairs and new sign on ARC Front – Templates – We need volunteer to make letters/numbers
Movie of the Month at the ARC: - March 30.
Pot Luck dinner, social time – 6:00 – sunset.
Episodes of SKY KING followed by feature movie:
Next month – Blue Angels – history of this aerobatic group by Joe Gurney

The meeting was adjourned.

Monday, March 4, 2013

February 2013 Meeting Minutes

February's meeting began with the pledge, Dave Doherty presiding.

Don Doherty gave the treasurer's report, including checking and savings balances. Our recharter check to HQ has been received, but is yet to be cashed.

Joe Gurney is visiting, he'll be giving a presentation in April concerning the Blue Angels.

Bill Roland is visiting from Chapter 64. He notes his chapter has about 5 Fly Baby projects flying.

We're thinking about a flying club around our Fly Baby.

New member Charles Beysslance is here for his second meeting. He's about ten hours into his flight instruction.

As previously mentioned our chapter recharter has been sent to HQ and received.

This is the last month to pay dues and be included in the chapter roster. This year is our first for the new, lifetime membership of $450, with the option of 3 $150 payments. This will include a fleece jacket with the EAA32 logo sewn on the back.

Bob Kraemer had an article in the newsletter about runway markings and operations. Dave would like to see a presentation regarding operations at towered airports. Bob spoke regarding a letter he wrote to the FAA. As a result of the pilots' bill of rights you will receive a letter stating that you are subject to an investigation if you are getting a new license, rating or medical. Bob feels this is a large effort in manpower and expense in paper and postage, especially in this paperless age. He hopes that the wording will be along the lines of "can be investigated" rather than "will be investigated". Bob read his letter and the reply he received. One important point is that a medical is an investigation, so nothing is new there, but this extra letter might be alarming if you're not aware.

We've got a number of I.D. tags floating around. Dave's going to start taking pictures to post on a board to help us match names with faces.

Dave McGougan spoke about the veteran's project. He passed out questionnaires to all veterans present, and told the group they could return the forms personally or put them in the folder in the office.

Ron has Dierbergs and Shop n Save coupons, plus Schnuck's cards.

Oshkosh called Dave and want to bring the B-17 to St. Louis over the July 4 holiday and asked if we'd be interested. Like last year they'll start downtown and end up at Spirit. We'll be working together with Chapter 64. He mentioned that the Blue Angels will be in town in 2014 and reminded them that it would be yet another good opportunity to have the B-17 in town.

Don Doherty has the compressor working, Mr. Bill fired it up so we could all hear the proof. It still needs to be piped up and needs a belt guard. Our auxiliary tank is ready.

The refinished propeller is back on the Sonerai.

March 9 the St. Louis Science Center is going to show an IMAX movie, "Air Racers". Mike Saettele will be bringing flight simulators and we'll bring the Sonerai. Dave will post on the Yahoo group for volunteers.

This is our meeting to discuss our revised chapter by-laws. Jim Bower wondered if we needed to mention publishing a newsletter in the by-laws. He also noted that he, as newsletter editor, maintains the member database because it facilitates the mailing list, while the by-laws include this as part of the secretary's duties.

Some differences include staggering chapter officer elections, and legal provisions for removal of chapter members, the latter suggested by National. Don noted that our treasurer will be bonded, for the security of both the chapter and the treasurer. Motion was made to approve the by-laws as written and seconded. We voted, and a majority approved the new by-laws.

Note that Laura has the new by-laws available on the main page of the chapter website,

Lee Arnold: the AOPA has been working to get private landing strips made available for public use while waiving liability. Currently insurance is required if you give permission to others to land on your strip. Other states have such rules in place and AOPA is trying to get this set up for Missouri.

Rick May is compiling a list of YE pilots and sent out some letters. He has one correction: Troy's YE events will be on the first Saturday of the month. Dave suggested that Rick write a newspaper article regarding our program.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

January 2013 Meeting Minutes

The first chapter meeting of 2013 began with the Pledge, Dave Doherty presiding.

