Thursday, November 29, 2007

November 25, 2007 Meeting Minutes

Karsten opened with the pledge.

Some new hardware is in the ARC, including parts for the new heating system and Bud Cole's lathe. Karsten has been cleaning this up. It is an impressive piece of machinery dating from the 1940's and lacks some of the guards and safety features we're used to in newer gadgets. It will be available for chapter members' use, though some training in proper use will be a prerequisite. On a related note we are on the lookout for a 3 jaw chuck.

Gary reports that Shop & Save and Dierberg's coupons are still available. Let him know if you are interested, they can be mailed or picked up at the party on the 8th. On that note, tickets for the party are $15 apiece. Please RSVP to Gary Kasten or Karsten Kessler by the 6th so we'll know how much food we'll need. The menu this year will include turkey, pork, and beef roast with peach or blueberry cobbler for dessert. Our speaker will be Bill Guenon, lead pilot of the POW rescue mission on Son Tay. Also, please bring a gift for the exchange.

We voted for chapter officers, the lineup is as follows:

Karsten Kessler, president
Steve Morse, vice president
Gary Kasten, treasurer
Dave Deweese, secretary

We also agreed on Dave McGougan as the recipient of this year's Bent Prop award.

Leo spoke about drinking water for the ARC. Bob Holmes as vouched to Tracy that running a line for Kilroy's is OK. Leo's alternative plan may prove easier and less expensive. For $1200 to $1300 we can have a water softener and an ultraviolet treatment system to kill bacteria. For disposal purposes this water is of a higher quality than gray water and can be safely drained on the ground. Leo has also gone to the trouble of replacing the labels on the kitchen cabinets. We still do not know who removed the last batch, but if you're caught removing the new ones be forewarned: Leo will find you.

A note on Missouri sales tax exemption certificates: Exemptions are intended for expenses related to charitable functions. Young Eagles expenses, as well as supplies for and repairs to the ARC are allowable. Tools are not. If you are purchasing supplies for EAA32 Gary can supply a certificate.

Briefly discussed was collecting of tax records for 501c3 status. We are also considering broadening our advertisement of the Mustang II project.

The meeting adjourned and the floor was turned over to Bill Jagust for a weight and balance demonstration involving the VP-II and our new scales. Before the demonstration he explained his involvement in EAA's expansion of the Young Eagles program. Part of the "First Logbook Entry" initiative will be an 8-station educational program covering such topics as weather, navigation, and human factors. Mr. Bill is working to document each topic so anyone could present these at a Young Eagles event. Work is proceeding on 4' x 8' posters to accompany the presentations. These will be stored at our own ARC, which may also become a staging point for simulators that will be part of the program. Looks like EAA32 may be getting a bit more attention in 2008.

Special thanks to Karsten for providing lunch at Kilroy's.

- Dave Deweese

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