Saturday, October 30, 2010

October 2010 Minutes

October 2010’s meeting began with the Pledge, Dave Doherty presiding.

Don gave the treasure’s report, including checking and savings account balances.

Next we recognized visitors and new members. Aramis and Dory Penton, who hail from Florida, introduced themselves. Paul Hibbs just joined; October is his first meeting. He’s got an RV-7 under construction. Frank Mehler was present as well, a long time EAA member, new to Chapter 32.

We began our Old Business discussion with water. Dave talked to Tracy in the week prior to the meeting. Since we are getting into freezing weather territory we’ll aim to starting digging in Spring 2011.

Our flagpole is up, and there are only a few outstanding items to take care of, including holes for the rope cleats. Proper lighting will also need to be determined.

We discussed the 220v line for the air compressor. Bob Dooley suggested installing a plug for the compressor motor, that way it could share an outlet with the TIG welder.

Concurrent September events drew attendance away from the Open House. Boy Scout and Girl Scout programs by Bill and Laura went on as scheduled Saturday morning and we well attended. In addition we gained some new members, so overall the Open House was a success. Since some of these folks were in attendance at the meeting Ron took this opportunity to detail the food coupon program.

Don is conducting welding classes, though the welder’s motor is overheating. He replaced it, but the new one is behaving the same way, so next he’ll check the line voltage. For the first class they discussed safety issues and laid down some beads. Because we only have the single welder classes are currently limited to four participants.

Bill Doherty reported on our holiday party, scheduled for December 4. It will be held at the All Occasion Banquet Center in Cave Springs. EAA President Rod Hightower will be our speaker. We’ll be inviting members of nearby EAA chapters and expect around 100 in attendance. You may RSVP to Bill or to the Yahoo group.

Bill Jagust put Ernie’s plane on Craigslist. An interested party contacted the chapter, and a member also expressed an interest. We voted that the project should go to the first cash buyer.

Our old soda machine came up as a topic of new business: we’d like to get rid of it. We’re also going to dispose of our older lawnmower.

The ramps and scales are all back in the ARC, remember to sign them out if you borrow them. Tim Finley has a set to loan out as well.

The old Jet APU that was stored in the back of the hangar got moved in front of Gary Johnson’s Sonex. We were not sure if it still belonged to the chapter or if member Steve Morse had taken possession of it. Tim Finley thought of an acquaintance who might be interested if we decided to get rid of it.

Al, Jim, and Don have been sorting Ernie’s model airplanes. A chapter member has offered $500 for the lot, though we discussed giving the entire membership a chance to bid on items. To expedite the matter we decided that Movie Night would be a good time to display the items for bid.

While on the subject of Movie Night, Dave noted that Paul Poberezny feels social events are an important part of a successful chapter. October’s movie is The Rocketeer.

Since 2011 is fast approaching we discussed possible events for the coming year. Art Zemon feels that attracting adults is important and has given some rides. This reminded us of Young Eagles, so we briefly discussed ‘Old Buzzards’ and ‘Bald Eagles’. Bob Kraemer, a Stearman owner, also discussed airplane rides as an means of attracting members. Adult-oriented educational programs centering on building and getting a license are possibilities. We also discussed a fly-in. Doug Killibrew suggested a ‘fly-out’, perhaps to Lambert’s in Sikeston or the Zenith demo in Mexico. A non-aviation activity, such as a group trip to a minor league ball game, is a possibility. Note that we are on the list for a weekend B-17 visit in 2011.

Art Zemon and Tracy are looking into WiFi for KSET. Full details, and a survey, are at the website

Upcoming October events include a pumpkin drop at KSET and a ‘Porkchop Fly-In’ at Chapter 137.

Frank McGhee has just purchased plans for an AW 95 helicopter and brought in some informational materials. He’s also discovered a local source of leather flying caps: Biker Brother’s Leather, who offers them for $30. Frank also reminded the membership that he’s familiar with the lost wax process for reproducing metal parts, and showed a full-sized human skull that he created using this method. He’s willing to assist if you have aviation-related parts to create.

We moved, seconded, and closed this month’s meeting.

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