We approved minutes from our last meeting (November 2012).

Visitors included Charles Beysselance, who took part in ROTC through high school and ended up in law enforcement. He's recently decided to get a pilot's licence. Rick Steiner is renewing his license. He was a member long ago and is nearing retirement, ready to get back into aviation. Mike Arnold has a GP4 stored nearby in a hangar and would welcome any assistance in completing it.

We've updated the by-laws with input from HQ and sent it out to the membership for review. We will begin discussion this month and continue next month, possibly voting to approve.

Dave McGougan continues to compile our database of chapter veterans.

December 15 was our chapter Christmas party. Rod Hightower was our guest speaker and described his experience at the Reno flight school. Note that, in 2013, Bill Doherty will not be handling arrangements for our holiday event, and we'll need a new organizer.

Work continues on converting our Sonerai to a teaching tool. Jon Thayer and Don Doherty have refurbished the prop for presentation and new tires are in place for towing. Contact Don if you'd like to join this effort.

Jon Thayer has volunteered to head up a committee to refurbish the Fly Baby. Contact Jon if you'd like to assist, there will be opportunities to do woodworking and covering.

We discussed buying or leasing the Mike Saettele flight simulator currently in our office.

New Business:

Don Doherty's collecting dues for 2013.

We discussed a $450 lifetime membership, payable in three $150 payments.

Dave discussed enhancing our ID's with a photograph. He'd also like to add the photos to a board that will help us associate names with faces.

Last year was great for fundraising. This year there's a chance of hosting another B-17 tour stop, good news since we made $5,500 for last year's event. Our food coupon program continues unchanged with Ron Burnett in charge. This has netted out chapter hundreds of dollars each year.

Dave announced our chapter officers and committee members.

Our new YE Coordinator, Rick May, spoke briefly. Bill Jagust, due to unpredictability in his work schedule, has stepped aside. Rick's looking forward to this year's activities, went over the schedule, and passed around a sign-up sheet. We need volunteers across the board, from pilots to ground crew to cooks (we plan on cooking at every event).

This year we'll be doing some projects. The ARC needs attention, including paint, trim, and adding EAA32 on the front of the building. Don's continues to work on the air compressor. Tracy Smith is open to the possibility of a compass rose for the airport. We're looking at this as a possible project that would provide good publicity for our chapter.

Rob Burnett brought up the possibility an aviation camp for kids, a more thorough version of Young Eagles, or a local version of KidVenture.

The weekend of the 26th and 27th is the MACTS show in Maryland Heights. We've got a table reserved and volunteers are welcome.

We had some discussion on our revised by-laws, including a motion to state that we will publish a monthly newsletter.

Jim Bower noted that part of the Secretary's duties include maintaining the member database. He asked if we needed to specify that the secretary can delegate certain duties to other members. We considered the idea that the newsletter editor (and some other posts) are not technically chapter officers. Officer roles are spelled out by the state as required for our organization.

Joe mentioned that Herman is selling flights in the C-47 for $150 for two people, including 5 minutes of time in the left seat for one person.

Next meeting, February 16, we'll have final discussions on, and possibly vote for, the revised chapter by-laws.

March 16 we'll have an airplane show and tell, featuring Bill Peyton and his RV-10 project.

April 20 Joe Gurney will give a presentation on the Blue Angels.

May 18 will be a fly-out/drive-out meeting for a guided tour of the museum at Creve Coeur.

June 15 we'll conduct Eagle Flights: flying anyone interested in aviation and chapter members.

July 20 is our informal, pre-Oshkosh meeting.

August 17 will be our next KSET fly-in.

Our holiday banquet and awards ceremony is scheduled for December 14.

Due to a refrigerator malfunction we voted to get rid of the two old refrigerators and purchase a new unit.

Following a quick break Don Doherty gave a PowerPoint presentation regarding the state of the treasury.