Friday, July 15, 2016

May 2016 Meeting Minutes

May's meeting began with the Pledge, Dave Doherty presiding. 

No objections to April's minutes as written.

Don Doherty gave the Treasurer's report including savings and checking account balances.

Bob Kraemer, Bud Cole, Howard Henderson will all be on the Oshkosh memorial wall. Bob's kids The total fee was $1050, partially paid for by our memorial fund.

David Warapius is visiting, an EAA member who has not been active in a local chapter. Allan Reeves is visiting, he's the president of what used to be chapter 1394 at Creve Coeur, and helped out in the construction of the ARC. In January they were asked if they'd be interested in converting to a vintage aviation chapter, so they have become VAA 39. They're planning on a fly-in and pancake breakfast in August. Requirements for local membership include EAA and Vintage Aircraft Association memberships. Meetings are held at 1:00 pm on the 2nd Sunday of the month, lunch provided for a nominal fee.

Rick May reports that we flew about 30 kids at our Young Eagles event Saturday. The next event is two weeks away, coinciding with International Young Eagles Day. This may be the day the two millionth Young Eagle flies. Dave's planning on promoting this through various media channels, meaning that this will be require a big effort.

The week prior to YE was the Spirit Air Show. Bill Doherty worked behind the scenes. He described how efficiently the Blue Angels swapped out jets when one had an issue. He also received a Challenge Coin from the F-22 team.

The RV-12 is in the painting phase, the back quarter of the ARC is occupied by the paint booth. It's a fairly complex theme with three colors and sweeping curves, though the group is saving quite a bit by doing the work themselves. Avionics are nearly installed as well. They are about to apply for the custom N-number. Hopefully the plane will be ready by July.

Fundraising. Bill has the food cards from Rob Burnett. We're also doing a can drive, exchanging our aluminum cans for money.

Chapter members who have not paid past dues will have their access codes deactivated. If, for any other reason, your lock code does not work please see Bill Doherty.

We need a chairperson for our membership committee. Duties include orienting new members, giving them a packet. Jon Thayer volunteered.

We may have a buyer for our BD-4 project: he had to abandon a Long-EZ project after becoming sensitized to fiberglass. 

June activities: we'll have a board meeting on the 4th at noon. On the same day in Highland Illinois the glider club will have a pancake breakfast. Young Eagles will be June 11. The Waco Fly-In will be the same weekend, 11 and 12. June 18 is our next chapter meeting. In the afternoon (around 3pm) there will be an event at Creve Coeur in memory of Bob Kraemer. The program will be audience participation, reviewing events of Bob's life. 

The movie will be shown on June 26.

Libby notes that a book is coming out detailing the history of Lambert and of aviation in St. Louis.
The chapter will try to stake out a campground at Oshkosh this year.

We'll be electing President and Secretary this year and need a nomination committee.

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